Famous corporate scandals


In paragraphs, write a page and discuss one of the more famous corporate scandals of your choice. You may locate these scandals by performing an Internet search.

  • What were the criminal charges?
  • Who was accused of the crime(s)?
  • What were the prosecution outcomes?
  • What is your opinion regarding the criminal case?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.



reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name 


Discuss the adverse impact of stereotyping in the workplace. Give detailed examples of various HR functions where stereotyping may occur. Examine the consequences of stereotyping as they relate to an employer’s exposure to liability. 

students response


Stereotyping  in the workplace is making assumption about people based on a person’s gender or culture, or is based on religious or physical attributes. Stereotyping can be either positive or negative, but they are all unfair and misleading.

Some of the possible adverse effects of stereotyping is to make a judgement about someone, which can be completely misguided and incorrect, causing someone to act differently towards the persons, which can be offensive. The saying “Do not judge the book by its cover”, demonstrates that appearance is not enough to understand who a person really is. Stereotyping can create problems in many social situations like the workplace, at school or in the local community. An example; is a female boss in the workplace, where there are group of men to be managed, the female might feel that she has to prove that she is capable to do the job, because of the negative stereotyping that suggest that women are less capable and the men might in turn assume that she is bossy and incompetent, this will create negativity for her in the company.

Human Resources Management as a arm of the organization that see to the recruiting, managing and final exit of employee at workplace is susceptible to the use of stereotyping, if regulations are not enforced. Functions of HR that Stereotyping can occur are as follows: Recruitment, Compensation, Benefit Administration, Training And Development, Performance Appraisal And Management

Recruitment: Stereotyping occur when Human Resources would rather hire  a white man who had served time in prison than a black man who had not. See Ln. 2 Pg.277 Employment Law For Business (9th ed.) NY by Bennet-Alexander D. and Hartman L. (2019)

Compensation: According to U.S. Census Bureau data, white women are paid 77 cents to every dollar paid to men, on average, for African-American women, it is 70 cents to every dollar paid to men and only 64 cents for every dollar paid to White. See Ln. 6. Pg. 277

Benefit Administration: African-American being less likely than White to receive appropriate heart medication, coronary artery, bypass surgery and kidney transplants as well as more likely to receive a lower quality of basics clinical services, such as intensive care. Study at the Institute Of Medicine found out that bias, prejudice and stereotyping. See Ln. 6, Pg. 278

Training And Development: More White in workplace are sponsored for training, while African-American are left out. Russel Sage  Foundations found that racial stereotypes and attitude heavily influenced the labor market, with blacks landing at the very bottom. See Ln. 18, Pg. 278

Appraisal And Management: The appraisal given to African-American, Hispanic in workplace are low. Example; White Bostonians surveyed, said that African-American and Hispanic are less intelligent than Whites and that African-American are harder to get along with than other ethnic group. See Ln. 17, Pg. 278

Consequences of Stereotyping at workplace is detrimental to the productivity of the organization. When people are happy to come to work, feel respected and safe, they are likely to perform better, Job Satisfaction. Stereotyping leads to harassment and discriminatory situations, the work environment becomes tainted with negativity. It separates team and stalls creative efforts, these bring about lower productivity, lack of new innovations and growth for the employer.

References:  Bennet – Alexander D. and Hartman ..L. (2019) Employment Law For Business, (9th ed.) NY: McGraw-Hill., WWW.Chron.com, WWW. bethanyslinger.blogspot.com

Discussion Questions Week 4


Question 1: HRIS Investments

Part A (Chapter 7)

1. Imagine a vendor responded to your request for a HRIS proposal. What are the indirect/direct costs and benefits of the HRIS? What is the cost of implementation (include dollar estimates)? Does the cost justify the HRIS investment? Explain.

Part B (Chapter 8)

2. Does your organization utilize self-service portals? How do you use self-service portals? If you do not have experience using self-service portals, which portals would you recommend for your organization and why would you recommend those portals? What are some laws that govern HR Administration? What are some current or past examples of the impact of violating these laws?


Question 2 “Future Leader Experiences and Psychological Theories and Leadership”  Please respond to the following:

  • Experiences play an important role in how future leaders will run the organization. Give three examples of how effective competencies, relationships, and learning capabilities can be measured as factors in future leadership development.
  • Choose one (1) of the psychological theories listed in Chapter 8, and outline its contributions to the development of leaders. Describe the type of behavior that would characterize the application of this theory in an organization.


For this unit assignment, write an essay on social styles following the steps below.

Open the “Identifying Social Style” inventory (Word document) by clicking here. Answer each question as to whether you feel each item describes you, using the scale of 1 for Strongly Disagree to 5 for Strongly Agree. On the second page of the form, use the two charts to tally your scores. For example, if you marked a question as 2 – Disagree, then write two points for that question in the appropriate chart. The first chart determines your assertiveness score and the second chart determines your responsiveness score. Scores above 34 indicate high assertiveness or responsiveness. Scores between 26 and 34 indicated moderate assertiveness. Scores below 26 indicate low assertiveness or responsiveness.

Using your scores as a jumping off point for the essay, begin your essay by describing different ways of responding to others, including what steps you would need to style flex.

Share your scores with a family member or friend. Evaluate his or her perceptions in your essay. How did he or she consider the scores accurate or not accurate? What perceptions or suggestions did he or she have about your social style?

Describe how your social style affects your listening skills and how you can improve as a listener. Describe how style flexing can assist with communication effectiveness.

Your essay should be a minimum of three pages, not counting the title or reference pages. Remember to use APA style with citations and references from the textbook and other sources.   

Assessment 3

• Conduct a case study analysis on the different characteristics of the supply chain strategy of a company you choose from a list of possibilities, and provide that analysis in a Word document of approximately 800–1000 words.

All operational activities begin with an estimate of what customer demands will be. Production schedules, modes of transportation, warehouse space, and other supply chain activities are all dependent on the accuracy of the company’s demand forecasting. The information management system must provide thorough, accurate, and timely information so that supply chain managers can prepare and execute short and long-term plans. Satisfying the customer is the No. 1 challenge for all demand forecasters.

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By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

• Competency 1: Design a supply chain to support an organizational strategy. o Describe an organization’s business model.o Explain an organization’s supply chain strategy.• Competency 2: Improve efficiency in the supply chain. o Analyze the global challenges that an organization faces in its supply chain.o Explain the importance of aggregate planning to an organization’s supply chain and its partners.o Describe the role demand forecasting plays in an organization’s supply chain strategy.o Explain how pricing promotions are used to change demand.• Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner that is consistent with the expectations for supply chain managers and participants. o Exhibit proficiency in writing, critical thinking, and academic integrity by appropriately attributing sources• Questions to Consider 

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

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• For the following questions, refer to Fujitsu Limited’s case study, “Sony Marketing (Japan) Inc. Customer Success,” listed in the Resources. o What is the role that demand forecasting plays in Sony’s supply chain strategy?o What factors make a demand forecasting strategy necessary, and how is Sony able to be more responsive to its customers due to this SCM strategy?• For the following questions, refer to Hitachi Consulting’s article, “Six Key Trends Changing Supply Chain Management Today: Choosing the Optimal Strategy for Your Business,” listed in the Resources. o From your perspective, what are the two most important trends from the list of six? o Why do you feel it has the most impact on supply chain management today?o What is a real life example of a company that has been impacted by each of the two trends that you have selected?• For this assessment, consider that you work for a company that develops and sells case studies and case study analyses. Your company’s primary customers are colleges and universities wanting to use them within their courses, but your company also has customers using them for management training and development. Your manager asked you to conduct research and develop a case study analysis. She’s specifically interested in you doing the analysis on one of the companies from this list:• L. L. Bean.• Amazon.com.• Starbucks.• Intel.• Johnson and Johnson.

Research and write about the company that you have selected from the above list.

You and your manager discussed the high-level outline of your analysis and agreed you should address the following items. As the basis for your research, you can use any of the resources noted in this course, in the Capella library, and on the Internet:

• Describe the organization’s business model (particularly related to their supply chain strategy) and provide a diagram or visual to explicitly describe that same business model.• Compare and contrast the organization’s supply chain strategy with another organization’s strategy.• Analyze the global challenges the organization faces in its supply chain and discuss strategies to minimize the challenges.• Explain and validate the importance of aggregate planning to the organization’s supply chain and its partners.• Analyze the role demand forecasting plays in the organization’s supply chain strategy.• Analyze how pricing promotions are used to change demand.

Based on the intended audience, your report should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Target 800–1000 words. Attributing sources in your professional and academic work supports your analysis and conclusions and demonstrates ethical behavior and academic honesty. Following APA rules for attributing sources provides consistency and ensures that readers can locate original sources if desired.

Academic Integrity and APA Formatting

As a reminder related to using APA rules to ensure academic honesty:

12. When using a direct quote (using exact or nearly exact wording), you must enclose the quoted wording in quotation marks, immediately followed by an in-text citation. The source must then be listed in your references page.13. When paraphrasing (using your own words to describe a non-original idea), the paraphrased idea must be immediately followed by an in-text citation and the source must be listed in your references page.

SCM Case Analysis: Forecasting and Planning Scoring Guide

SCM Case Analysis: Forecasting and Planning Scoring Guide 






Describe an organization’s business model.

Does not identify an organization’s business model.

Identifies an organization’s business model, but does not explain its significance or impact.

Describes an organization’s business model.

Provides a diagram or visual to explicitly describe an organization’s business model. 

Explain an organization’s supply chain strategy.

Does not identify an organization’s supply chain strategy.

Identifies an organization’s supply chain strategy, but does not explain its significance or impact.

Explains an organization’s supply chain strategy.

Compares and contrasts an organization’s supply chain strategy with another organization’s strategies. 

Analyze the global challenges that an organization faces in its supply chain.

Does not identify the global challenges that an organization faces in its supply chain.

Identifies the global challenges that an organization faces in its supply chain, but does not explain their significance or impact.

Analyzes the global challenges that an organization faces in its supply chain.

Analyzes the global challenges that an organization faces in its supply chain and discusses strategies to minimize the challenges. 

Explain the importance of aggregate planning to an organization’s supply chain and its partners.

Does not identify the importance of aggregate planning to an organization’s supply chain and its partners.

Identifies the importance of aggregate planning to an organization’s supply chain and its partners, but does not explain its significance or impact.

Explains the importance of aggregate planning to an organization’s supply chain and its partners.

Validates the importance of aggregate planning to an organization’s supply chain and its partners. 

Describe the role demand forecasting plays in an organization’s supply chain strategy.

Does not identify the role demand forecasting plays in an organization’s supply chain strategy.

Identifies the role demand forecasting plays in an organization’s supply chain strategy, but does not explain its significance or impact.

Describes the role demand forecasting plays in an organization’s supply chain strategy.

Analyzes the role demand forecasting plays in an organization’s supply chain strategy. 

Explain how pricing promotions are used to change demand.

Does not explain how pricing promotions are used to change demand.

Explains how pricing promotions are used, but does not connect the explanation to change demand.

Explains how pricing promotions are used to change demand.

Analyzes how pricing promotions are used to change demand. 

Exhibit proficiency in writing, critical thinking, and academic integrity by appropriately attributing sources.

Does not exhibit proficiency in writing and critical thinking; does not appropriately attribute source.

Exhibits inconsistent proficiency in writing, critical thinking, and appropriately attributing sources.

Exhibits proficiency in writing, critical thinking, and academic integrity by appropriately attributing sources.

Exhibits proficiency in writing, critical thinking, and academic integrity by appropriately attributing sources, and supports analysis with relevant research. 


Appraise the key functions of Human Resources Management (HRM) and state your opinion as to whether or not HRM should be part of the strategic planning process for medical group practices. Support your rationale with specific examples.