Week 4 Discussion


Supporting Lectures:

Review the following lecture:

Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right” and any specific instructions for this topic.

Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.


Organizations rely on people to innovate. Innovation does not happen by itself. It takes effort, strategy, structure, and culture to innovate. Organizations must learn the steps to fostering an innovative culture that sometimes requires changing its culture, which can shift how work is done.


Question 1:

Discuss how leaders are supporting the effort with resources (money) and why these efforts have failed to provide the returns expected.

Question 2:

Discuss the various aspects of creating an innovative company.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed at 500–1000 words as noted in the attached PDF.

Unit: Discrimination: Part 2

Assignment Details

Research recent cases (2015–2017) involving employment discrimination with regard to either sexual orientation or religious discrimination. Once you have identified a case of interest, discuss the following:

  • Name the organization involved.
  • List the facts of the case.
  • Analyze how the case was processed legally.
  • Indicate the final outcome/resolution of the case (if there has been a final determination made).  
  • Was national legislation changed as a result of the case?

Do the following:

this article on developing your own philosophy of management.

Read more: https://www.csucob.com/news/final-study-assignment-a-philosophy-of-management/

Choose one of the following items to write – take your time, make your submission thoughtful and clear. Either one will help you prepare for future work and leadership roles, and will help you express who you are, and what you have to offer, to potential employers.
Choice 1.You may submit the “Final Course Deliverable” as outlined in the tab at the top of the page. That’s the letter to a prospective employer.
Choice 2. Submit to me your philosophy of management. Make sure it represents you. Use the article above as an example of the steps you might take to articulate such a philosophy. 

Read more: https://www.csucob.com/news/final-study-assignment-a-philosophy-of-management/

CRAAP Test and Discussion

Apply the CRAAP test to your source. Evaluate your source’s overall strength based on the elements of the CRAAP test. Is this source appropriate to use in answering to your research question, why or why not? Explain one thing you have learned from the process of doing this CRAAP test. Provide a properly formatted APA reference to the web page at the end of your initial post.

employ 1.5x2_rpl

Please read and respond to the attachment(s).

Note: Only up to 20% of the written response content can be quotes from third parties.

Logistics Challenges-Harley Davidson

This final SLP assignment is going to provide you the opportunity to explore a challenge in the area of logistics. You have now gained an understanding of supply chains and issues that occur within a specific extended set of enterprises. And these enterprises all depend on infrastructure within the US and its cities for logistics and logistical support. The number 4 challenge on a list of ten, as reported by DC Velocity (http://www.dcvelocity.com/), is “The nation’s deteriorating infrastructure”.

Lynch, Clifford. (2010). Top ten logistics challenges for 2011 (and beyond). Retrieved from http://www.dcvelocity.com/articles/2010121310_logistics_challenges_in_2011/

Session Long Project

Your challenge is to independently research this key logistics issue and report on it. Define the problem and its scope, and provide some possible solutions. Write an SLP paper that follows the guidelines and expectations.

SLP Assignment Expectations

The report should thoroughly address these aspects in depth and breadth:

  • Problem: clearly elucidate the problem
  • Assumptions: what are the assumptions about this issue and your critical evaluation
  • Possible Solutions: articulate some solutions
  • Evidence & Explanation: clear reasoning as to why these solutions will work. Elucidate your evidence coherently
  • Clarity & Organization: well-formed sentences and paragraphs, well organized with flow of reason, and good use of language that pertain to concepts and terminology
  • Use of references & Citations: at least five (5) proper references should be used correctly, cited in the text, and listed in the references using an appropriate style; use APA format!
  • Length: The paper should be three to four pages – the body of the paper excluding title page and references page.

Lynch, C. (2010). Top ten logistics challenges for 2011 (and beyond). DC Velocity. Retrieved from http://www.dcvelocity.com/articles/2010121310_logistics_challenges_in_2011/

portfolio I-I

from the portfolio I(file attached). go back and isolate 3 values that seem to “hit you in the face”—and write a full page on each of them (double-spaced, of course).  If you can’t get a full page on the value, it wasn’t much of a value!  This will be another 40% of your portfolio grade.  Then, write a full page on what you think abut each of these values.  This will be the last 20% of your portfolio grade.  You will submit them via Blackboard. 




Explain how Civil Service Reform, discussed in Chapter 2 in Nigro & Kellough (2014), addresses critical issues such as recruiting, promotion, organizational needs, and equity and the representativeness of the public workforce?

Responses are expected to be comprehensive (minimum 300-500 words per response in length), supported and defended with references to academic sources (at least one peer-reviewed scholarly article) and formatted in accordance with APA requirements.  For grading considerations, refer to the grading rubric in your syllabus.