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Organizational Change Case Study Submit Assignment


Consider this case study of Fremont, California featured in your textbook and answer the following questions:

When Jan Perkins became city manager of Fremont, California, in 1992, Fremont like many other California cities, was suffering from both economic difficulties and the state’s efforts to pull back the property tax as a source of local government revenue. Yet while city employees were being laid off and services were being reduced, citizen demand for quality public services remained high. More important in Perkins’ mind was the fact that citizens had lost confidence in their government. For both of these reasons, Perkins and other city officials in Fremont recognized that something dramatically different had to be done.

The change process started early in Perkins’ tenure, as one of her council members proposed bringing in an outside consultant (at a cost of $500,000) to diagnose what might be done. Especially because a neighboring city had just done the same thing and failed to adopt a single recommendation, Perkins believed that greater benefits could be obtained by working with those within the city to figure out how the quality and productivity of the city might be improved. A facilitated workshop session involving top elected and appointed officials was devoted to understanding “what we do, how we do it, and why we do it.” From there, the question became, “How can we do it better and how can we become fast and flexible, customer oriented, focused on results, and engaged in important partnerships internally and externally?”

During the 5 years following the workshop, Perkins led a dramatic change in Fremont’s city government – a change built around delivering high-quality services to citizens, creating an internal culture built around continuous and employee-driven improvement, using a highly collaborative approach to decision-making and problem-solving, and building partnerships within the city and with surrounding communities.

The city’s interest in customer service was given initial priority as complaints regarding service quality were heard loud and clear. Perkins and her senior staff began to concentrate on developing a serious philosophical and practical commitment to service quality. The message to employees was that if they saw a way in which the citizens of Fremont could be better served by city government, then they should take action. In addition, the city’s capacity to innovate was aided by a much more collaborative approach to decision-making and problem-solving which cut across traditional organizational boundaries. Whatever their positions, employees were encouraged to think of themselves as representatives of the city and to do what was necessary to provide citizens with the answers they need. This attitude was also supported by a strong emphasis on partnerships and collaborations at many different levels in the organization. Early in the process of labor negotiation, Perkins created joint labor-management committees to consider “quality of work life” issues through a structured problem-solving process known as interest-based bargaining. This collaborative process encourages participants to identify their basic interests (before jumping to solutions) and then to engage in collaborative problem-solving to find a way of accommodating the varied interests represented. Interest-based bargaining was so highly successful in labor-management relations that the same approach has been encouraged throughout city government. Training in the process has been offered to all employees of the city, and interest-based bargaining has become a standard way of doing business in Fremont.

The same approach to building partnerships through collaborative efforts is used as the city relates to citizens and to other nearby governmental entities. City employees do not just inform citizens about what is going to be done to them. They also go out and ask citizens what they want and then balance those interests with those of the city. Beyond that, city employees and citizens engage in interest-based problem-solving even around issues of how to design a process to involve the public. The city engineer commented, “We do more than tell them what we are going to do. We go out now and involve them in the design of the process itself. The process is laid out by the people involved.”

  1. What apprehensions or resistance to change do you find present in this case example? Provide specific examples from the textbook and case study.
  2. Of the approaches to bringing about change discussed in our assigned textbook reading, analyze the leadership strategies and techniques that Perkins employed in bringing about successful organizational change. Provide specific examples from the textbook and case study.
  3. Reflecting on the differences between not for profit and for profit organizations, do you think that Perkins would have been as successful in creating a highly collaborative, employee-driven change if the organization was a private, for profit entity? Why or why not?
  4. Complete the attached self-quiz for your own records and reflection, Orientation Toward Change Self-QuizPreview the document. What did you discover about your own orientation to change? How will you use what you have learned about yourself to effectively lead others toward change?


Students should use the following format for their written assignment.

  • Your paper must include three to four pages of written content.
  • Use APA format and cite sources, as necessary.
  • In addition to the 2 to 3 pages of written content, please include:
    1. Title Page
    2. Appropriate Headings and Sub-Headings
    3. Reference Page (minimum of 2 scholarly references)
  • Use a minimum of 2 scholarly references—scholarly references can include peer-reviewed articles, textbook, journals, and included supplemental resources.

Assignment 1: Talent Management


Week 3 Assignment 1 Submission

If you are using the Blackboard Mobile Learn IOS App, please click “View in Browser.”Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.
Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.

Click the link above to submit your assignment.

Assignment 1: Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study
Due Week 3 and worth 150 points

From the Goldsmith & Carter textbook, select either the Bank of America (Chapter 2) or McDonald’s (Chapter 9) case study for this assignment.

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

  1. Outline the talent management program that led to success for the company.
  2. Identify strengths of the program and how they led to goal accomplishment.
  3. Describe opportunities for improvement in the talent management planning process.
  4. Create at least two (2) more effective approaches to meet the talent management challenges in the future.
  5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine the process of linking talent management to organizational goals to gain a competitive advantage.
  • Analyze the process for crafting a talent brand and accessing talent channels.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in talent management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about talent management using proper writing mechanics. 

week 4 522


Moral Philosophies and Cognitive Moral Development”  Please respond to the following:

  • Select one (1) moral philosophy (teleology, deontology, relativist perspective, virtue ethics, or justice) that has influenced the outcome of an ethical dilemma that you have witnessed. Provide one (1) example of the way in which this moral philosophy influenced the outcome of an ethical dilemma in a past or present organization. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by name.
  • Examine Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. Determine the stage of Kohlberg’s moral development that your current, or past, organization and coworkers are in. Provide one (1) example of your current, or past, organization and coworkers that illustrates the stage of Kohlberg’s moral development. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by name.

Presentation for Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Presentation for Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

PowerPoint  15 slides

with the links in the reference slide 

• Diversity awareness training program that addresses issues of;
o Age
o Race
o Sexual Orientation
o Education
o Work Experience
o Geographic Location
o Disability
• Regulations such as ADA, ACLU

**OutcomeAPA, Grammar and Formatting

**OutcomeCitation Requirements

• Identify 5 resources/references on the topic of workforce/cultural diversity awareness in the workplace (excluding Wikipedia, and
o Include the list of references on the last slide of your presentation in APA format
o Do not forget with APA, second line and after of all sources are hanging indent!!


• Define workforce/cultural diversity
• Define the CLAS standards as they relate to cultural diversity

Strategy, Planning, and Selection



Assume for this assignment that you are being highly considered for a director-level HR management position for a best-in-class national retailer. You are in the final phase of the interview process and must respond to the interview panel regarding specific questions and scenarios that will help them determine if you are a good fit for the new role. The company’s culture is centered on the effective development of strategy, plans, and selection criteria aimed at building and sustaining a competitive and profitable organization. It will be extremely important that you respond with a strategic mindset in order to convince the organization you are able to help them ensure the execution of the business strategy. 


Write a six- to seven-page paper in which you do the following: 

  • Analyze and discuss different types of strategies (cost leadership, differentiation, and focus/niche) then select which one you would deem more appropriate for an “efficiency-minded” retail organization and explain your rationale. How would the selected strategy ultimately affect how HR does its job?
  • Examine the four approaches to job design or redesign and provide an example (not a definition) of each. Then, make a case to the interviewing panel on the importance of effective job design applications in supporting the overall strategic goals of the organization. 
  • Consider challenges and constraints associated in recruiting and identify and discuss at least two to three issues. What advice would you give to leaders to address your selected issues? Be specific. 
  • List and describe 2–3 candidate selection process ideas that might add value and overall effectiveness to the process. Example: 5 Tips for Designing an Effective Employee Selection System. Also, what problems should HR and management teams avoid during the selection process?
  • Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment.

Ethical Decision Making and Hiring Paper

Looking for someone with great quality work, who will take their time to present A++ work, no plagiarism, and correct grammar/spelling. Instructions are attached in the document. Please read instructions carefully and make sure to follow them please. Need by Sunday, October 25. 

Werner, J. M. (n.d.). Human Resource Development and Human Resource Management; So, what is it? , 127-139.

 I have an article , a need to make one-page summary on this article. but I should make it in APA style. with write the references . and write my information on the right side

Plese dear, make the writing simple and you should write about the important information in summary but how i can receive the homework .

do not forget the paper style APA everything in one page



HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics   

  1. Please watch this video “The Power of HR Metrics: Growth, Performance, Sustainment” (3 min 35 s) on the importance of metrics.    
  2. Review  the Case Study: Regional Hospital on page 420 of the textbook. Based on  the video, your readings this week, and the case study, please respond  to the following questions:   
  • Do you believe that a program of HR metrics and workforce analytics might be useful in Regional Hospital?   
  • What opportunities do you see regarding where and how metrics and analytics might be applied in this organization?   
  • Identify three analyses and associated metrics you think might be useful for Regional Hospital to consider. 



help with HR course

Week 3- Annotated Bibliography 

Hi all,

   Thank you for starting the wonderful dialogue among yourself as we took our first steps into the field of ‘Outdoor Education’. This week I would like you to continue down the rabbit hole, pursuing an area of Outdoor Education that interests you most, or that you still have questions on. 

Please complete two (2) readings within the broad area of Outdoor Education of your choice. The CSUN OVIATT Library ONE SEARCH function is a wonderful resource. This search engine can be found on the right side of the OVIATT webpage- to an external site. or at (Links to an external site.) 

Please search for any topic(s) from our WEEK TWO reading. This can include (but isn’t limited too) keywords such as;  Outdoor Education, Adventure Education, Experiential Education, Environmental Literacy, etc. Choose a subject(s) that peaked your interest during last weeks discussion. Your three articles can be on different topics or areas of interest. 

Readings should be PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES or BOOK CHAPTERS. You can filter results using the left side of the ONE SEARCH page after you have searched for a keyword.  Please be cognizant of the year in which these articles were published so that you can situate them in your mental timeline of the subject. 

As you complete these readings in your own area of interest you will complete a MINI ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Your annotated Bibliography should provide an APA Citation for each of your sources, as well as a two paragraph summary of each reading. Please use the link below from the Purdue Online Writing Lab, for additional notes on content and formatting regarding APA style annotated Bibliographies.

250 Words


prepare a case study on the preparedness and response efforts of the state of Florida to Hurricane Matthew. 

Review the updates from Governor Rick Scott of Florida and the Florida Division of Emergency Management listed below and write a case study that addresses, at a minimum, the following aspects of Florida’s efforts. 

  • Discuss how the state of Florida government and the Florida Division of Emergency Management prepared and responded to Hurricane Matthew. 
  • Did the state of Florida government and Florida Division of Emergency Management achieve the roles and responsibilities outlined in the attachment below of the National Response Framework? Provide examples. 
  • In your opinion, were the state preparedness and response efforts successful? Support your opinion with strong evidence. 

The links to references that will assist you in this assignment are provided below. 

Florida Division of Emergency Management. (n.d.). Hurricane Matthew: Information updates concerning Hurricane Matthew. Retrieved from

Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott. (2016, October 4).  Gov. Scott: Cat 4 Hurricane Matthew approaching Florida; stay alert to possible life saving evacuations [Press release]. Retrieved from

Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott. (2016, October 6). Gov. Scott issues updates on Hurricane Matthew preparedness and response efforts as storm impacts Florida [Press release]. Retrieved from

Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott. (2016, October 7). Gov. Scott issues updates on Hurricane Matthew preparedness and response efforts as storm continues to impact Florida [Press release]. Retrieved from

Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott. (2016, October 9). Gov. Scott issues updates on Hurricane Matthew response and recovery efforts [Press release]. Retrieved from

Your case study should present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. It should be a minimum of three pages, not including the title and reference pages. Your case study and all sources used should be formatted in APA style.