Week 7 Discussion


Question 1: “Global versus National Talent Management and the Talent Management Process”  Please respond to the following:

  • Differentiate between talent management for global versus national efforts and how your organization would address the creation of a global effort if one is not already in existence.
  • Go to the Chief Learning Officer’s Website to read the article titled “Learning a Key Piece in Talent Management Process”, and then access “Diving into Learning and Talent Management”. Next, using Google as a company needing a global taxonomy, competencies identified, and certification requirements, develop a rationale for a global taxonomy and certification for three key positions for which Google would likely need to develop talent. Explain why this type of talent development would be necessary and beneficial to Google.


Question 2: E-Learning

  1. Does your organization use e-Learning? What training methods does your organization use? Are your organization’s training methods effective? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your organization’s training and development methods? What online training and development systems/methods would you recommend? Explain.


 Visit the OSHA website (Links to an external site.). Identify and briefly describe two types of cooperative programs available through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Discuss why these alliances are important.  The culture in your company emphasizes making money more than ensuring safety. However, you know that a safe workplace will save the firm money in the short run and the long run. How would you make a case to senior management that developing a culture of safety would yield high returns for the company? 

week 1 assignment


1.  __________ of each client is how they express their ethnic traits.                            

☐ Personal culture

☐ Organization

☐ Format

☐ None of these apply

2. In order to understand the basis of a helping relationship with clients, it is important to first investigate why clients are seeking ______ their problems.       

☐ help to address

☐ to force judgement on

☐ to forget 

☐ none of these apply

3. According to your text, _____ is required to build functional relationships.       

☐ disagreement

☐ good communication

☐ profit

☐ none of these apply

4. It’s important to empower clients so they will be able to help ______.       

☐ themselves to solve their problems

☐ only people they want to help

☐ everyone all the time

☐ none of these apply


     Chapter 2: Review the Problem-Management & Opportunity-Development Process
Answer the questions below by using chapter 2 of your textbook.

5. In the problem-management process, it’s important for HHS workers to help clients manage ______ situations to address issues in their lives.       

☐ educational

☐ problematic

☐ spiritual 

☐ none of these apply

6. It’s important to investigate what a client’s problems or issues are to help client’s prepare for and deal with _____.       

☐ childcare

☐ educational opportunities

☐ change that needs to occur in their lives

☐ none of these apply

7. Planning and ________ are important to help client’s address their problems and issues.       

☐ goal setting

☐ resistance

☐ inflexibility

☐ none of these apply


     Chapter 3: Commit Yourself to the Helping Relationship and the Values That Drive It
Answer the questions below by using chapter 3 of your textbook.

8. All of us establish _______ of one kind or another throughout our lives as it’s important to the human bonding process.      

☐ relationships

☐ wealth

☐ education

☐ none of these apply

9. When forming relationships with clients, it’s important to understand their ______.      

☐ stubbornness

☐ values

☐ tolerance

☐ none of these apply

10. While working with clients, it’s important to avoid behaviors that show _____ to a client.      

☐ disrespect

☐ attraction

☐ regret

☐ none of these apply


Stages of Change
It is important to understand the Stages of Change while creating behaviors to overcome problems and make positive changes in your life and in the lives of clients in the HHS field. Watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Twlow2pXsv0 (press “control” key and “click” at the same time to open the link and view the video) and review this article: https://www.builtlean.com/2010/06/01/5-stages-of-change-model-which-stage-are-you-in/ (press “control” key and “click” at the same time to open the link and view the article).  






People do not want to change habits or behaviors and   does not recognize the problem. They do not want to take action to change   behavior in the near future. Might believe they can’t make a change, or deny   that what they are doing is not a problem. This stage is also called the   “denial” stage.



During this stage, people weigh the costs (i.e.   effort, time, finances) and benefits of changing behaviors. People decide if   changing behaviors will be beneficial or worth it.



The stage where people intend to take action in the   immediate future, usually measured as the next month. Usually, they have   already taken some significant action in the past year. These individuals   have a plan of action. They see the ‘cons’ of continuing as outweighing the   ‘pros’ and they are less ambivalent about taking the next step. 



Action is the stage in which people have made specific   changes in their behavior or lifestyles within the past six months.



This is the stage of successful, sustained lifestyle or   behavior modification. In this stage, people work to prevent relapse back to   old behaviors.



11. Identify a time when you dealt with a problem you did not want to change. Explain the problem you had that needed a change.           

a. Type  answer here

Now describe what you did in each stage of change to adjust your behavior and solve your problem.         





b. Pre-Contemplation

Type answer here


c. Contemplation

Type answer here


d. Preparation/Determination

Type answer here


e. Action

Type answer here


f. Maintenance

Type answer here



Eight Dimensions of Wellness
Wellness pertains to maintaining good physical and mental health. As you work with clients in crisis who need to change behaviors, it’s beneficial to also support clients through the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. The 8 Dimensions of Wellness include: Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social and Physical. If you struggle in one dimension, it can impact you negatively in other dimensions. Before can help others improve their life by maintaining balance in the 8 Dimensions of Wellness, it’s important that you self-reflect on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness yourself. Review the article in the following link https://cpr.bu.edu/living-well/eight-dimensions-of-wellness/ along with the diagram below. 



12. Identify at least two dimensions of wellness you would like to improve and explain why you selected those dimensions:           


Dimension of Wellness

Explanation for improvement


Type answer here


Type answer here



Type answer here


Type answer here




Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. You may choose to respond in writing or by recording a video!

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Social and Human Assistants work with a variety of clients. There are specific skills and values that these types of worker must have to be successful. The following link that summarizes each type of client these types of workers might assist: What Human Service Assistants Do (press “control” and “click” at the same time to open the link and view the article). 

13. Review the article and list three (3) skills or values that a Human/Social Service Assistant would need to be successful. For each chosen skill or value, describe why you believe you already possess the skill or how you will develop it for use in your HHS career.          



Skill or Value

How it’s demonstrated or how it’ll be   developed


Type answer here


Type answer here



Type answer here


Type answer here



Type answer here


Type answer here



Research Journal
Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. This assignment is part one of a five-part paper you will create throughout this course. 

14. Consider the field of Health and Human Services. Explain what kind of role do you want to enter in the HHS field (some examples of pathways in the HHS field include: want to work with children in the child welfare system (who are taken into state custody), the elderly (planning activities for the elderly in nursing homes), in human service admin roles (eligibility screener for people applying for welfare services), in the mental health field (psychiatric or behavioral health technician, etc.)? Provide an explanation of why you feel passionate about the role. Search the internet and share what skills are needed for working in that role with clients and cite your source in the space provided. Think about what skills have you developed throughout the HHS program in order to be qualified to enter that position. If the HHS program is a stepping stone and you plan to obtain a higher degree to work in a role, explain the steps you will take to achieve that goal.

a. HHS role: 

Type answer here

b. Explain the skills you have or you will need to obtain (if you are going on to complete a higher degree) to enter that role: 

Type answer here

c. Why are you passionate about the role: 

Type answer here

15. Cite the example you find in APA format.           

Note: use the citation generator to help you cite your resources. 

Type answer here

Homework Assignment

Create a chart to compare and contrast the major legislative influences on the labor relations process. Your chart must contain at least five major legislative acts and how they affect management and unions. Columns should include the law, coverage, major provisions, and federal agencies. 

Part Two

Find a recent Supreme Court or U.S. Court of Appeals decision concerning a labor law issue. Summarize the case. Findlaw Legal Information Center is a good commercial site for researching case law. You can also use the CSU library, LexisNexis, or Westlaw, for example. 

  • What legal principles does the court rely upon in determining the case decision? 
  • Be sure to support your response with specific examples. 
  • Use one resource from the CSU online library. 
  • This homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length.

CT5 Template Mod 5


For each of the individual learning preference topics that follow, brainstorm about instructional design considerations specific to your selected business/organization and the identified learner needs from your needs assessment:

  • David Kolb’s four basic learning styles
  • Ned Hermann’s brain-based approach
  • Visual, Auditory, Reading, and Kinesthetic (VARK) model
  • Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences.

Prior to outlining the design considerations for each of the above four topics, you will first need to describe your identified learners and their needs. This information should be from the results of Stage 3 (learning needs) and Stage 4 (learner needs) of your needs assessment assignment completed in Module 3. Continue using the template you have been using to organize your ideas. You may also want to make adjustments to earlier sections based on instructor feedback. This will help keep you prepared for the final project and help inform your future assignments from week to week.

Please ensure that your work is well written, supported by two to three scholarly sources, and in conformance with the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these sources. Submit your completed template for grading.

Who can do this by 7 today

Stereotype Threat Articles

According to Steele (2010), there have been over 15 years of research in the area of stereotype threat. The Capella library holds over 44,000 entries with stereotype threat in the title. Refer to the journal articles you located in the Unit 8 study. Summarize the articles’ discussion of stereotype threat:

  • Describe the population that is experiencing stereotype threat.
  • Discuss the performance area of the stereotype threat (math, verbal, analytic, and IQ test performance, language, sports, and so on).
  • Summarize viewpoints or findings of the author (or authors) regarding stereotype threat. 
    • Discuss any personal experience of stereotype threat you may have in this performance area.
  • Indicate whether you believe the disenfranchised racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural group you identified for your course project has ever experienced stereotype threat in this performance area.

Criminal justice

Do you think a diverse jury would be a better selection than a jury of peers towards fairness in a criminal trial?


On April 31, 2019 it was reported to management that Ms. Brown was observed arriving at the department after her 8:30AM start time on April 9, 2019 and April 18, 2019 However, Ms. Brown turned in payroll adjustments that stated she started work at 8:30AM on both dates in question. Upon review of Ms. Brown’s badge report shows that she did not badge into the building until 8:44AM on April 9, 2019 and 9:00AM on April 18, 2019, which means she was not in the building at the time she reported. 

On May 1, 2019, Kelly, Office Supervisor , and Linda from Human Resources, met with Ms. Brown  to discuss the above-mentioned concerns. When questioned, Ms. Brown stated she was not late on either day and stated she immediately started taking patients after she arrived at 8:30AM on both dates. When questioned regarding the discrepancy between her badge access time and her payroll adjustment forms, Ms. Brown was unable to provide any further explanation. 

While Ms. Brown  stated that she had taken care of patients after immediately arriving at 8:30AM on both dates, department documentation revealed Ms. Brown did not see a patient before 9:00AM on either date in question. Ms. Brown is responsible for ensuring the information she submits is true and accurate. Ms. Brown signed her name to multiple documents that were found to be inaccurate which constitutes falsification. This pattern is unacceptable and does not represent the values, standards, and service behaviors expected of all employees. 

Based on the above, in the opinion of the management of the company, this represents a violation of Code of Conduct Policy- Falsification which states, “Documenting true and accurate entries on the company’s records, patient medical records, forms, or other documents, is expected. Falsification of employment applications, employment records, time sheets (including clocking in or out for another employee), hospital records, forms, or other documents, are prohibited.” Accordingly. this is a reason for termination of Ms. Brown’s position in the company.  

Business Case Executive Recommendation

Business Case Executive Recommendation:

Below the case, rubric, and the extra information about the analysis are attached. please do follow the rubric for level 4 (4 point) and it will be submitted to Turnitin. 

The attached folder under name HN4000_ Managing Transformation Analysis, this what has include in the analysis (overview, the main problem, why the problem exist, how this problem do impact the organization, provide possible solution, and choose the best solution), this is an extra information that could help.