Employment Law


Using reliable Internet sources and/or the CSU Online Library, search for and locate a recent court case or lawsuit related to sexual harassment in the workplace. Then, conduct a case study in which you analyze the case, presenting an argument and applicable evidence about your selected court case or lawsuit. Consider the concepts learned in this course as you analyze the case and present your analysis.

Include the following in your paper:

  • a brief description of the conduct that precipitated the selected court case or lawsuit and how Title VII protects against this conduct;
  • an analysis of the use of the complaint procedure and the employer’s response to any complaints;
  • a discussion of preventive steps that could have been used to prevent the harassment from occurring; and
  • a summary of the costs to the employer, financial and otherwise, stemming from the lawsuit and the underlying conduct.

Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages. You are required to use a minimum of three sources, one of which may be your textbook as reference material for your case study. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

BUS 322 Discussion


Jack Welch, GE’s former CEO, said, “We now know where productivity comes from. It comes from challenged, empowered, excited, rewarded teams of people.”

  • Explain how group dynamics, team characteristics, team leadership, and team management all play a vital role in company productivity.

HR Policies for a tech start up

create 5 HR Policies for a job searching app start up, and describe them and how can they benefit the the start up. 

around 500 words 

Express as soon as possible 

attached is an example for another project 



: Within the Discussion Board area, write 350–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Focus on the following questions:

Part 1

  • What is an ethical leader? Provide your own brief definition. 
  • Do you think an ethical leader is always a good leader? Justify your answer. 
  • How do your own moral beliefs influence your leadership decisions? Have you ever made an ineffective leadership decision by following your moral beliefs? 

Part 2

Conduct a multi-source review of the literature on servant leadership. Use high-level synthesis thinking to respond to the following questions:

  • Is it      possible to lead and serve at the same time? Do you think followers would  respect a leader who is serving them? Please justify your answers. 
  • Review the 10 characteristics of a servant leader (see the link in your Resource      section). 
    • Do you  think it is possible for anyone to have all of these characteristics? 
    • Do you  think a servant leader has to be a moral leader? Explain your responses.

Class – Answers will vary on this DB! In addition to addressing all requirements of the assignments, model answer includes the following:

Part 1

  • Recognize that ethics are based on one’s personal morals, and therefore an ethical leader is not always a good leader because his or her morals may not align to the most effective leadership      decisions.
  • Ethics and leadership are more about the leader’s set of moral beliefs being a priority. 

Part 2

  • The goal of serving and leading is to understand that by serving the followers, you build trust and loyalty, and they will in turn follow you. You can serve and lead because by serving and listening to your followers, you understand their needs and are able to build them and develop them. When you      develop them, you make them better leaders, so you are serving their needs  to become better.
  • Although responses will vary, the servant leader will generally move in and out of these characteristics. They will use a combination of  these characteristics at different times. These      characteristics show the overall heart and focus of the servant leader. The characteristics of a servant leader are moral behaviors.

Additional Resources

· Spears, L. (2010). Character and Servant Leadership: Ten Characteristics of Effective, Caring Leaders. The Journal of Virtues & Leadership, Vol. 1, 25-30.

Job offering process


• Research a current event article related to the assigned topic. Students should focus their research on relevant HR trade publications such as HR Magazine and Workforce Magazine. Please note – students may not select articles already provided as resources on the HRM3010 Research Guide.o Topics: Job Offer Process• Prepare a two-three paragraph summary of the article.• Explain in an additional two-three paragraphs your understanding of the article as it relates to the assignment topic.• Explain in an additional one-two paragraphs whether you agree or disagree with the author and why.• Explain in the final one-two paragraphs how knowledge of this topic will help you in your future HR career.

Format: The completed assignment must be prepared in APA format, including the title page, reference page, and in-text source citations. The Article Review will consist of 6-10 paragraphs of body – approximately 1000-1500 words total, not including title and reference pages.

Total Rewards Program/stakeholders

 there are at least 4 stakeholder groups to communicate the total rewards program for the organization. One stakeholder group is executives and another is employees. How and what would you communicate on the total rewards program to each? Does each group get the same message? 

Discussion 07.2: Partnering with Families

HA3110D – Quality Improvement and Risk Management 

Discussion 07.2: Partnering with Families

For this discussion you will be accepting the role of patient advocate as well as a care provider. As you recall from week one, number two on the National Quality Strategy Priorities list is patient-and-family centered care.

 Prior to the 1980s, family and visitors were restricted to a few hours at a time and absolutely prohibited to stay overnight. When family arrived on discharge day, home care instructions were minimal at best. Invasive treatments, such as bladder irrigation (common at the time) were demonstrated to the patient and family, instructed them to perform the task every day and call if any problems. Family members DID call, and patients did return–with raging infections, wound dehiscence, and irreparable complications.

Fortunately, with the advent of patient-and family-centered care, adequate, on-going education, training and caregiver participation has reduced re-admissions and complications.

Reflect upon what you have learned about changing the concept from families as “visitors” to families as partners. Using the Institute for Family- and Patient-Centered Care website to view sample policies. Identify the policy you like best and respond as assigned below. 

In your initial response by Thursday,  1. Choose a policy and discuss what factors might be most important to the patient and family, and what factors might be most important to healthcare providers.* 2. What might be potential risk factors for implementing this policy?

*In this instance, providers refers to all employee who work in healthcare


 “Case Study 1: The New Job ,respond to all all of the questions brought up at the end of the Case