socw 6456 assignment

Couple and family helping professionals have varying degrees of work. What they all have in common is that their clients represent the variety of human experience. Even those helping professionals with a specific clinical focus see variety in the ways in which specific issues manifest in different relationships. Part of the goal of your program is to expose you to varying scenarios so that when you are faced with differing client situations, you will have the evidence-based research knowledge, flexibility, analytical skills, and theory-integration practice to know the best course of action to take with a particular couple or family.

For this Assignment, select and view one movie from the list provided in this week’s resources below. If you need assistance locating these movies, see this guide: Does the Walden Library have popular films or novels? Begin to conceptualize the couple’s or family’s problem through your theoretical orientation, and identify interventions that you might use. Finally, begin to locate articles in the Walden Library that could be used to justify the interventions you selected.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

  • Identify the movie you selected and the life transition and developmental issue present in the couple or family.
  • Conceptualize the couple’s or family’s problem through your chosen theoretical orientation.
  • Design a treatment plan including short- and long-term goals.
  • Explain two evidence-based interventions you would use to address these couple’s or family’s issues and how you would use them.

Demme, J., Armian, N., & Platt, M. (Producers), & Demme, J. (Director). (2008). Rachel getting married [Motion picture]. United States: Sony Pictures Classics.

human resource

Refer to the Discussion Board rubric in Course Resources for detailed requirements. Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the Discussion by making frequent informed references to course materials. Your initial response should be at least 250 words of content; subsequent responses to your classmates or instructor should be at least 75 words. Make two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and advance the Discussion. Be sure to cite any sources you use in APA formatting.

Topic 1: Management Hypothesis, Models, and Methods

To practice for your unit Assignment, discuss the following topics. These should be relevant to your Assignment. 

  • Identify two minority, marginalized, or vulnerable populations that have potential issues with healthcare quality, cost, and access.
  • Appraise and discuss the possible assumptions, biases, and stereotypes that they may encounter. Critique the relationship between these challenges and healthcare quality, cost, and access.

Post a Response


You did it! You’ve reached the end of this course. In doing so,  you’ve developed your skills in organizational behavior and leadership.  Take what you have learned and continue to apply it, both in your MBA  courses and in your career.

In our last discussion, reflect on your experience in this course by addressing the following items in your response:

  • What skills do you feel you developed most in this course?
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Motivation
    • Diversity
    • Leadership
    • Decision-Making
  • How do you plan to continue growing your leadership and organizational behavior skills you identified above?


Real Business

It can be difficult for a business to improve how it operates from inside the organization. Sometimes, an outside perspective is needed. The large discount retail store you work for wants to improve its in-store restaurant management team.

Your Role

Companies like Target and Walmart often work with outside consultants—people who are not employees of the company but who are hired on a contract basis to help with a specific project. As a Leadership Consultant, you’ve been hired by a large discount retail company to help the company improve its leadership structure and approach to management.


A leadership consultant is a person called in to a company, be it a large corporation or a small business, to evaluate how it operates and make recommendations for improvement. Leadership consultants are typically hired when a business is struggling and needs to make changes in order to remain profitable. Such consultants are often highly educated in the field of business and have experience in managerial roles.


Step1 Organizationl Structure

Take a look at the Organization Chart provided by the company.

  • Based on your knowledge of hierarchies, would you say that this team has tall structure or flat structure? Explain your answer.

Step 2: Human Resources

The company would like to improve the culture of its team and the quality of its work. Its leadership has provided you with a Process Chart detailing how it currently applies Human Resources best practices.

  • What step of the Human Resources Cycle is missing? Explain why it is important to include this part of the process.

Note: You should complete Step 3 after reading the material in Week 9.

STEP 3: Leadership Style

You have been asked to help improve the leadership style of the team leader in order to meet the team’s performance goals. The team leader has given you a description of what is most comfortable in terms of leading others.

  • Identify this leader’s style of leadership, and list two benefits and two drawbacks to that style as it relates to the performance of the team

Step 4: Real-World Application

Apply the thinking in Steps 1-3 as if you were a Leadership Consultant hired by the company where you work or for a previous employer.

  • Review the organization chart for your company. Based on your knowledge of hierarchies, would you say that your company’s team has a tall structure or flat structure? How does this affect the way your team works? Explain your answer.
  • Consider the work conducted by the Human Resources team at your company. What steps of the Human Resources Cycle do they implement well? What steps of the Human Resources Cycle might be missing from your company or are not implemented as well as they could be? What is the effect of this on you and your team? Explain your answer.
  • Lastly, reflect on the leadership style of either yourself or your supervisor. What leadership style do you have, or what leadership style does your supervisor have? What are the benefits and drawbacks of this style for your team? What might you or your supervisor do to improve leadership? Explain your answer.

Criminal justice

Respond to Linda Bell Robinson :: What are the advantages of having government courts? What are the disadvantages?

Wk 4, HCS/341: DR 1

Substantive responses to peer. Please further discussion.

175 word minimum

APA format

At least 1 reference

Agnes Jimenez

9:01 AM

Some strategies to consider when delivering performance appraisal to health care employees, would be to commit. When delivering performance appraisals, as a manager you have to be committed to give your employee, your time and to be genuine in wanting to help the employee in areas that need improvement. As well as praising the employee. It is also essential for the manager to be transparent, and straight forward. There is always room for growth with employees. As a manager, helping employees grow is one of the main objectives. Be clear about what you will talk about and have goals to get the employee to where they need to be. Continuously, check in with the employee and ask for feedback. My last employer had a high turnover rate, we had 6 new managers in a year. So when we were evaluated we were given different goals and different areas to work on. This made it extremely stressful and eventually many of my coworkers felt like they were not ever going to be better than what they were. This caused a lack of motivation, and eventually many people left.

write an email with the responses

Please read and reflect upon the questions, then write me an email with the answers in the body of the email. 

Please put the following in the Subject line: 303 submission. 

1.  Do the executives profiled in Professor Graham’s study agree that corporate cultures are important? Why or why not?

2. What is the difference between VALUES and NORMS within a culture, as presented by Professor Graham? Is one more important than the other? How do you think they fit together?

3. Fill in the blank with a single word: The result of this study suggests that strong, long-term business outcomes are highly dependent upon ______.

Read more:

Week 5 discussion-8110

The selection of a research design is guided by the study’s purpose and research questions and hypotheses, and the design then links the research questions and hypotheses to the data that will be collected. You should keep in mind, however, that the research process is interactive, not necessarily proceeding in a linear fashion from one component to the next. Rather, the writing of research questions could, for example, necessitate adjustments to the study’s purpose statement. Nevertheless, when presented together, the various components of a research study should align. As you learned last week, alignment means that a research study possesses clear and logical connections among all of its various components.

In addition to considering alignment, when researchers select a research design, they must also consider the ethical implications of their choice, including, for example, what their design selection means for participant recruitment, procedures, and privacy.

For this Discussion, you will evaluate quantitative research questions and hypotheses in assigned journal articles in your discipline and consider the alignment of theory, problem, purpose, research questions and hypotheses, and design. You will also identify the type of quantitative research design the authors used and explain how it was implemented. Quasi-experimental, casual comparative, correlational, pretest–posttest, or true experimental are examples of types of research designs used in quantitative research.

With these thoughts in mind, refer to the Journal Articles document for your assigned articles for this Discussion.

By Day 4

Post a critique of the research study in which you:

  • Evaluate the research questions and hypotheses.

    The Research Questions and Hypotheses Checklist serves as a guide for your evaluation. Please do not respond to the checklist in a Yes/No format in writing your Discussion post.

  • Identify the type of quantitative research design used and explain how the researchers implemented the design.
  • Analyze alignment among the theory, problem, purpose, research questions and hypotheses, and design.



Kwate, N. O., & Goodman, M. S. (2015). Cross-sectional and longitudinal effects of racism on mental health among residents of Black neighborhoods in New York City. American Journal of Public Health, 105(4), 711–718. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.302243

Employment Law: Unit V Journal, Unit V Essay, Unit VI Journal, Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation

Unit V Journal


Distinguish between protected and unprotected conduct under the National Labor Relations Act. Choose the side of the employer or employee, and debate the protection afforded to the side you have chosen. What arguments could be made for the opposite side? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit V Essay


Assume that an unfair labor practice charge was filed against your company by several employees and three prospective employees. See the form linked below indicating the charge, which outlines the scenario below: 

FORM NLRB-501: Case 4689-3

On July 29, 2016, Delphi Golf, Inc. and the union entered a collective bargaining agreement. The majority of the company’s employees covered by the agreement had not designated the union as their collective-bargaining representative. The agreement contains a union-security clause requiring employees who are members in good standing of the union to maintain their membership in good standing and all other employees to become members of the union on or before the 31st day following the effective date of the agreement or the date of their hire. The union instructed Delphi Golf, Inc. not to employ three servers for restaurant positions in the company because the servers were not members of the union. The company is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the act engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the act. 

Explain in a two-page essay the process and steps your company will have to take to defend this action. Explain the defenses to the action and if the union employees have valid claims. What actions by the employer should have been done differently, if at all? What actions by the union should have been done differently? Who, if anyone, is liable? 

You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA style citations.

Unit VI Journal


Choose either arbitration or a court proceeding, and debate the benefits of bringing an action for collective bargaining in that forum. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation


In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation on the topic of collective bargaining. 

You will highlight seven different areas of collective bargaining that you will explore. Be sure to also include an introduction. The goal is for you to explore areas that interest you and for you to explain them in more depth. You can be creative in how you demonstrate your knowledge about the topic you choose. You can use links in the presentation, graphics, case law, videos, etc. You can choose one area and highlight different processes in collective bargaining such as the process, duty to bargain, tasks involved, administration, enforcement, etc., or each area can be an entirely different aspect of collective bargaining such as picketing, strikers, unions, enforcement, etc. 

The above are suggestions. This assignment is a chance for you to explore. 

You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your content. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA style citations. 

Importance of Reputation Management (Public Relations)

Importance of Reputation Management

Write a paper that discusses the importance of reputation management in relation to an organization’s credibility. If a PR person only has their credibility to offer and is only as good as his or her deserved reputation, how can social media help or harm that reputation?   

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.