week 2

 Your proposed topic for the Course Project. All information for this assignment is found in the Course Project Overview.  


Chosen topic will be Internet staffing methods compared to traditional staffing methods: time, cost, quality, and retention



We will continue to review Case law as a foundation for understanding various concepts necessary to understand the law in regard to health care administration. The Canterbury v. Spence case in the background materials dates to 1972, but is considered a “landmark” case in that it established the important concept of the “reasonable person” in regard to informed consent. As clearly explained, the lack of informed consent creates an environment where care providers can be held liable for negligence or torts against a patient.

After reviewing the background readings and doing independent research, examine the case Canterbury v. Spence and answer the following:

  1. Provide the background information regarding the case and the decision of the court.
  2. Explain informed consent and its required elements.
  3. What is the reasonable person standard?
  4. Why is informed consent important in medical care?
  5. What is the relationship between informed consent and ethics? Include a discussion of relevant ethical principles.
  6. What is a hospital’s responsibility in insuring informed consent?

Be sure to cite the peer-reviewed literature.

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages (title and reference page is not included in page number count).
  3. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
    Angelo State University Library. (n.d.). Library guides: How to recognize peer-reviewed (refereed) journals. Retrieved from https://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php
  4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:
    Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). General APA guidelines. Retrieved from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
  5. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source:
    Georgetown University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating internet resources. Retrieved from https://www.library.georgetown.edu/tutorials/research-guides/evaluating-internet-content
  6. This assignment will be graded based on the content in the rubric.

Discussion 4B

 Consider the issue of accountability through the principal-agent theory. How would you explain the legal, moral, and practical dimensions of accountability in your own words? Next consider how John James tried to engage his authorizers in the Minnesota Department of Revenue example. Identify some of the strategies he used. How could these strategies be used either at your job or at an agency you have observed? 

150-200 words

Week 2 Discussion


Supporting Lectures:

Review the following lectures:

Discussion Questions

Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right” and any specific instructions for this topic.

Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.


By the due date assigned, respond to the assigned discussion questions and submit your responses to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area. Respond to the assigned questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading.

Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub-questions of each bullet point. The sub-questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear point, position, or conclusion supported by research. Select a different bullet point section than what your peers have already posted so that we can engage in several discussions on relevant topics. If all of the bullet points have been addressed, then you may begin to reuse the bullet points with the expectation that varied responses continue.


Question 1:

Evaluate the difference between a strike and a lockout.

Question 2:

Analyze the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) in relation to the collective bargaining agreement.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed at 500–1000 words as noted in the attached PDF.

Article Anaysis


Select two peer-reviewed articles from the GU library on the topics for the current week. Analyze the articles separately and correlate them to your personal ethics assessment results. You are encouraged to share some specific examples of your assessment results to support your opinion. However, if you would like to keep your results private, you can speak to your results in general terms.

·  Write a 2 page summary on your analysis of the article #1 to your assessment results and how you believe this content has increased your ethical self-awareness. Please discuss these points from: alternatives, analysis, application, and action.

·  Write a 2 page summary on your analysis of the article #2 to your assessment results and how you believe this content has increased your ethical self-awareness. Please discuss these points from: alternatives, analysis, application, and action.

The assignment should be submitted as a Word document and APA format is required. The title page and reference page are not counted in the 2-4 page requirement. Both summaries can be included in one document.



Please respond to the following:

  • How might the performance instrument for a position oriented toward routine duties differ from a managerial position? 
  • ***At least 250 words with reference. 

PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation outlining guidelines for college students on how to have a successful interview. The presentation must be at least eight slides in length and use at least two references. You may include your textbook as one of the references. Be sure to cite your sources in a reference slide and use proper APA style. All sources and their use must have accompanying APA citations. Be sure to include the content listed below in your presentation.

Describe the steps of an interview.

Differentiate the three types of interviews: information-gathering, job, and appraisal.

Discuss the interviewer and the interviewee’s roles during the opening, body, and closing portion of an interview.

Opioid overdoses case study


Opioid overdoses case study 


Guide line




Read the case study 

1- Answer the case study questions.

2- What are the current and future states?