Case study


Read the case study titled “Revitalizing a Brand”, located in the online course shell. Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research the branding and communication strategies of one (1) health services organization that is similar to the health services organizations mentioned in the case study.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the current marketing communication, identity, and brand position of Plaza Home Health Services.
  2. Conduct a Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) analysis associated with the current marketing communication, identity, and brand position of Plaza Home Health Services.
  3. Assess the importance of benchmarking in Plaza Home Health Services’ development and implementation of an effective brand strategy (marketing communication, identity, and brand position).
  4. Compare branding and communication strategies of a similar health services organization with that of Plaza Home Health Services. Determine whether or not Plaza Home Health Services should apply additional best practices into its current branding and communication strategies. Provide a rationale and support for your response.
  5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine the marketing research process and market segmentation strategies in the health care industry.
  • Analyze business planning based on an analysis of domestic and global operating environments, market dynamics (supply and demand), commercialization, and product-market expansion.
  • Explain how branding strategies apply to the health care market for existing and new products.
  • Determine the marketing communications strategy used in health care services.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services strategic marketing.
  • Write clearly and concisely about health services strategic marketing using proper writing mechanics.

Strategy, Planning, and Selection



Assume for this assignment that you are being highly considered for a director-level HR management position for a best-in-class national retailer. You are in the final phase of the interview process and must respond to the interview panel regarding specific questions and scenarios that will help them determine if you are a good fit for the new role. The company’s culture is centered on the effective development of strategy, plans, and selection criteria aimed at building and sustaining a competitive and profitable organization. It will be extremely important that you respond with a strategic mindset in order to convince the organization you are able to help them ensure the execution of the business strategy. 

Write a six- to seven-page paper in which you do the following: 

  • Analyze different types of strategies (cost leadership, differentiation, and focus or niche) and select which one you would deem more appropriate for an “efficiency-minded” retail organization and explain your rationale. How would the selected strategy ultimately affect how HR does its job?
  • Examine the four approaches to job design or redesign and provide an example (not a definition) of each. Then, make a case to the interviewing panel on the importance of effective job design applications in supporting the overall strategic goals of the organization. 
  • Consider challenges and constraints associated with recruiting workers and identify and discuss at least two issues. What advice would you give to ease your selected issues? Be specific. 
  • List and describe 2–3 candidate selection process ideas that might add value and overall effectiveness to the process. Example: 5 Tips for Designing an Effective Employee Selection System. Also, what problems should HR and management teams avoid during the selection process?
  • Use at least four quality academic resources, 1 of which must be the assigned textbook.  Internet websites are not to be used in this course unless they come from the course resources list in the course information section of this course. You may also use  the Strayer University Library to locate additional sources to support your work.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course outcome associated with this assignment is:

Determine strategies for providing effective human resource management within an organization, including how to support competitive advantage, approaches to job design and redesign, and recruitment and selection.



300 Words

We hear a lot about learning technologies.

Just what are they? 

List one or two learning technologies that you have heard about or used. 

Explain why this can be considered A technology and, more specifically, a learning technology. 

Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.



Question 1: HR Professional Ethics

Part A: Read the SHRM Code of Ethics.  Review the guidelines under the category of Professional Development.  Propose and discuss a learning opportunity that you will pursue to achieve one or more goals related to these guidelines.

Part B: Discuss three examples of ethical challenges that HR professionals may encounter as they apply to modern organizations. Discuss how you would address each situation (not necessarily the solution, but how you would approach the problem).  Use the resources provided to support your ideas.

Question 2: Emerging HR Trends

Discuss three current or future trends impacting the HR profession.  What opportunities and challenges might these trends present for HR and for the organization? As a human resource professional, what new skills and/or competencies would you need to further develop to adapt to these trends and to continue to be successful in your role? Use the resources provided to support your ideas. 


· Heathfield (2018). Did You Bring Your Ethics to Work Today?

· SHRM (2014). Code of Ethics

· Ingram (2018). The Importance of Ethics in Human Resources

· Scott (nd).  Ethical Issues Facing HR

· Heathfield (2018). Top 10 Human Resources Trends of the Decade

· Rice University (nd). Trends in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility  Retrieved from

· Lumen Learning (nd). Current Trends and Challenges in HR Management Retrieved from

· Mayhew (nd) Contemporary Issues Faced by Human Resource Managers Today. Retrieved from (Short article regarding some of the current issues affecting HR managers)


· Lumen Learning (nd). Global Trends Retrieved from

· Taylor (2019) Millennial Job Search

· Haak (2019) 12 HR Trends for 2020

· Clarey & Golden (2020) 10 Trends that will Shape HR in 2020

Option #1: Leadership Style

Self-assessments enable you to learn more about yourself. These instruments feature behavioral questionnaires that address a variety of personal attributes, such as personality, emotional intelligence, communication abilities, motivation, and decision making. The overall expectation is that these instruments will provide you with value-added results, which will help you to hone your skills as a solid decision maker and leader.

Using the links to the self assessments in the lecture, or self assessments you find online, take at least one emotional intelligence assessment, one decision-making assessment, and one leadership assessment.

  • Discuss the outcomes of the assessments in a paper by specifically addressing:
    • Your individual personality
    • How your personality fits into the organization to which you currently belong
    • Your decision-making style
    • How your personality, EQ, and decision-making style impact your organizational contributions and leadership
  • Answer the following questions:
    • Are you effective in your role within your organization or elsewhere (identify the role)?
    • What common biases might impact your decision making?
    • What could you do to be a more effective decision maker?
    • How does all of the information that you have gathered from these assessments and your analysis reflect on you as a leader?

Assignment Requirements:

  • Your paper should be 4 pages in length, not counting the required title and references pages.
  • Cite a minimum of six scholarly sources to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to the textbook, four of which should be academic, peer-reviewed sources.  (You may not use the required and recommended readings for this course.)

Be sure to review the Critical Thinking Assignment rubric for details regarding grading standards.

Week 5 Discussion

Question 1:

Discuss the effects of employee layoffs. Identify:

  • Three ways that layoffs can affect other employees in the organization.
  • Two additional ways that layoffs can affect the organization as a whole.
  • At least two ways to retain remaining employees after a layoff.
  • Two ways of ensuring that you are abiding by the laws that govern employment and ethical practices.

Question 2:

  • Use the Internet to research a company that you would like to work for, with a focus on its recruiting efforts.
  • Make two recommendations for how the company you researched can improve its recruiting efforts.
    • Provide two specific examples to support your recommendations.
    • Don’t forget about recruiting a diverse population.

Final Assignment: Workplace Diversity and Multiculturalism


In this week’s Discussion, you explored challenges related to workplace diversity, such as gender inequality, negative stereotypes, and discrimination. In this Application, you will expand on your exploration of this topic by also considering benefits of workplace diversity and best practices for helping organizations embrace diversity and promote multiculturalism.

To Prepare:
  • Read this week’s Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the benefits and challenges related to workforce diversity. Also consider the strategies and best practices that I/O practitioners can implement to help organizations embrace diversity and promote multiculturalism.
  • Identify two benefits and two challenges related to workplace diversity.
  • Think about specific strategies and best practices you would use to address the challenges you identified and help organizations embrace diversity and promote multiculturalism.

By Day 7 of Week 11

Submit a 3–4-page paper that addresses the following questions. Your paper should follow APA style, be double-spaced with one-inch margins, and include a title page and reference list.

  • Explain at least two benefits and two challenges related to workforce diversity. Be sure that the challenges are different from the one that you addressed in this week’s Discussion
  • Describe strategies that an I/O practitioner could use to address the challenges and why each strategy would be effective. Be sure to use evidence from the literature to support your points.
  • If you were hired as a Change Management consultant, explain how you would help an organization embrace diversity and promote multiculturalism. Include at least three best practices that you would suggest.

tiaa diss


Select one of the following case studies (located in your textbook.) 

  • Case 11-1: Discounting Everything but Compensation at Costco.
  • Case 11-2: Employee Red-Lining at CVS: The Have and the Have Not.
  • Case 12-1: Best Buy or Best Scam? Trying to Get Commission Results on So-Called Noncommission Pay.
  • Case 12-2: Barclays Bonus Bank: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul.

Then complete the following: 

  • Add your opinion about the choices and decisions being made—if this was your company, would you make this choice?
  • What would you do differently?

You are strongly encouraged to make your initial post by the middle of each week so that you have plenty of time to respond to your classmates.

Week 9 Discussion

 Watch the video “The Power of HR Metrics: Growth, Performance, Sustainment” (3m 35s) on the importance of metrics

 Based on the video, your readings this week, and the case study, please respond to the following questions: 

  • Do you believe that a program of HR metrics and workforce analytics might be useful in Regional Hospital? 
  • What opportunities do you see regarding where and how metrics and analytics might be applied in this organization? 
  • Identify three analyses and associated metrics you think might be useful for Regional Hospital to consider