Sales Force Compensation


Sales Force Compensation
Due Week 4 and worth 150 points

For companies that have a mission of selling, a major objective is to motivate the salespeople.  While that are many factors that go into motivating these people, one of the primary factors is the compensation plan that describes how they will be rewarded. Research a large organization’s sales force and its compensation plan ( AT&T). Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

1. In order to motivate the sales force to produce the highest number of clients, describe six (6) features of an effective total rewards program.

2. Describe the behaviors of the sales force that are targeted with the compensation plan.

3. Assess how a value proposition is achieved for current and future employees in the plan you have outlined.

4. Based upon the type of plan you have created, indicate how attracted you think future salespeople may be to this plan.

5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment

Compensation Strategy

For this assignment, write an essay explaining your new compensation strategy for the mid-level manager position you still need to fill. Your audience is the chief executive officer (CEO) and other supervisors in your organization. In this essay, include the items listed below.

  • After a brief introduction, explain how equal employment opportunity laws impact the organization’s compensation strategy.
  • Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of pay-for-performance and competency-based pay. What strategy would you recommend for your organization, and why?
  • Explain how various motivational theories can factor into your development of a multi-generational compensation package for your whole organization that includes indirect benefits. Be sure to give specific examples of how different generations of applicants or employees will be affected.
  • Explain your proposed compensation package, which should include direct and indirect benefits and how the package will affect hiring and retention. Be sure to specifically identify how much you will pay the mid-level managers, and indicate how it compares to your state and the federal minimum wage. You can search the Internet for sites that list comparable pay data. You should identify a low, medium, and high pay range for the mid-level manager.
  • Explain how you will assess the effectiveness of the compensation strategy a year from now.

Your essay will contain a one-page appendix in which you will create a chart of your compensation strategy. This chart should have three columns, which should address the areas listed below:

  • legally mandated benefits,
  • direct benefits (include how much you will pay the mid-level managers), and
  • indirect benefits.

Your essay will be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the appendix, title page, or references page. You must use at least two sources to support your essay. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, and make certain to include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

I need 2-3 powerpoint slides on human resources and change with references

Question one is already answered on the powerpoint I attached. It is my job to answer question two ONLY!!!

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

The major responsibilities of human resources management (HRM) are attracting, developing, and maintaining a quality workforce. Research an organization, with which you are familiar, that is in need of a change and present how you will manage the change process by incorporating the three essential duties of HRM. Throughout this assignment, teammates will need to demonstrate skills for effective collaboration, negotiation, and teamwork.

Each CLC group will choose one subsystem to change and create a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides (including title and reference slides) addressing the following questions that pertain to the major human resource management responsibilities and to change management. Strengthen your recommendations by showing how your proposed changes are working in another similar organization that is successful.

Address following in your presentation:

  1. Provide an overview of the organization you have chosen including three subsystems of the organization, three stakeholders of the organization, and the reason for selecting this organization.
  2. What one major organizational subsystem needs to be changed in the organization? Justify your choice. How does it compare to a similar successful organization?

***Organizational Subsystem Change will be this mission statement: New statement is as follows “As a family of many cultures, we provide a safe haven for all when you shop here with us. So put down your phones and let our books do the talking.”*****

Integrate a faith-based or worldview-based component in the presentation and make a clear connection on how it informs the groups’ management practices. (NOTE: Individuals all have a worldview, and that worldview influences their decisions, values, and perceptions. It also affects how they manage people, or think they should be managed. For this assignment, this requirement relates to the worldview of the presenters.)

Students must submit their Peer Evaluations before midnight on the due date of this assignment.

Include at least four academic references to support your position. One of them should directly relate to the company discussed in your presentation and another to the organization to which you are comparing it. These needed to be cited within your presentation not just as references at the end of the presentation.

Due Tonight by 11 pm

Please Follow Directions!!

Conduct some online research into when and how to terminate a Human Service case and Self-Care of the Human Service Professional. 

Included is an upload an example of what the assignment should look like 

 For this part of your portfolio project, you will use your critical thinking skills and develop a guide for Human Services Professionals that covers appropriate case termination.

In a minimum of two-pages (not counting the title page and reference page) address the following:

  • Develop a guide for Human Service Professionals that covers appropriate case termination.
  • Incorporate at least two (2) scholarly sources in the guide on case termination.
  • Create a brochure/infographic on Self-care Strategies for the Human Service Professional.

 Combine the guide and brochure/infographic into one Word document. 

 Use professional language including complete sentences and proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout your paper. Be sure to cite any research sources in APA format. 


Choose one title from the following:

1. Describe and evaluate some of the major factors that have been influencing the supply and demand for food in recent years. What are the main reasons for some of these factors? You could include such topics as food scarcity, food prices and volatility. 

2. Discuss the important aspects of food related to a religion with which you are familiar.

3. Evaluate the factors that influence food habits and culture. 

4. Explain the rationale behind “California cuisine”. Assess the role of different chefs in the development of California cuisine.

5. Present a reasoned argument for and against the fast food industry in the US. You may include the advantages such as economic and social advantages, along with the disadvantages including increases in obesity, types of employment, etc.

6. Should the fast food industry be regulated in a similar manner to the tobacco industry? Explain the factors behind your reasoning.

7. In your view, how sustainable is the so called “western diet”

8. Describe and evaluate Native Americans’ perspectives on life. This may be from a particular tribe or more generally.  You may include such aspects of the environment, health, the family, religion and diet.

9. Describe some of the most important changes that have taken place in wine production in the new and old world over the past three to four decades.

10. Evaluate the major effects that prohibition had for the American wine industry

11. What were the major effects of the Judgment of Paris of 1976 on Californian wines?

12. Taste a sample wine and use the deductive tasting structure explained in class. Comment specifically on clarity, brightness and other color characteristics, along with the nose and the palette. Give details of the grape varity(ies), vintage, producer etc. Does the wine have the characteristics discussed in class? Which types of food would you recommend to compliment/contrast with the wine? (Note you must be of legal age to be able to consume alcohol (21 years old) and to complete this assignment.

13. Explain some of the norms with food and wine pairing and put together a sample menu showing dishes with the wines chosen. Explain your reasoning behind the choice of wines for the food. Are they meant to complement or contrast the food? This could be a classical menu, fusion food or food from your own country.

14. Evaluate one of the new food movements such as FRESH!, slow food, raw food, etc. Amongst other things you may explain the aims and objectives of their organization, the method of getting their message across, the prime prospects for the organization and future direction of the movement.

15. Investigate urban farming. Outline some examples and evaluate the major advantages and disadvantages of urban farming.

16. Read the following article  on farm – to- table available at: Discuss the major themes in the article on authenticity of farm-to-table, immigrant labor, food affordability etc. You may supplement the reading with your own research.

HRM 671 Learning theories and Technology


Why do learners sometimes not take their new knowledge and skills back to their work place after training? Provide a detailed list of some possible reasons and ways to solve the problems. Support your opinions by referencing sources such as the textbook or internet research. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format. 

Compensation Management

Imagine that you are the human resources (HR) manager at a small start-up company, and your company has just been awarded a new contract that is requiring a huge increase in the organization’s workforce. As a result, you have been asked to outline the process that you will use to develop an internally consistent compensation system and present it to the owners of the company for approval.

Create a two-page essay in which you address the following issues:

  • the reasons why an internally consistent compensation system is necessary and
  • the process involved in creating an internally consistent compensation system.

Make sure that your essay includes enough information to convince the owners that the time, effort, and manpower that this process will take will be worth it to the company in the long run. Please be sure that all sources used, including your textbook, are cited and referenced properly using APA formatting.

Capstone 3

Using the same organization from Week 2, create 3 performance standards or benchmarks (e.g., net profit, quality ratings, service excellence award, average length of stay, average percentage of readmission after discharge, average medical error rate, and so on). These benchmarks must be based on national standards or other successful profiles for this particular type of organization. Evaluate the following strategic innovations that were used to measure your performance standards:

  • Selective contracting 
  • Cost sharing 
  • Managed care 
  • Quality standards 

Evaluate the role of decision making by the health care leader for any of the performance standard measures to achieve national benchmarks.

5/7 pages 

Course Reflection


Assignment Expectations:

Address concept A and B in about 150 words each.

You will be graded on how well you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept, and critical thinking pertaining to the applicability of the concept to your professional practice. Points awarded will follow breakdown below.

The Assignment: Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and discuss two concepts or lessons learned that you believe will be most applicable to your professional discipline.

Discipline: Healthcare Management

Concept A: Electronic Health records

Concept B: Health information Systems

Concept A (points 10/20):
Identify /define (points 4/20): ……
Your professional discipline: ……..
How applicable (points 6/20): ……
Concept B (points 10/20):
Identify /define (points 4/20): ……
Your professional discipline: ……..
How applicable (points 6/20): ……

Thank you