Some might feel that testing does not have a place in the organization while others feel it is critical to the success of an organization. In 300 WORDS, do a debate-like format, take a stance on organizational testing strategies and how you feel about their need within the workplace. Be sure to summarize the use of testing within your current work environment.
wek 4 discussion
Supplier Stakeholder Ethics
Question 1: An integral part of Walmart’s operational efficiency is its ability to partner with suppliers in order to purchase merchandise and reduce costs of packaging and shipping. Review the Walmart Case Study in our text book (pages 408-409) and identify at least 2 issues that may negatively impact relationships with supplier stakeholders. Be specific.
Question 2:
Interpreting Ethics Concerns
Review Case 6 in the text book on ethics and compliance at the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Despite the NCAA’s wide array of rules and regulations, there have still been many criticisms of their practices. Identify and discuss at least 3 criticisms of the NCAA that can be interpreted as possible ethics concerns.
NOTE: In your response, adhere strictly to the discussion topic’s requirement. Do not forget to read the guidelines for responding to discussion topics covered in the Student Center.
HR Strategic Planning, HR Recruitment Tools
Human Resources Management
12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins on all sides, double-spacing.
Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. You may reference any information from the class textbook, chapters 1-8 in your answers and discussions. Format: APA version 7.
Class textbook: Human Resources Management. Author: Valentine; Meglich; Mathis; Jackson. Publisher: Pearson. Edition: 16th. ISBN: 978-0357033852
Write a 2-page paper to discuss the following:
3. Your company (IT, Healthcare, Education, etc.) of 50-100 employees using the internet and websites to recruit are still finding it difficult to find good recruits. As the HR manager, prepare an overview of how to improve upon the use of Internet advertising for employees. Remember that recruiting must be viewed strategically and tied to HR planning. What will your company need to do differently to actively use educational/academic and Internet recruiting as you compete with other employers for qualified applicants? (Chapter 6)
training metrics
This week, we studied and discussed metrics relevant to training. For this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of these metrics by writing a short paper (about 2000 words) that addresses the following questions:
- What can each metric demonstrate? What is its importance to HRM and strategic decision-making?
- What would be learned from statistics derived from this metric?
- Where might one find (or collect) the raw data for this metric? How would you implement tracking this metric in an organizational dashboard/balanced scorecard?
- What, if any, potential difficulties might create challenges in tracking this metric?
- Training and ROI (Quantitative)
- metric: ROI
- Metric: impact
- Employees and Training Coverage (Quantitative)
- Metric 1: Percentage of Employees Participating in Training
- Metric 2: Percentage of Employees Receiving Development Money
- Metric 3: Average Training Completed per Employee
- Need for, Awareness of, and Quality of Training (Qualitative)
Collaborative Successes (Supply Chain Management)
Collaborative Successes
Complete an analysis describing an area of complacency within your company or select a fortune 500 company department or division (i.e. Amazon, Google, or Coca Cola). Develop a measurable plan of collaborative problem solving to include identifying stakeholders, which can support process improvement initiatives, justified by a road map and schedule of events. Lastly, integrate Honda’s BP process concept with how this sponsors or configures change to maximize your organization’s output in supporting the end customer.
The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
- Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
- Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
- Include cover page and reference page.
- At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
- No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
- Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
- Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.
References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.
You will be using the same organization or agency that you chose for Parts I through V of your Capstone Project.
- COVID-19 Response (how has the organization responded to the needs of the community since the COVID-19 pandemic – ex: new programs created or current program expanded)
Complete Every Individual Project in my HR class
Need every individual project in my HR class completed. I have one thats past due already. MUST BE WILLING TO LOG INTO MY ONLINE COURSE TO COMPLETE WORK.
Leadership Style-Directive Skill Set
Through your reading this week you came across several different leadership styles.
Choose one that describes your leadership skill set.
Tell why you think it suits you?
Who else that is famous has those leadership traits?
Tell what type of job they have and how it would help them with helping others?
Write a 1-2 page essay APA formatting style.
Read request below
Instructions for Capstone Project Assignment Part 2
Instructions for Capstone Project Assignment Part 2
Now that you have your approved idea for the project it is time to begin the second part of the project, which builds on Project Part 1. Using the same company of choice that is proposing an expansion opportunity overseas, conduct research on the country. Specifically focus on the culture and cultural exchange. For the culture, review the web site to compare the cultural differences between the countries. Identify the cultural differences and consider the cultural exchange. In addition, research and choose the best distributions method: Product/Market, Pricing, and Positioning.
Identify the following:
- Cultural differences
- Cultural exchange
- Distribution Methods
Submission Requirements:
Submit a two- to three-page Word document using 12-pt. font and APA format
*** Please use attached paper to complete the assignment. This is a continuation of the paper you completed for me on Nordsee. You will use the same company for this assignment.