mad discussion


Enterprise Risk Management Integrating with Strategy and Performance Executive Summary. (2017, June). Retrieved from

Do, H., Railwaywalla, M., & Thayer, J. (2016). Integration of ERM with Strategy (p. 35). Retrieved from Poole College of Management, NCSU website:

fter reading the main articles this week, and any other relevant research you locate, please discuss the following in your main post:.

  • Which case study in the paper was most interesting to you and why?
  • Do you think that ERM is necessary in the contemporary organization and why?

GP part 2 MF

The purpose of the second part of the comprehensive project is to compute financial statement ratios. Based on the Carnival company you selected complete the following:

  1. Based on formulas in your textbook, compute the following ratios for two years. You may use Excel to compute your ratios.
    1. Debt ratio
    2. Gross profit margin
    3. Free cash flow
    4. Times interest earned
    5. Accounts receivable turnover
    6. Inventory turnover
  2. Prepare a DuPont Analysis of ROE for two years, including computations of
    1. Return on Sales
    2. Asset Turnover
    3. Return on Assets
    4. Financial Leverage
    5. Return on Equity
  3. Briefly evaluate the ratio trends. Indicate on your worksheet whether each ratio is:
    1. stronger / weaker
    2. quicker /slower
    3. more / less liquid
    4. more / less risk
  4. Write a 3-6 page report evaluating trends in all of the above ratios. Discuss whether your company’s profitability, efficiency, liquidity, and solvency are improving or deteriorating. Suggest ways the company can improve the ratios that show problems. The report should be well written with cover page, introduction, the body of the paper (with appropriate subheadings), conclusion, and reference page. References must be appropriately cited.

I need a website built

It needs to have 6 pages to include an index page with each bike listed and picture that you can click on to get to each bike. 

A comprehensive review on E-BIKES 

There needs to be an index page along with 5 pages reviewing the pros and cons of each E-bike.

It needs to have substantial information along with CSS, multimedia, images, Pros & cons in an unordered list. 

The list of of E-bikes that need to be reviewed are:



Nakto Skylark

Quitekat  750

E-MOJO 500

ITM Capstone

 You are a member of the Human Resource Department of a medium-sized organization that is implementing a new interorganizational system that will impact employees, customers, and suppliers.  Your manager has requested that you work with the system development team to create a communications plan for the project.  He would like to meet with you in two hours to review your thoughts on the KEY OBJECTIVES OF THE COMMUNICATIONS PLAN.  What should those objectives be? 


 Assignment 1

In Chapter 2, the author talks about four key stages with regards to data visualization workflow. Select one key stage and expand on the author’s comments about the stage.

Textbook is attached, “Andy Kirk – Data Visualisation_ A Handbook For Data Driven Design-Sage Publications (2019)”.


· ****Separate word document for each assignment****

· Minimum 300-350 words. Cover sheet, abstract, graphs, and references does not count.

· Add reference separately for each assignment question.

· Strictly follow APA style. 

· Include at least two citations (APA) from academic resources

· No plagiarized content please! Attach a plagiarized report.

· Check for spelling and grammar mistakes!

· $5 max. Please bid if you agree.

Assignment 2

A human resources manager stores a spreadsheet with sensitive personal information on her local workstation. The spreadsheet is the only file with sensitive data, and the name of the spreadsheet does not change.

As a security specialist, you must choose the best form of encryption to protect the spreadsheet. Your choices are:

· BitLocker

· BitLocker To Go

· File encryption via Encrypting File System (EFS)

· Folder encryption via EFS

Answer the following question(s):

Ø Which form of encryption would ensure the spreadsheet is always stored on the disk in encrypted format? More than one form may be correct.


· ****Separate word document for each assignment****

· Minimum 300-350 words. Cover sheet, abstract, graphs, and references do not count.

· Add reference separately for each assignment question.

· Strictly follow APA style. Length – 2 to 3 paragraphs. 

· Sources: 2 References to Support your answer

· No plagiarized content please! Attach a plagiarized report.

· Check for spelling and grammar mistakes!

· $5 max. Please bid if you agree.

Assignment 3

Project Part 2.

Refer to the “Project Part 2-Access Controls Procedure Guide” word document for tasks and instructions. 


· ****Separate word document for each assignment****

· Minimum 3 pages. Cover sheet, abstract, graphs, and references do not count.

· Strictly follow APA style.

· No plagiarized content please! Attach a plagiarized report.

· Check for spelling and grammar mistakes!

· $10 max. Please bid if you agree.

Physical securrity Discussion 6(500 words and references)

 10 threats choose 5:


a. Internal theft or diversion

b. Armed attack

c. Hostage incident

d. Burglary

e. Civil disturbance

f. Auto theft

g. Sabotage

h. Employee pilferage

i. Kidnapping

j. Robbery

he course textbook outlined the top ten security threats to an organization. For this assignment, write at least 500 words discussing the following:

  • Out of the ten threats list the five you think are most important
  • Describe and define each of these five threat areas as to their significance
  • Provide strategies you would have implemented to improve these areas to reduce risk and vulnerability

Assignment Requirements

Please provide and discuss the above

  • Each paragraph must have at least four complete sentences
  • You also need to respond to at least two (2) classmates’ posts (150-word each)
  • There should be no personal pronouns in your initial discussion post.
  • Your initial post is due by Wednesday before 1159pm
  • You should have a minimum of three credible in-text citations (Not at the end of your paragraphs)
  • All requirements must be met, and proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation must be correct.
  • Please also ensure you use the Discussion Board Header; you can find this template in the Getting Started folder.
  • No contractions should be used, or any conjunctions at the beginning of a sentence.
  • Failure to follow each instruction will negatively affect your grades.

professional righting

Select 10 Articles that support your Topic.

Write a review of all the articles and submit.

APA 7TH Edition   12 Font Times New Roman 

The basis precepts for formatting the pages and paragraphs are:
Margins: 1-inch margins
Spacing: double spaced
Font-Size: Times New Roman – 12-point font
Running head (text and page #) noted on header

References (include in text citations) 7the Edition

The specific use of the APA style is to write with clarity, precision, and inclusions. The APA style provides a uniformed platform for research papers to be better structured and organized. In this class, “The term “plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment.” The specific need is the APA standard writing style helps you to reduce bias languages and show you how to cite references correctly so that you can avoid charges of plagiarism.

Mechanics: Includes complete sentences, proper formatting of margins, spacing, indentation, etc.; typeface and use of emphasis are appropriate to task. Includes thorough documentation or citation as necessary; supports all claims within either text or appendix; properly identifies outside material. Possible Point Deductions 1- 10 pts.

Case Study

Complete the attached case study.

Follow all directions and answer all of the questions located at the end of the case study.

Download the attached risk analysis template to use as your complete your case study.