300 words discussion

Discussion point: (300 Words Minimum)

Web Analytics is a valuable tool, it allows you to track mobile users, mobile websites and mobile applications whether or not the mobile device runs JavaScript. This is made possible by using a server-side code snippet on your mobile website.

Question: With the multi-millions of mobile users in the U.S. alone, is it a good business decision to track mobile users who visit your web site and why, please support your answer with examples? Please, include the following in your discussion post.

Compare and Contrast the business decision to track mobile users that visit your website.

Describe why this would be a good or bad decision for your company to pursue.

Cookies, what DO they DO?

In the world of Web analytics there is a debate revolving around cookies that never seems to be resolved or truly understood. Cookies are a very simple and well-established way to track visitors to your web site. However, their simplicity and transparency makes it very easy for users to turn off cookies or delete them from their computers. Cookie information is vital for web analytics because it identifies visitors, their referring source, and subsequent page view data. What is a business to do?!

The new Pokémon Go (https://nianticlabs.com/privacy/en/) has been released for Smartphones! It’s the latest craze or just crazy?! Check out the terms of service/privacy policy and this snippet on last week’s topic – cookies. Provide your analysis on the policy snippet or the entire policy itself. Pokémon Go! or Pokémon No! What do you decide?

week two discussion

 how business processes as services can improve efficiency. This discussion is about business process as a service and security.  


 Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.  Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes. 


1. Compare and contrast at least three differences between OLTP and OLAP database designs.

2. Provide details, explanations, and examples.

3. 3-4 Paragraphs

4. provide website references

building an AI machine/Deep learning applicationPart 1 – Following is the link of the Project and Dataset :https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2018/05/24-ultimate-data-science-projects-to-boost-your-knowledge-and-skills/

 Part 1 –

Following is the link of the Project and Dataset :


Run the code several times and show the intended output…you also need to EXPLAIN the output…

You will also need to provide output for the following:

Python file containing your code…

Dimensions of the data…

Sample of the data…

Statistical summary of the data…

Class distribution…

One univariate and one multivariate diagram…

Decision Tree…explain the best depth and why?…

Results of training and new data, 80%-20% split…

Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…

Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…

Classification report…what is it telling us?…

Results of training and new data…

[9:28 PM, 12/10/2020] Mohammed Monroe: Part 1 –

Following is the link of the Project 

1. Iris Data Set


Run the code several times and show the intended output…you also need to EXPLAIN the output…

You will also need to provide output for the following:

Python file containing your code…

Dimensions of the data…

Sample of the data…

Statistical summary of the data…

Class distribution…

One univariate and one multivariate diagram…

Decision Tree…explain the best depth and why?…

Results of training and new data, 80%-20% split…

Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…

Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…

Classification report…what is it telling us?…

Results of training and new data, 50%-50% split…

Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…

Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…

Classification report…what is it telling us?…

Part 2 – Updated Code…

Now that you have a working base of code, let’s apply it to a “real world” scenario…

Find an article or video that shows a potentially SIMILAR usage of the application you created in Part 1…

Update the original application so that it “works” for the NEW application…

In this “Movie Recommendation” project, you might find an article on “book recommendations” …you would then update the original program to handle the new scenario…

YOU MUST UPDATE THE ORIGINAL CODE…do not provide entirely new code base.

Run the code several times and show the intended output…you also need to EXPLAIN the output…

You will also need to provide the same output for THIS application, as you did for the ORIGINAL application…specifically:

Python file containing your code…

Dimensions of the data…

Sample of the data…

Statistical summary of the data…

Class distribution…

One univariate and one multivariate diagram…

Decision Tree…explain the best depth and why?…

Results of training and new data, 80%-20% split…

Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…

Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…

Classification report…what is it telling us?…

Results of training and new data, 50%-50% split…

Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…

Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…

Classification report…what is it telling us?…


building an AI machine/Deep learning applicationPart 1 –

Following is the link of the Project and Dataset :



Run the code several times and show the intended output…you also need to EXPLAIN the output…

You will also need to provide output for the following:

Python file containing your code…

Dimensions of the data…

Sample of the data…

Statistical summary of the data…

Class distribution…

One univariate and one multivariate diagram…

Decision Tree…explain the best depth and why?…

Results of training and new data, 80%-20% split…

Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…

Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…

Classification report…what is it telling us?…

Results of training and new data, 50%-50% split…

Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…

Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…

Classification report…what is it telling us?…

Part 2 – Updated Code…

Now that you have a working base of code, let’s apply it to a “real world” scenario…

Find an article or video that shows a potentially SIMILAR usage of the application you created in Part 1…

Update the original application so that it “works” for the NEW application…

In this “Movie Recommendation” project, you might find an article on “book recommendations” …you would then update the original program to handle the new scenario…

YOU MUST UPDATE THE ORIGINAL CODE…do not provide entirely new code base.

Run the code several times and show the intended output…you also need to EXPLAIN the output…

You will also need to provide the same output for THIS application, as you did for the ORIGINAL application…specifically:

Python file containing your code…

Dimensions of the data…

Sample of the data…

Statistical summary of the data…

Class distribution…

One univariate and one multivariate diagram…

Decision Tree…explain the best depth and why?…

Results of training and new data, 80%-20% split…

Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…

Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…

Classification report…what is it telling us?…

Results of training and new data, 50%-50% split…

Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…

Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…

Classification report…what is it telling us?…

TCP/IP routing protocols

The term paper for this class is worth 200 points, and it requires you to do a research and write a 2000-2500 word paper describing  RIPv2 Protocol

 The paper will include the following:

  • The paper must have a distinct and well written Introduction, Supporting Body and Conclusion; 
    • In the body include the following 
      • The history of the protocol chosen;
      • The programmable parameters of the protocol and how they affect traffic flow;
      • The major differences between the routing protocol chosen and the others that were not chosen;
      • How the chosen protocol can be used in a modern day routed network environment.
  • ·  Site at least two advantages and two disadvantages, of your chosen routing protocol subject

·  Site at least two of the most common programmable parameters of the protocol, and how they affect traffic flow

·  Discuss the major differences between the routing protocol chosen and all others that were not chosen

In the Conclusion of your Paper 

·  Discuss how your chosen protocol can be used in a modern day routed network environment. (seen in Conclusion)

Paper Sections:

Description: Your Paper MUST contain the following sections. 

* Title Page

 – Title of Paper

 – Author

 – Class

 – Professor

* Introduction

* Body

 – Support Introduction 

 – Elements (see above)

 – History

 – Advantages/Dis-advantages

 – Two Programmable Parameters

 – How do they effect traffic flow

 – Compared your chosen Protocol to all Routing Protocols we have studied

* Conclusion

 – Your Opinion of selected Routing Protocol

 – A Summary

 – Modern Day Usage 

500 Words Minimum Assignment

In this assignment, you are going to visit the Google Web Analytics Demo site. Please follow these steps:

  1. Be sure to have a Google email account this makes it much easier. Create free Google email account here. ( https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?service=mail&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F%3Fpc%3Dtopnav-about-en&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp )
  2. Go to the link below and read the simple instructions to access the Google Analytics Demo site at this link. You will see the link named “ACCESS DEMO ACCOUNT”      (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6367342?hl=en )
  3. Review the document above and go to the demo account “ACCESS DEMO ACCOUNT”:
  4. You will be asked for your Google email account information to access the demo.
  5. Once in the Google Analytics Demo, review the many areas and explore, check out the blue boxes when you first enter, they will be helpful. Now explore the many data metrics.
  6. Create a summary Word Document of your experience in the setup, how easy or hard was it to you. Take at least three (3) screenshots of the Google Analytics pages to attach to the summary.

Please submit a Word Doc with your answers, in 500 words or more, and use references in support of your answers.

Security Architecture & design

Length:  Minimum of 600 words

Total points: 40 points

Due date: Sunday, November 29, 2020

In week #8, your midterm project was to provide a security assessment for Vestige, Inc, an online software company that specialize in selling ad spaces in their parent company’s magazine.  Vestige manages an online database that allows their customers to upload and pay for their business ads for magazine placement.  Because Vestige’s database needs to connect to the parent company’s database, the parent company has requested that Vestige system be assessed and verified as secure.

Now that you have provided your security assessment, the next step is to provide Vestige, Inc. with your Security Portfolio. Using this week’s Reading on the NIST framework that includes the 5-step process for creating a balanced portfolio of security products, your assignment will be to create a Security Portfolio with the following sections:

1. Cover Page (i.e. APA title page)

2. Background (provide a synopsis your midterm security assessment on Vestige)

3. For each security need identified (or needs to be identified) from your Week #8’s Midterm Assignment, Find the products that will deliver the needed capabilities for the right price, and tell why you chose that product.

This assignment should be about the security needs only.  Do NOT discuss how the client can achieve more business (That is not your job). Please use  APA format and include at least two references.