Parametric and Non Parametric Analyses


Part 1

A principal wants to determine if a new ACT preparation program is effective. The data are contained in the schools.sav data file. Open the schools.sav file in SPSS. Use SPSS to determine whether a significant improvement existed between student performance on ACT tests in 1993 (act93) and ACT tests in 1994 (act94). Assume that the same students were involved in 1993 and 1994 testing. (This requires a t-test. Review Chapter 10 of the Green & Salkind text for information on paired t-tests and reporting APA results interpretation and writing.)

Create a report that answers the principal’s question. Write these conclusions in formal APA results format. Include your SPSS output to support your conclusion.

Part 2

A pharmaceutical company wants to determine whether there is a need for a new medication based on the data in the electric.sav file. Specifically, they want to determine whether a person is alive or dead 10 years after a coronary incident and whether that is reflected in a significant difference in the patients’ cholesterol levels (chol58) taken when the event occurred. Use chol58 as a dependent variable and VITAL10 as your independent variable. Complete the following:

  • Analyze these conditions to determine whether there is a significant difference between the cholesterol levels (vital10) of those who are alive 10 years later compared to those who died within 10 years.
  • Include the SPSS output, which validates your conclusion.
  • Write a brief paragraph describing your conclusions.

Refer to Unit 6 in the Green & Salkind text for specific information about SPSS tests and APA results interpretation and writing. Pay attention to the Levene’s test throughout for determining whether the assumption of equal variance was met when you make your final decisions about the analysis.

What conclusion did you reach? Write these conclusions in formal APA results format. Include your SPSS output to support that conclusion.

Part 3

Occasionally, you have 1 independent variable that has 3 or more levels or groups. For a parametric data set, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the proper calculation. Use an ANOVA to address the following scenario:

A financial planner is interested in understanding the relationship between the dependent variable of the income level of respondents (rincdol) and the independent variable of their education level (ndegree) from the gss.sav data file. Use SPSS to complete the following:

  • Run an ANOVA to determine the overall conclusion.
  • Use the Bonferroni correction as a post-hoc analysis to determine the relationship of specific levels of degree level to income.
  • Explain the overall conclusions based on the analysis, and describe the relationship(s) between the levels of the degree earned and income.
  • Write your conclusion of the findings based upon the output using proper APA formatting.

Submit both the SPSS output file and your Word summary. (Refer to the Green & Salkind section about a one-way ANOVA for information on APA results interpretation and writing.)


  • 6.2 What protocols comprise TLS?
  • 6.3 What is the difference between a TLS connection and a TLS session?
  • 6.4 List and briefly define the parameters that define a TLS session state.
  • 6.5 List and briefly define the parameters that define a TLS session connection.
  • 6.6 What services are provided by the TLS Record Protocol?
  • 6.7 What steps are involved in the TLS Record Protocol transmission?
  • 6.8 What is the purpose of HTTPS?
  • 6.9 For what applications is SSH useful?
  • 6.10 List and briefly define the SSH protocols.

digital forensics

The readings this week expand on investigation and of digital forensic analysis and investigations. Organizations, especially those in the public, health and educational areas are bound by legal and statutory requirements to protect data and private information, therefore digital forensics analysis will be very beneficial when security breaches do occur. Using this weeks readings and your own research, discuss digital forensics and how it could be used in a risk management program.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail

Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7)

Discussion 13

Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities. 

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A)  As indicated above, identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

Project Description: Chapter 2: Array Based Structures Programming Exercises 21 (Code an application program that keeps track of student information at your college…)

Project Description:

See textbook page 122

Chapter 2: Array Based Structures

Programming Exercises 21 (Code an application program that keeps track of student information at your college…)


  • One project report in the form of PDF  
  • One separate zip folder which contains all the source codes (java preferred.)
  • ONLY ONE group member submits the files on behalf of the whole group. 


  • Report: In the project report, please illustrate what the project is about, what operations you have implemented, and what the testing results are. Both text and pictures should be used to show the running results. Include the names of all team members clearly and contributions of each. (The contributions of all team members will be assumed to be equal by default.) The structure of the report should be clear and organized.(20%)
  • Code: Check whether all operations have been successfully implemented. Check whether the code is commented appropriately and structured well. (80%)

Computer Ethics

In a typical 700 to 1000 word essay, discuss the following points:

What is wrong with each of these nine theories?

Which theory you think most acceptable for you?  

Which one is most supportive to your values?

Which one should serve as the foundation for the society’s moral order where you would want to live?  

1. Subjective Relativism

2. Cultural Relativism

3. Divine Command Theory

4. Ethical Egoism

5. Categorical Imperative: Kant

6. Act Utilitarianism

7. Rule Utilitarianism

8. Social Contract Theory

9. Virtue Ethics

Do not select passages from any resources!  You must express your opinion from your reading of the course materials and online resources.

Students have to include proper citations. The essay’s quality of writing is part of the assessment. Therefore, grammatical, typographical or syntactical errors will affect the grade. No late submission. It WON’T be accepted.

OSI and TCP/IP Models


Discussion Topic

Choose a TCP/IP service, such as a web  browser, email, file transfer, remote shell, DHCP, DNS, network time  protocol, network address translation, etc. 


  • Everyone should pick a different service, if possible, to keep the discussion fresh.

In your original post, answer the following about the service you have chosen:

  • How would you determine the IP addresses of your devices on your network?

 Success Hints

You can use ipconfig if you use the command line.

You can use if you have connectivity on your devices. 

  • Using Google, determine how to look up your IP address in the Windows 10 GUI.
  • How would you determine if your devices are able to communicate on your network?

 Success Hint

You can use ping on your computers. How would you do it on your mobile devices?)

  • Using ipconfig, how do you determine the IP address of your home router?
  • Trace a request and a response with the help of a diagram of the TCP/IP service that you chose.
  • Follow the request and response through each of the TCP/IP layers.
  • Describe what happens at each layer of the OSI and TCP/IP reference models. 

Discussion post – Qualitative research methods


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Part 1

Top management of a large company has told you that they would like to be able to determine what the impact of years of service at their company has on workers’ productivity levels, and they would like to be able to predict potential productivity based upon years of service. The company has data on all of its employees and has been using a valid productivity measure that assesses each employee’s productivity.

What is a possible way to answer management’s question, and how does the analysis work? Reference the section on bi-variate linear regression from Green & Salkind.

Part 2

After reviewing the results of the analysis in Part I, the company found they are significantly related. However, a statistician reviewed the output and said that the results really do not explain much of what is happening in the total relationship.

What information is the statistician referring to from your output, and why is it important? Reference the section on bi-variate linear regression from Green & Salkind. 

week-6 assignment

   Compare and evaluate qualitative v quantitative risk assessment.  

Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.