Week 7 discussion – Cyber Law

 Week 7 discussion Hacking and invasion of the computers of others

Please describe a case that has been in the news recently and describe what harm can be done by the unlawful intrusion into the computer of another. Please respond in 400 words. And add references using APA format.

IT project management


Address the importance of project risk management.  Your response should include considerations pertaining to planning and identifying risks, as well as performing a qualitative risk analysis.  Please also consider common sources of risk for information technology projects.  To assist you in your qualitative risk analysis, consider the following case:

Most people are very familiar with the movie The Great Escape but may not be familiar with it as a project executed in the spring of 1944. The starting point for the project was in March of 1943 with the move to a new camp, the North Compound, created to relieve some of the overcrowding in the existing camp. From the outset, the move to and taking up of brand-new quarters would cause confusion and provide new opportunities, and all sort of possibilities for escape.

Roger Bushell and the escape committee were faced with the conundrum of determining the best possible approach to an escape. They needed to balance variables like the availability of resources and the overall risk to the escapers and POWs in the camp.

In the East Compound, the POWs had lost or abandoned at least fifty tunnels in a thirty-month time frame much to the dismay of the camp’s escape committee. This was a dismal and unsatisfactory track record, and POW morale was sagging very low. The escape committee (like a PMO) could prioritize the escapes that had the best chance of success. They could also determine the best Return on Investment (ROI) for the escape by analyzing the resources and risks for the escape.

Overall there were different types of escapes possible with varying approaches for example:

  • An unplanned and opportunistic escape, where 1 or 2 escapers take immediate advantage of a presented situation. For example, climb and hide in the back of a truck inside the camp. These opportunities were extremely rare and risky, and just to the immediate escapers and not the rest of the camp. In addition, the POWs had no time to prepare and would end up outside of the camp with no resources and equipment to continue the escape.
  • A planned escape, used once only, a throwaway escape where the escape route would be exposed and could not be reused, for 1 to 3 escapers to get out. For example, finding a blind spot along the perimeter fence and cutting through the wire. This would be discovered within 24 hours and was a little less opportunistic and risky. The POWs would end up on the outside of the camp with resources and equipment to continue the escape.
  • Planned escape, reused several times, for 1 to 10 escapers, several escapes spread over several months, through a tunnel. There were problems in disguising missing POWs in the camp for more than a few days. Camp authorities would search with little let-up. Continuation of the project would be very difficult. The POWs would have resources and equipment outside of the camp to continue the escape.
  • Planned mass escape, used once only, a throwaway escape where the escape route would be exposed and could not be reused, for up to 250 escapers to get out. With many escapers, the contribution to the escape would be significant, the pooling of a lot of materials and resources. The POWs would have good resources and equipment outside of the camp to continue the escape

Clearly, Project Risk Management was a major concern in The Great Escape project, so carry out the following exercises to identify and analyze the project risks involved. Preferably, work as a team to develop responses as though you were working in a Project Management Office (PMO) for this project.

  1. Identify how risk management should be practiced through each stage of the project.
  2. Play out scenarios that recognize overall areas of risk, and then identify specific risks.
  3. First, because it is simpler and easier to do so, complete a qualitative risk analysis for each specific risk you have identified.
  4. Collect metrics that quantify each of these risks in terms of calculating the cost of the impact of each risk, and sort in priority order.
  5. Plan risk responses that are realistic, even though some have to be just simply accepted.

How to Handle Application Scalability


Summarize cloud applications scalability concepts


You are a software developer for a retail company that sells mobile phones via the web. Your company has deployed the entire website onto the public cloud. The mobile manufacturing company launches a new mobile every year. Your company’s website gets ten times the traffic during the new mobile launch. Customers often complain about the timeout and slow website performance. Some of them are even moving to other competitor’s websites, directly impacting your annual profit.

The public cloud provides various options to handle website scalability. Your manager has asked you to investigate various alternatives and walk through the best possible cost-effective solution. The goal is to handle the scale-up of the application during the pick load and scale down during the less load.

The public cloud company also provides a cost calculator to estimate the approximate cost to host the solution.


In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages, provide a step by step walk through to your manager and discuss the following points.

  • The public cloud vendor you have selected.
  • A description of the public cloud architecture for your web application.
  • A description of the components that are required for your public cloud and their functionality.
  • An explanation of how scale up and scale down will work.
  • How security will be enhanced.
  • A description of the benefits of deploying to multiple cloud regions.
  • An overview of serverless architecture and the benefits provided.
  • The approximate cost to host your design on the cloud.

Be sure use a professional tone and check grammar and spelling.


Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.


Requirements to pass (Rubrics)

Word document is 5 or more pages in length.

Public cloud vendor is selected.

Full, robust, and detailed description of public cloud architecture.

Full, robust, and detailed description of the components and functionality that are required for your public cloud selection.

Full, robust, and detailed explanation of how scale up and scale down will work.

Full, robust, and detailed explanation of how security will be enhanced.

Full, robust, and detailed explanation of the benefits of deploying to multiple cloud regions.

Full, robust, and detailed overview of serverless architecture and the benefits provided.

Full, robust, and detailed explanation of the approximate cost to host your design on the cloud.

Spelling and grammar are correct; professional tone used.

5 scholarly references provided; documented correctly.

Memo: Developing Channels of Communication and Collaboration

As the new communications manager for International Gadgets, you have assembled a team of technical communicators with experience in communicating with various audiences in a business setting. Research & Development (R&D) has created a new product that it believes will revolutionize the industry. But the department needs the buy-in of several levels of the corporation to launch the new product. First, upper management needs to understand the product and how it will help the company expand before it will approve the funding needed to mass-produce the product. Sales and Marketing need to understand the product so it can be properly marketed. Technical Support needs to thoroughly know the product in order to support it to the customer base. And all employees need to know as much about the product as possible so that they can build excitement about the proposed launch. The head of R&D has come to you for your help in building excitement and buy-in throughout the company for the new product. Create a memo to your team that discusses the following:

  • The possible channels of communication that can be used to communicate information about the product to various levels of the company, and how they could be used
  • Your suggestions for which channels will be appropriate for which audiences and why
  • Plans for how your team will communicate and collaborate on this project for the purpose of choosing the best channels of communications for various audiences in the company

Back up your plans with solid reasoning and research.

Organizational structure

create a one-page essay answering the question noted below.    

  • Define the IT organizational structure and how the IT organizational structure impacts culture and change management practices.  Additionally, how does the organizational structure impact competitive advantage?

Cyber Security

Please choose any topic on Moddle for your research paper. It should be at least 10-15 pages with at least 5 APA citations & matching references. Formatting: Introduction; Image / Table; Conclusion; 12 TNR font; double space; clearly divided small paragraphs; bold & underline headings;

Topics:(Please choose one) 

1) Cyber Security Overview

2) Authentication & Assess control

3) Malicious Software & Attacks

4) Intrusion Detection & Firewalls

5) Software & Operating Systems Security

6) Clouds, IoT , & IT Security Management

7) Security Controls & Infrastructure Security

8) HR Security & Security Auditing.

short answer


Review your storyboard before beginning this thread. The use of CSS can help to streamline your development process. For this discussion define what elements you would control with CSS and why. Are there instances where you would need to use more than one style sheet for a site? Explain how you might use multiple style sheets or various kinds of styles (inline, embedded, external).

  • Flesh out your thoughts and interact with your classmates.  Post your initial response by Wednesday each week and then return on a couple of other days to see what’s going on with the discussions.  The more you interact, the more you learn from your peers, and the more you share with them about what you know.  You’ll also be showing your instructor what you’ve picked up.

Complete the following assignment in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning textbook:

  • Chapter 6 – Review the section on knowledge creation, culture, and strategy.  Explain how balance scorecards impact knowledge creation, culture, and strategy.  Why are these important concepts to understand within an organization?

Complete the assignment using narrative paragraphs and explain your thoughts and findings in detail. Adhere to APA format requirements and do not use lists or bullets. Use Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced. Include a coversheet with your name, class ID and the title of the assignment. Your submission needs to be at least one page in length. The coversheet, figures, tables, and reference list doesn’t count toward the page count. Post the assignment as one MS Word document by the due date in the syllabus. Do not submit any other format such as PDF. Please provide and cite two references IAW APA.