Discussion Post BPaas-4


Discuss, in your own words using 500 words or more, how business process as a service (BPaaS) reduces risk for commercial enterprises. 

Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post.

APA References and Citations




Always Fresh allows external users, such as vendors and business partners, to access the Always Fresh Windows environment. You have noticed a marked increase in malware activity in the test environment that seems to originate from external users. After researching the likely source of new malware, you conclude that allowing external users to connect to your environment using compromised computers exposes Always Fresh to malware vulnerabilities.

After consulting with your manager, you are asked to create a policy that will ensure all external computers that connect to Always Fresh environment are malware free. You create the following policy:

“To protect the Always Fresh computing environment from the introduction of malware of any type from external sources, all external computers and devices must demonstrate that they are malware free prior to establishing a connection to any Always Fresh resource.”

Consider the following questions:

1. What does “malware free” mean?

2. How can a user demonstrate that their computer or device is malware free?

3. What are the steps necessary to establish a malware-free computer or device?

4. How should Always Fresh verify that a client computer or device is compliant?


Create a malware protection procedure guide that includes steps for installing and running anti-malware software. Fill in the following details to develop your procedure guide:

1. Provide a list of approved anti-malware software solutions—include at least three leading antivirus and two anti-spyware products. You may include Microsoft products and third-party products. Instruct users to select one antivirus and one anti-spyware product and install them on their computer.

2. Describe the process of:

a. Ensuring anti-malware software and data is up to date. Mandate daily updates.

b. Running regular malware scans. Mandate that automatic scans occur whenever the computer is idle. If that setting is unavailable, mandate daily fast scans and biweekly complete scans.

3. Provide steps to follow any time malware is detected.

a. Immediate reaction—what to do with current work, leave the computer on or turn it off

b. Who to contact

c. What information to collect

The procedure guide may be used by company security professionals in the future. Hence, all steps listed should be clear and self-explanatory.

Required Resources

§ Internet access

§ Course textbook

Submission Requirements

§ Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

§ Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double-space

§ Citation Style: APA

§ Length: 2 to 4 pages

What are the Consequences of Software Piracy?


For this assignment you will prepare a write a two-page essay on a current technology issue.

You may choose one of the technology issues from the list. Research your topic using a popular search engine or other resources. Print out at least three articles that you will use as sources for your project. Read and highlight the important and pertinent facts that you want included in your project.

Write a two-page essay (double spaced) on the topic. As with all of the issues, there are positive and negative points to consider. I want you to present facts derived from your research, and then state your opinion on your topic. You must have 3 references.

Urgent only 24 hours : Apache Pig Hadoop Assignment2.3


Do online research and find out one case study where Apache Pig was used to solve a particular problem.

Expecting 4 page write-up including diagrams. Please provide as much technical details as possible about solution through Apache Pig.


1)Atleast 2 Technical diagrams to explain the solution. own diagrams please, not from internet.

2) Maximum one page for business problem and 3 pages of technical solution.

3) No plagiarism.

4)Deadline 24 July, only respond if you can complete it in 1 day. i had enough with some fools and they wasted a week with no work. 

Database Optimization and Performance Tuning Paper


In a 500- to 750-word document, address the following:

  1. Explain the phases and function of the query optimizer.
  2. Identify the tools to edit query optimizer strategies.
  3. Explain how performance of a database system is measured.
  4. Differentiate between response time and throughput.
  5. Explain how the physical design of a database influences performance tuning.
  6. Explain three ways queries can be altered to increase database performance.
  7. Present specific examples to illustrate how implementing each query alteration could optimize the database.


 What kind of user training should be conducted to deal with the issue of noise (not the electrical kind). How do you strike a balance between being overwhelmed with false positives and the danger of ignoring true incidents?  What effects would false positives have on an organization?  




Find an article on the internet outline a security breach or cyber attack. Provide a link to the article and suggest a control that would mitigate against that attack. Clearly explain why that control would be an effective mitigation strategy.

In your main post,  thoroughly describe the attack and how it occurred.  Also,  if the article identifies a way to prevent the attack,  also describe it in your main post.  Your main post should be a minimum of 300 words.

Milestone assignment


In the initial milestone writing assignment, you will evaluate the history of cryptography from its origins.  Analyze how cryptography was used and describe how it grew within history.  Look at reasons  why cryptography was used and how it developed over the years.  Was it used or implemented differently in varying cultures?  

The writing assignment requires a minimum of two written pages to evaluate the history.  You must use a minimum of three scholarly articles to complete the assignment.  Be sure to view your SafeAssign score. You may submit your paper twice. The assignment must be properly APA formatted with a separate title and reference page.