Tableau- Wine Quality

Before You Begin

  • This assignment will be saved to your Tableau Public account rather than GitHub.
  • If you haven’t already, be sure to create a Tableau Public account here.
  • The free tier of Tableau only lets you save to their public server. This means that each time you save your file it will be uploaded to your Tableau Public profile.
  • You are able to load and continue working on the same workbook.
  • When you are finished with your assignment, you will turn in the URL to your Tableau Public workbook along with any additional files used for your analysis.


Picture…hosting a nice holiday party for close friends… having prepared all of the expected holiday hors d’oeuvres and the most beautiful charcuterie board in the world.. holiday music playing in the background. But wait….how could you possibly make this party any better…… WINE.

 The importance of selecting a wine to pair with food makes or breaks the flavor combination. With so many options for different types of white and red wines, we are giving you an inside look at the quality of wine and what truly contributes to choosing the better quality. We will be analyzing different traits in both white and red wine such as alcohol content, sugar levels, acidity, color, etc. to gain a better understanding on how each contributes to the quality. 


Your task in this assignment is to aggregate the data found in the Wine Quality dataset from Kaggle. 

Analyzing different traits in both white and red wine such as alcohol content, sugar levels, acidity, color, etc. to gain a better understanding on how each contributes to the quality. 

Design 2-5 visualizations for each discovered phenomena (4-10 total).  

Next, as a chronic over-achiever:

  • Use your visualizations (does not have to be all of them) to design a dashboard for each phenomena.
  • The dashboard should be accompanied with an analysis explaining why the phenomena may be occuring.

 A link to your Tableau Public workbook that includes:

  • 4-10 Total “Phenomenon” Visualizations
  • A Dashboard
  • A text write up :  analysis on the phenomenons you uncovered from the data


Sharing Your Work

In order to share your work, we are asking that you will save your workbook as a .twbx file so that your TA’s can grade them.

To save your workbook as a .twbx file, you will just need to select “Save As…” from the “File” dropdown. Then, select the .twbx option.

Discussion forum on chapter readings

 Required Textbook: Tapscott, D., &Tapscott, A. (2016). Blockchain revolution: how the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world. Penguin.   

Chapter-8: Rebuilding Government and Democracy

 Chapter 8 introduces governance issues and potential areas in which blockchain technology can help empower citizens.  


1.choose one area from the material in chapter 8 in which blockchain technology can enhance citizen engagement, and describe the current problem and how blockchain technology could resolve or improve the current situation. 

2.Write your discussion in a way that is accessible by all readers – regardless of their political beliefs. In other words, focus on blockchain, not politics. 

3.Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students . The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 8. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.   

Write 300 words document

Emerging threats_5.2


What are the various technologies employed by wireless devices to maximize their use of the available radio frequencies? Also discuss methods used to secure 802.11 wireless networking in your initial thread.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Note: Answer should be a minimum of 300 words

Intro to Data Mining

Discuss techniques for combining multiple anomaly detection techniques to improve the identification of anomalous objects. Consider both supervised and unsupervised cases.

All discussions should contain at least one reference (and matching in-text citation in APA format).

Case Study 1 – Deutsche Bank


Please read The Deutsche Bank case study (see HBS Coursepack) and answer the following questions with substantive answers in a cohesive essay. Your paper should be at least 3 pages in length. Use proper grammar, spelling, citations, etc.

1. What is blockchain technology, and how can it be used in organizations and industries to create value?2. Is blockchain technlogy a disruptive platform?3. How did the Deutsche Bank managers lay the foundations for commercializing blockchain?4. How should Deutsche Bank move ahead to start crating value from blockchain? Which key issues should it consider?

Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all sources used. In addition to your 3 page (minimum) essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page. Click the assignment link to compare your work to the rubric before submitting it. Click the same link to submit your assignment.