

  • Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
    • When should the architect begin the analysis?
    • What are the activities the architect must execute?
    • What is the set of knowledge domains applied to the analysis?
    • What are the tips and tricks that make security architecture risk assessment easier

Write an essay discussing sqlmap, an automated tool for sql injection and database takeover in 500 words or more. Why do we need an automated tool for sql injection?


Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign. 

Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format.  

Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. 

Include an interesting meaningful title


SQL Injection

Watch this video on the SQL Slammer worm


Class: BLCN 531 Introduction to Blockchain and Crypto-currency Assignment: Capstone Project. Length: Minimum of 1000 words.

Pick one area where you think Blockchain Technology could be proposed as a solution and briefly explain your proposed solution. Your final document should include an Abstract and a Conclusion. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least six references.

Discussion: Importance of Security Policies

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Explain the importance of information security policies and the role they play in ensuring sound and secure business information.

Scenario 1

Think about how you would feel if there were no rules regarding how your credit card information was stored on merchants’ Web sites. Would you purchase items from the Web? Would the Internet be as big as it is today if we had no laws or information security policies regarding data that makes up an e-commerce transaction?


You work as an administrative assistant for the President of Bass University which employs around 300 faculty and staff.Your immediate supervisor, the President, has just informed you …

Security Architecture and Design solution as a diagram or diagrams with annotations

Length: Minimum of 900 words

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

Your work over the next 8 weeks will lead-up to your ability to represent an enterprise security architecture solution as a diagram or diagrams with annotations. The project involves depicting a Security Architecture for one of the following businesses: 

· Financial (Bank, brokerage, Insurer, etc.) 

· Hospital/Medical Services 

· Pharmaceutical/Chemical 

· Social Media Company 

· Energy Company (Electrical Utility, Oil Company, Solar, Wind, etc.) 

· Manufacturer (Automobile, Computer, Consumer Electronics, etc.) 

Respond to the following:

· Identify the business type you have selected for your paper.

· Provide a brief overview of the business

· Provide the goals and approach to the project

· Architectural diagrams and annotations 


Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. 

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. 

Include at least two APA most recent references.

Deliverable 6 – Making Contacts for the Future



Design a personal plan to use social media to benefit the student both personally and professionally as well as minimize online mistakes and their impact.


Regardless of the career that you pursue or are currently pursuing, it is likely that the action of securing the resource of friends and professional acquaintances will be as valuable as any other action you could take.

Part 1:

First, take some time to reflect on your career and/or future career. If this includes more than one career path, then focus on the one that you are most concerned with in the long term. This might include working in a specific field, starting a business, or any other pursuit you are currently working on or plan to work on in the future. The choice behind the pursuit you will focus on is a personal choice.

Write two pages on why this particular career and/or pursuit is your choice. Reflecting on the why behind your wish to achieve a goal will help to make it feel more tangible to you. This exercise of reflection should serve to remind you of your motivation and will be a good thing to refer back to if your motivation ever gets low. The “why” behind a pursuit is oftentimes more important than the “how” of a pursuit. If you have a strong enough “why,” you will find the “how.”

Part 2:

For the second part of this assignment, make a list of the types of people that could help you in your career and why those people would be good contacts to have. This list should be general in nature, meaning you should list professions or names of positions within companies rather than specific names.

You should list general fields or positions like accountants, attorneys, marketing managers, CEOs, etc., rather than any specific names. Be sure to list at least five professions or types of people.

Part 3:

Next, consider which social media platforms you could use to make personal contacts that could help you in your pursuit along with why and how you could use each. Ensure that the platform and your use of it line up with the specifics behind your chosen future goal.

Describe at least three different platforms you could use, along with why you would use it, and how you would use it for each of the three.

  • Platform #
    • Why?
    • How?
  • Platform #
    • Why?
    • How?
  • Platform #
    • Why?
    • How?

Part 4:

Finally, put all of this together and take action. The next part of this assignment is where you can make a big difference in your grade as well as in your real life pursuit of a goal!

Reach out through the avenue of social media and make contact with three people that you do not currently know. Describe who you contacted and why (you do not need to give their specific name). Explain how you went about contacting them. Contacting someone that works in the same field as you or the same field you intend to work in should be relatively easy as long as you take a professional approach. Speculate over how this new contact might be helpful to you in the future. If you are not currently using social media, then find someone that you know that has used social media to make connections. Ask them to describe how social media has helped them to network and write about social media has helped them to network and make connections.

Mind map of an industry which uses cloud


The goal of this project is to build and present a business development plan using a Mind Map and to discuss it in detail through a presentation. The Mind Map will need to have major GCP product types, their subtopics and actual products that perform those functions. 

There needs to be a complete layout which will include the following details:

· Business Location (Cloud / Brick & Mortar / Hybrid)

· Product and / or Services Offered

The Mind Map can be of any industry that you choose.

The topics and subtopics on the Mind Map must be actual products that are related to GCP products.


The following files will be provided.

· GCP – Conceptual Mind Map

o The topic concept would be business needs as shown in the “GCP – Conceptual Mind Map”

· The entries would be actual products as shown, but not limited to, the file called “GCP Products”

· Your presented product would be similar in nature to the graphic “Google Cloud Mapping”

o The products on each topic will be based on GCP concepts.

· I have created a Mind Map called “GCP Mind Map Sample – Guide” which illustrates the mapping requirements.



The Mind Map must have the following 4 major topics

· Storage Products

· Database Products

· G Suite Platform

· Networking Products

The Mind Map layout needs to include:

· At least 2 additional major topics of your choosing

· The Mind Map must have at least 20 2nd tier subtopics

· The map must go at least 3 levels deep on at least 3 topics

o You can use any Mind Map tool or theme that you prefer

o The example provided was made on


You will need to present the business idea as a timed 15-minute presentation

The PowerPoint slide show needs to be at least 15 slides

The presentation needs to show and explain 

· What the Mind Map shows

· How the business will be developed / lifecycle

· Product / Services offered

· Relationship to GCP and how the topics are integrated.

This will be a fictitious business but needs to be realistic.

The presentation will need to explain the mapping


Two files need to be submitted

· The PowerPoint presentation which is used for the presentation

· The graphic of the Mind Map