Final research Paper


Start your paper with an introductory paragraph.

Prompt 1 “Blockchain” (600 words): Explain the major components of blockchain. Be sure to include how blockchain is affecting a global economy and how you see it growing in the future.

Prompt 2 “Big Data” (600 words): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology?  How does big data affect a global economy?

Prompt 3 “Government and Policies” (600 words):  Discuss the role government plays in a global economy.  Also, look at what policies are currently in place and then discussion what policies should be put in place.

Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section. 

The paper needs to be approximately six to eight pages long, including both a title page and a references page (for a total of eight to ten pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid plagiarism.

Your paper should meet these requirements: 

Be approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. 

Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


1. There are three common Cloud Service Models. Define one and identify at least three cons and three pros for that particular Cloud Service Model. – 1 page

2. Identify and define at least three Cloud Deployment Models. What are their characteristics? What are the pros and cons? Two page minimum (cover sheet does not count) Double Spaced APA Format

3. Describe how a cloud-based database management system differs from an on-site database. – 1 page

4. Here is a questionnaire for you to take on your “Influencing Style”. Provide feedback on how it relates to you and your style. How might you use your style with organization management? How does your style prepare you for operations strategy? – 1 page (attached PDF)

Module 3 Discussion Questions

1.  What is the difference between an IT security policy and IT procedures?  Provide details to support your answer.  HINT:  Search the internet for Policy verse Procedure links.  Include references to support your reasons in APA format.

2.  What type of information should be included in IT procedures for IT equipment and tools? Provide details to support your answer. Include references to support your reasons in APA format. 

3.  Should the detailed information of the IT network structure and security tools be included in the general IT security procedures manual for unrestricted access?  Give a reason for your comment. Include references to support your reasons in APA format. 

Please check for grammatical errors. Please answer each question by number. Please don’t use books or journals as references.

bharg discussion


The rising importance of big-data computing stems from advances in many different technologies.  Some of these include:

  • Sensors
  • Computer networks
  • Data storage
  • Cluster computer systems
  • Cloud computing facilities
  • Data analysis algorithms

How does these technologies play a role in global computing and big data?

Create an API and Deploy to Cloud Server


  • Create an API endpoint that serves one table from your database in an array-of-objects format. (For example:[     {         “id”: 0,         “location”: “Tampa”,         “population”: 2877000     },     {         “id”: 1,         “location”: “Orlando”,         “population”: 1964000     } ])
  • Document your setup steps on a 3rd page of your website, and add a link to your navigation bar.

Deployment Requirements

You may choose one of the following ways to deploy your website:

  1. Serve both your static site and your API using the Flask server you deploy to Heroku.
  2. Continue to host your HTML on github pages, and add a link to your API endpoint to retrieve data

Option 1 is the industry-standard deployment, and should also be easier based on the tools you know at this point. Option 2 is a bit more stable, as your report will still be available even if you mess up a deployment.

Deployment Help

We will go over how to deploy your website using various services as optional lectures during class:

  • Heroku
  • PythonAnywhere
  • AWS EC2 instance (using Dokku, a self-hosted Heroku-ish server)

Host your database in the cloud

For this, you will deploy your database to a database hosting service and usee that for your API.

  • Host your database on a remote PostgreSQL server.
    • For Heroku: You will need to use the PostgreSQL addon.
    • For PythonAnywhere: You can use any database hosting service. Here are some recommendations:
      • ElephantSQL
      • Amazon RDS (relational database service on AWS)
      • Heroku
  • Add a web page to your navigation documenting your database set up steps.

Note: Heroku will periodically change your database URL, which will break your website unless you also host your flask server on Heroku.Another Note: Amazon will change your database URL if you turn off the virtual machine.Be sure your database is turned on and accessible before submitting your project. You should check your site every couple days or so to be sure the database URL hasn’t changed, and update your settings if it does. 

Business Intelligence – End-of-Chapter questions

Chapter 5 – Discussion question #1, #2, #3, & #4 and
                   Exercise #6 and
                   Internet Exercise #7 (go to  click on the examples and look at the current examples.  The Gee Whiz example is no longer on the page.)

Chapter 6 – Discussion question #1, #2, #3, #4, & #5 and
                   Exercise 4

– Each answer must be at least 100 words

– 2 references apa format

– no plagiarism

– write only answers, do not mention questions

Intro to data mining



Many problems ask for a sparsified version of the object (8.4.1). This has many benefits as noted in the text. The text, however, does not address any negative aspect(s) or effects.

What are a sample of negative effects if this, and how would you mitigate or lessen these effects?  

The paper should be 1-2 pages, double spaced, and please use APA.


Many partitional clustering algorithms that automatically determine the number of clusters claim that this is an advantage. List two situations in which this is not the case. Please post ur discussion for atleast 300words.