Information Technology 1700


1 .Do you think there are security issues with hardware too, or software-based security (anti-malware, monitoring, etc.) is enough?

2. Have you have instanced where your USB flash drive works well with some systems but does not work with other systems (Windows, Linux, car MP3 player, IoT devices. etc)?

3. Another frequent situation is that you cannot copy a big file (say 6GB) onto some disks even though you have plenty of free space on the disk. 

If you never had such experience, many of us have. If you have, please, describe it. What may cause such situations? What could be a way to resolve each of those situations? What may be a tradeoff that comes with your solution?

Mitre ATT&CK framework

I need a 5 page in-depth review of the Mitre ATT&CK framework. This paper must include a  description of the framework, how it is used, its advantages and disadvantages, and how it could be improved.

Discussion: The concept of 3-F Method

Data science

Course: Data Science & Big Data Analy

Due Date – 5 hours

Discussion Question: 3-F Method

The concept of 3-F Method is introduced.  Discuss the purpose of this concept and how it is calculated.  Also perform your own research/analysis using these factors and provide your assessment on whether the United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by using bibliometrics.

Prof. Guidelines 

  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the University Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Books and Resources 

L. Zhao, Y. Huang, Y. Wang and J. Liu, “Analysis on the Demand of Top Talent Introduction in Big Data and Cloud Computing Field in China Based on 3-F Method,” 2017 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland, OR, 2017,  pp. 1-3.

Saiki, S., Fukuyasu, N., Ichikawa, K., Kanda, T., Nakamura, M., Matsumoto, S., Yoshida, S., & Kusumoto, S. (2018). A Study of Practical Education Program on AI, Big Data, and Cloud Computing through Development of Automatic Ordering System. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (BCD), Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (BCD), 2018 IEEE International Conference on, BCD, 31–36.

Required Text

“APA Format” 


Plagiarism includes copying and pasting material from the internet into assignments without properly citing the source of the material.

cloud computing 4


Part 1: Hypervisors

Review case 8-3 and 8-4. Select one of the two cases from chapter 8 and complete the written exercise.

Case 8-3 Hyper-V 

Review case 8-3 and complete the exercise. Provide a minimum of 2 references to support your writing.


Case 8-4 VmWare 

Review case 8-3 and complete the exercise. Provide a minimum of 2 references to support your writing.

Part 2: Cloud Security

Chapter 9 lists several common security threats to cloud-based environments. Analyze 3 types of cloud security threats and describe methods to mitigate the risks. Compare and contrast the difference between these security threats in a data center/on site versus from the cloud. Provide a minimum of 3 references to support your findings.


Total page count should be a minimum of 3 pages.

Make sure to cite any content provided from your sources.

Minimum number of references for the assignment is 5.



After reading chapter 3, analyze the history of Caesar Cypher and its impact on cryptography. 


Your paper should be 2 pages not including the title and reference pages and written according to APA formatting. Must include in-text citations and textbook as a reference. 


275 words

After Textbook Chapter 1 readings and your own research, describe and discuss ways, if any, we can safely share security data. Are there precautions we can take, technical solutions we can use, e.g., like using the CIA triad, or should we just not share these kinds of data? Feel free to argue for and against, just make sure to back up your statements with scholarly support.

APA 7E, Textbook attached

computer architrecture




CS610-151 MIDTERM 2



1. There are 70 tens in the number 679.

2.  Although convenient for computers, the binary system is exceedingly hard for human beings.

3. Logical functions are implemented by the interconnection of decoders.

4. Boolean functions can be implemented in electronic form as a network of gates.

5. The instruction set is the programmer’s means of controlling the processor.


6. The unary operation _  inverts the value of its operand.


7. Which of the following is correct?

A. 25 = (2 x 102) + (5 x 101)

B. 289 = (2 x 103) + (8 x 101) + (9 x 100)

C. 7523 = (7 x 103) + (5 x 102) + (2 x 101) + (3 x 100)

D. 0.628 = (6 x 10-3) + (2 x 10-2) + (8 x 10-1)

8. There must be __  instructions for moving data between memory and the registers.

A. branch B.  logic C. memory D. I/O

9. __  _ instructions provide computational capabilities for processing number data.

A. Boolean B. Logic C. Memory D. Arithmetic

10_________ instructions are needed to transfer programs and data into memory

and the results of computations back out to the user.

A. I/O B. Transfer C. Control D. Branch



Discuss the strategies to solve Data Hazards, which one is the most efficient, can we always use it? Explain?



a) Find all the dependencies in the above program, will those be Hazards?

b) Fill out the schedule for a classic pipeline with no forwarding of this program

c) Fill out the schedule for a classic pipeline with forwarding


1. Find 10111 + 1011 in binary notation then convert to decimal.

2. Write the Boolean expression corresponding to the circuit below:



3. Draw a circuit for the following Boolean expression:


Read the section of the research article below, what computer architecture problematic this article discusses? Write your summary analyzes and reflection of the problem stated.

Research Paper


Reflect on your most recent visualisation project and try to sketch or write out the approach you took. What stages of activity did you undertake and in what sequence? Did it feel efficient or chaotic? Was it interrupted by changes, uncertainty or a sense of too much choice? Before you can seek to improve your ongoing approach it is worth unpicking what you currently do and how you do it.

Assignment Link:

: At least 500 words (not including direct quotes).

 At least two peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.

Wk-9 D


Topic: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of testing. When is each type of testing appropriate? Are there situations that preclude the use of a particular type of testing?


DQ requirement: 

1. I want 250 words for the above topic. 

2. With three references and proper APA format. This post must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.


Topic:  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of record recovery.  Name at least three key points.


DQ requirement: 

1. I want 250 words for the above topic. 

2. With three references and proper APA format. This post must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.

Practical Connection Assignment


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have observed these theories and knowledge being applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide a 500 word minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. 

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. 

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should NOT provide an overview of the assignments given in the course. Rather, reflect and write about how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.