Discussion: Global Technology

Deadline: 5 hours

Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development, given the tremendous amount of largely spontaneous creativity that occurs today, often in areas where new technologies are not expected to exert a great influence.  Why or why not?

Books/Reference paper

Textbook, Chapter 1 & 2: Olsen, S., & National Academy of Engineering (U.S.). (2011). Global Technology : Changes and Implications: Summary of a Forum. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. (Included through library subscription)

Scherz, C., Hahn, J., & Ladikas, M. (2019). Technology Assessment in a Globalized World. Management Systems in Production Engineering, 27(3), 149.

technology assessment in a globalized world – Sciendo

https://content.sciendo.com › 27 › 3 › article-p149

Lynn, L., & Salzman, H. (2007). The Real Global Technology Challenge. Change, 39(4), 8. 


APA Format



Plagiarism includes copying and pasting material from the internet into assignments without properly citing the source of the material.

2019 Georgia cyber attack

2019 Georgia Cyberattacks

You are assigned with the task of writing a 1500-2000 word critical analysis academic paper on the incident response and disaster recovery of a specific cybersecurity incident. You will find your assigned cyberattack/breach in the list below. Your paper must analyze how the targeted/victim organization detected, responded to, and recovered from the attack. Your paper must include the following:

1. It must be 1500-2000 words not including the references (you will lose marks if you exceed or fail to meet the wordcount by). 

2. It must be an original work of your own research and writing skills, free of plagiarism. 

3. It must be in the ieee format with correct citations and references. 

4. It must be written in professional academic language free of colloquialisms but also written so that a reader with an unknown level of knowledge (such as a C level executive, a board member, or manager) can understand your meaning, argument, and purpose. 

5. You must use reliable sources. i.e. Trusted verifiable web resources (i.e. legitimate websites, news resources, white papers, peer reviewed works such as books, conference papers, reports journal articles, etc) NOT Wikipedia or personal blogs. 

6. Your paper must have an introduction with a clearly stated thesis (an argument statement that tells the reader the point you will make. For example, XYZ company’s response to the ABC cyberattack was poorly managed due to a lack of communication or 123 Corp prevented severe financial losses due to their incident response handling). The introduction is the roadmap/outline to your paper. Following the introduction there must be a body containing the history of the attack/breach and an analysis of the incident that supports and proves your thesis. Lastly, you must write a conclusion that states how you have proven your argument and why it matters to Contingency Planning (IRP, BCP, DRP). The written part of the paper must be followed by a properly formatted list of references.

Computer Organization, C++

 For your first AT-Robot programming assignment, I’d like to focus on: ● ensuring you can get a working AT-Robot simulation up and running from the AT-Robot/DOSBox bundle on our class website ● follow the video lectures about the architecture, instructions, assembly style, ports and constants To that end, rather than authoring a program from scratch, I have provided a file, “prog3.at2” for you. It does not contain a working program; instead, it contains a ton of comments telling you what code to write at each line. The idea is that I wrote a program, then commented every detail, then erased my code so you can reconstruct the code yourself, line by line. For every comment you see that starts with a single semicolon (‘;’), figure out a single instruction that could be put in front of the comment to do exactly that. These comments begin either at the left edge of the file or are a single tab from the left. This indicates whether the line of code you write should be to the left or exactly one tab from the left. Remember that in our assembly programs we NEVER use multiple tabs for indentation. Lines that begin with three semicolons, should be left alone. The three semicolons don’t mean anything special, they’re just something I came up with to let you know not to mess with them so they end up in the final program. Additionally, as commented, at the   top of the file is a #msg directive for the assembler. whatever is written there will be printed out in your robot’s status area during matches. please modify this to your first initial followed by last name with no spaces. I’ve also posted an encrypted version of a working bot (“amos.atl”) so you can see how it should behave when working correctly. A short description might be that it wiggles forward until it hits something and sweeps backward while shooting to avoid getting stuck on walls. Upload only your .at2 file. 

Outline assignment

Using the Documenting Research Guide and the Assignment 2 Instructions, develop your outline. Submit the outline in an MS Word document file type. Utilize the standards of APA 7 for all documentation, including citations or references in the outline. Ensure that the document includes your name. Do not include your student identification number. You may use the cover page from the student paper template, but it is not required. The Documenting Research Guide is in the Useful Documents folder, in the content area; the Assignment 2 Instructions.

Submit your outline on or before the due date.

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(1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy;
(2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with UC's policies; and
(3) that the use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. 

IT management

For the week 3 assignment, write a two page paper in APA format on the topic you chose in class or are assigned, see below. You will also add your assignment 3 as your discussion 4 and comment on two other student posts.

Give a description of the topic and explain how a business uses the technology to improve it’s processes to become more competitive, grow market share,  develop new markets, increase revenue, reduce costs and increase profits. How do businesses use the technology for forecasting market trends, understand customer preferences? Add photos or a video of the system dashboard, if available to illustrate the technology. Include links to the dashboard and references.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)


Reflect on what you have gained from taking this course.

Write a short statement of 200 words that completes and explains the following sentence.

“One of the most important Cybersecurity learnings I am taking away from this  fundamentals of Cybersecurity course is…

Minitrex Case study


. Explain how it is possible for someone at Minitrex to call a customer and not know 

(a) that this is a customer and (b) that this is the third time this week that they had 

been called. 

2. Outline the steps that Bettman must take in order to implement CRM at Minitrex. In 

your plan be sure to include people, processes, and technology.