OE W 7 A

Chapter 11 – Review the employment challenge in the digital era (as well as the entire chapter). Reflect on the various challenges are present in the digital era. Will things get better or more complicated as times goes on? Explain. What are some methods to assimilate new generations into the workforce to think about competitive advantage?

(Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be one -page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length**



Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.  Minimum of 400 words

Since it is so dangerous, why would designers install software into the kernel at all (or make use of kernel software)? If you were an antivirus designer or maker, what other methods do you utilize to prevent virus?


Discuss, in your own words using 500 words or more, how virtualization may create it’s own security vulnerabilities.  

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.  Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Cyber Law – assignment 1

 Using a Microsoft Word document, please define:

·        Internet/World Wide Web

·        Transmission Control/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

·        Packet

·        Router

·        Domain Name Service (DNS)

No word count specified. Please add references.

3-1 Project One


You decide to research several organizations and focus on one to start. Select one organization from the Business Organizations document in the Supporting Materials section below. You will compare and contrast Currier Grocery (the organization you currently work for) and the one organization you select. To guide your research and personal job notes, address the following in the template provided:

  • An organization’s form is the overarching characteristics that define the type of organization, including how and why the organization formed; the organization’s location(s), size, and type of ownership; whether the organization is nonprofit or for-profit; the goods and services the organization offers; how long the organization has been in business; and the organization’s mission, vision, and core values. Compare and contrast the characteristics of each organization’s form. Specifically, be sure to identify the characteristics of each organization’s form and take note of the similarities and differences between each.
  • Organizations are typically organized or structured into groups of functional areas. These functional areas develop groups of staff, or departments, to ensure the smooth flow of information and operations within the organization structure. Describe the role of key functional areas within each organization. Consider the following:
    • What key functional areas exist within each organization?
    • What role does each function play within the organization?
    • How might a data professional support the organization’s functions?
  • Discuss the relationship between each organization’s form and its functions within the organization. Specifically, address the following:
    • How might the purpose of each functional area vary based on the form of the organization?
    • What functional areas might a data analyst work closely or consult with?

 Review the business organizations in Supporting Materials and select one. You will compare and contrast your current employer, Currier Grocery, to the organization you selected. Prepare and organize your notes into 2 to 3 pages. All references must be cited in APA format. 


Each student will locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.

Journal Analysis

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

ANALYSIS: Using 300-350 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. An analysis is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format and only use journal articles

Physical Database Design


Answer the following question:

As the modern database grows bigger and bigger, many organizations  are moving away from a relational store and looking towards  NoSQL design. There is a desperate need to consider storage and file  structure as part of physical design principles. If you were  implementing a new database system for an ERP or CRM that required a  minimum of 100 TB of storage per year, what would you consider as you  plan your physical design?


  • This is a required assignment, worth 15 points. The assignment  must be submitted by the due date. Late assignment are not allowed. 
  • You are required to submit a minimum of two postings. Points will be deducted for not fulfilling this minimum requirement.
  • Apply and use the basic citation styles of APA is required. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
  • Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of  others. Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting  source following APA’s style and formatting. Points are deducted per the  rubric for this behavior.
  • Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet  and claim that is your work. It will be considered Plagiarism and you  will receive zero for your work. A second offense results in a zero for  the course. A third is termination from the university.

Week 3b IT impact essay

Find a recent article that relates to data leakage related to user information. How was the information accessed? What were the ramifications? What type of data was lost? What could have been done differently to protect user data? Will this have an impact on users who adopt this technology?

Post your reply by Wednesday at midnight. Your response should be at least 300 words and appropriately cite your resources.

Respond to two of your classmates by Sunday at midnight. Your responses should be at least 150 words and should be substantive. You should offer additional resources, insight, or other helpful feedback. A simple “I like your post” will result in a 0.

You will not be able to see other posts until you make your first post.