Cyber security questions

1. Calculate the timing of password-guessing attacks:

(a) If passwords are three uppercase alphabetic characters long, how much time would it take to determine a particular password, assuming that testing an individual password requires 5 seconds? How much time if testing requires 0.001 seconds?

(b) Argue for a particular amount of time as the starting point for “secure.” That is, suppose an attacker plans to use a brute-force attack to determine a password. For what value of x (the total amount of time to try as many passwords as necessary) would the attacker find this attack prohibitively long?

(c) If the cutoff between “insecure” and “secure” were x amount of time, how long would a secure password have to be? State and justify your assumptions regarding the character set from which the password is selected and the amount of time required to test a single password.

  2. Describe each of the following four kinds of access control mechanisms in terms of (a) ease of determining authorized access during execution, (b) ease of adding access for a new subject, (c) ease of deleting access by a subject, and (d) ease of creating a new object to which all subjects by default have access.

• per-subject access control list (that is, one list for each subject tells all the objects to which that subject has access)

• per-object access control list (that is, one list for each object tells all the subjects who have access to that object)

• access control matrix

• capability

3. Design a protocol by which two mutually suspicious parties can authenticate each other. Your protocol should be usable the first time these parties try to authenticate each other.

4. List three reasons people might be reluctant to use biometrics for authentication. Can you think of ways to counter those objections?

  5. If you forget your password for a website and you click [Forgot my password], sometimes the company sends you a new password by email but sometimes it sends you your old password by email. Compare these two cases in terms of vulnerability of the website owner.

  6. Defeating authentication follows the method–opportunity–motive paradigm described in Chapter 1. Discuss how these three factors apply to an attack on authentication.

  7. Suggest a source of some very long unpredictable numbers. Your source must be something that both the sender and receiver can readily access but that is not obvious to outsiders and not transmitted directly from sender to receiver.

  8. Humans are said to be the weakest link in any security system. Give an example for each of the following:

(a) a situation in which human failure could lead to a compromise of encrypted data

(b) a situation in which human failure could lead to a compromise of identification and authentication

(c) a situation in which human failure could lead to a compromise of access control.

 9. Explain why hash collisions occur. That is, why must there always be two different plaintexts that have the same hash value? 

10. What property of a hash function means that collisions are not a security problem? That is, why can an attacker not capitalize on collisions and change the underlying plaintext to another form whose value collides with the hash value of the original plaintext?

Computer Science

Conduct research over the Internet and find an article the concentrates on statistical testing. Discuss approaches for producing valid results in data mining problems. Is there significance testing, and/or modeling of null and alternative distributions? How about statistical testing for association analysis? What about statistical testing for cluster analysis and/or anomaly detection?

APA format

Minimum 2 pages

No plagiarism

No content spinning

Include all references

Python Programming


For the following problem:

– Each module must be written in Python and submitted as an executable .py file (NOT the Jupyter notebook file)

– Each module must have header comments at the top of the program that include:

o The Course

o The assignment number

o The submission or creation date

o The author’s name

– Comments should be used to help explain your code if it may need explanation

Question 1

Write a module that simulates the rolling of 1 or more dice, then compare the theoretical with the actual results.

– The user must be asked how many dice will be used in the simulation. The number of dice should be between 1 and 16 inclusive. Your code should validate the user entry.

– The user must be asked for the number of rolls of the dice to simulate. Your code should validate the user entry to be a positive integer with a minimum value of 1.

– Your program must count the number of times each total of the dice faces appears. For example, if you have 3 dice, you will count the number of times 3, 4, 5, …. 18 appears.

– Your program must display a list of values representing the percentage of the total that each total appears, the theoretical likelihood, and the percentage error between the two values.

The name of the file must be of the form:, where FirstName and LastName are your first name and last name respectively.

(continued on next page…)

Question 2

Write a module that counts the number of times each word appears in paragraph.

– The user must be able to enter a number of sentences. You can assume that each sentence ends in a period. (No other punctuation needs to be considered.) You may use any mechanism you wish to enter the sentences. However, you must explicitly tell the user what they need to do when entering.

– When the user finishes entering the sentences, the program displays each unique word found in the paragraph, along with a count of how many times that word appears. The list must be displayed in alphabetical order.

– Unique words are not case sensitive. For example, ‘House’ and ‘house’ are considered the same.

The name of the file must be of the form:, where FirstName and LastName are your first name and last name respectively.

CAseStudy 5

Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study.

Discussion Questions:

  • Describe, specifically, the ethical dilemma that Peter faced.
  • What are virtues Peter needed to act as he did? What do you think motivated him?
  • What were the risks Peter faced in making this decision?
  • What factors do you think assist people in making moral decisions in the face of a great deal of pressure?

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)


Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them.

Describe architectural VPN design for small, medium and large businesses and corporations

Report on the health of the existing VPN architecture, solution, data, application, and technology

Discuss the appropriate security design and solutions for varieties of organisations

Report on the current and future state of the management of VPN infrastructure and its technologiesInterpret a roadmap process to transform the VPN architecture to support long-term organisations’ goalsImplement a process to support the administration and the management of VPN

information security Research Paper Topic selection draft

Topic Selection: The research paper assignment is divided into six sections. Complete the groundwork of gathering required information and ideas to move forward with a draft for submission. The goal is to complete Chapter 1 sections:

– Introduction

– Topic Overview/Background

– Problem Statement

– Purpose Statement

– Research Questions

– Hypotheses/Propositions

– Theoretical Perspectives/Conceptual Framework



Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references. 450 words minimum

In today’s fast-paced, often “agile” software development, how can the secure design be implemented?

week 5

week 5. needs to be added to the attached white paper in paragraph form. week 3 needs revision also included in the white paper.