Project 1


Project One

Complete Chapter 2 Case Project 4 “Evaluate Vendor Support Sites”  (pages 101-102 in the printed text). Feel free to evaluate other computer hardware vendors, providing they have customer support Web site, or use three of the ones listed in the project. As you compare three of the vendor support sites make sure you:

  • Include the URL of EACH company,
  • Address (at a minimum) the six questions shown in this exercise.
  • At the end of your document, include a final paragraph stating which of the three companies you chose seems to have the best customer service.
  • Find the mission statement for the one company you felt offered the best customer service (based on your evaluation of the support site), and note if customer service is a stated part of the corporate mission. If you are unable to find a mission statement, find some description of the company’s purpose or goals. (You may use a 3rd party site if you are unable to find this information on the company’s home page) Include both that statement, and the Web address where you found that statement in your closing paragraph.

You might also want to check for ratings of this company’s customer support on other websites (NOTE: Don’t look at ratings of specific products, only the company support). If you use other Web sites, make sure you include a citation as to where you obtained the information.

Spelling, grammar, correct citations, and content will all influence your project grade.


Malware Techinques

 Submit a report that discusses the techniques used by malware developers to disguise their code and prevent it from being analyzed.  Give suggestions on how these techniques should be classified and ranked in the disaster recovery documentation.   Assignment should follow all APA rules and include a min. of (1) citation/reference and should be between 2-4 pages long. 

Discussion on describes twelve disruptions to existing markets

See the attached info book and questions both. 


describes twelve disruptions to existing markets

Chapter 6 (Page- 120-123) – select anyone from below 12

1. Transportation

2. Infrastructure Management

3. Energy, Waste, and Water Management

4. Resource Extraction and Farming

5. Environmental Monitoring and Emergency Services

6. Health Care

7. Financial Services and Insurance

8. Document and Other Record Keeping

9. Building and Property Management

10. Industrial Operations—The Factory of Things

11. Home Management

12. . Retail Operations and Sales


Proper introduction and body and conclusion with References


Two or more references (One is book author and another one anyone)


Need three distinct questions from Chapter 4, 5 and 6. 

In chapter 6, the author describes twelve disruptions to existing markets. Create a new thread, choose one of the disruptions discussed in chapter 6, and explain how you think it will impact today’s economy, and provide at least two real examples of the chosen disruption being realized with blockchain technology today.

Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 4, 5, or 6. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, choose one of the disruptions discussed in chapter 6, and explain how you think it will impact today’s economy, and provide at least two real examples of the chosen disruption being realized with blockchain technology today. Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 4, 5, or 6. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should answer AT LEAST one of the questions posed in the thread and extend the conversation started with that thread. Make sure that you include the question in your comment so I can see what question you’re answering.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just a short answer.)


Discussion (Chapter 7): What are the common challenges with which sentiment analysis deals? What are the most popular application areas for sentiment analysis? Why?

Questions for Discussions: 

1. Explain the relationship among data mining, text mining, and sentiment analysis. 

2. In your own words, define text mining, and discuss its most popular applications. 

3. What does it mean to induce structure into text-based data? Discuss the alternative ways of inducing structure into them. 

4. What is the role of NLP in text mining? Discuss the capabilities and limitations of NLP in the context of text mining. 

Exercise: Go to and find the case study named “eBay Analytics.” Read the case carefully and extend your understanding of it by searching the Internet for additional information, and answer the case questions. 

Internet exercise: Go to Explore the sections on applications as well as software. Find the names of at least three additional packages for data mining and text mining. 

Web-Based Business Application


34) What JavaScript object and method is used to write HTML to the web page?

a. document.println()

b. document.writeln()

c. window.write()

d. window.print()

35) How many DOM nodes are created from the paragraph?

Feed the dog.

a. None

b. One for the p element

c. One for the p element and one for the paragraph text

d. One for the p element, one for the paragraph text, and one for the whitespace within the paragraph text

36) Which statement changes the Pinterest link to a YouTube link?

DOM example




a. para.href = “”;

b. link.href = “”;

c. para.innerHTML = “”;

d. link.innerHTML = “”;

37) What is the preferred way to register an event handler that allows multiple handlers for the same event?

a. myButton.addEventListener(“click”, clickHandler);

b. myButton.onclick = clickHandler;



38) An event that occurs when someone enters their name in an input field is a(n) _____ event.

a. click

b. load

c. input

d. submit

39) On a given keypress event, the event object’s _____ property is used to access the object where the keypress event occurred.

a. event

b. click

c. target

d. element

40) The _____ is required to cancel the interval:

let timerId = setInterval(repeatMe, 1000);

a. clearInterval(repeatMe)

b. clearInterval(timerId)

c. stopInterval(timerId)

d. setTimeout(timerId)

41) What code would be used to call a function called repeat every 3 seconds?

a. setTimeout(repeat, 3)

b. setInterval(repeat, 3000);

c. setInterval(repeat, 3);

d. setTimeout(repeat, 3000)

42) How many times isshowMe()called when the following code is executed?

let timerId = setTimeout(showMe, 3000);

function showMe() {
 let div1 = document.getElementById(“div1”); = “block”;
 let timerId = setTimeout(showMe, 3000);

a. indefinitely

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

43) In the following JSON, the datatype associated with friends is _____.

{“friends”: [{ “name”:”Bobby”}, {“name”:”Celia”},{“name”:”Judy”}]}

a. string

b. object

c. array

d. char

44) How is the age field accessed after the following is executed:

let obj = JSON.parse(‘{“name”:”Bobby”, “age”:20}’);

a. this.age

b. age

c. obj.age


45) What doesstringify()return?

JSON.stringify({“friends”: [{ “name”:”Bobby”}, {“name”:”Celia”},{“name”:”Judy”}]});

a. single string

b. string array

c. JSON object

d. undefined

46) A(n) _____ allows older browsers to function with newer features by providing missing functionality.

a. trifill

b. backfill

c. polyfill

d. altfill

47) A polyfill is engineered to:

a. Use JavaScript to implement a feature whenever possible

b. Replace HTML to implement a feature after checking if a feature exists

c. Use JavaScript to implement a feature after checking if a feature exists

d. Use Ajax to implement a feature whenever possible

48) The _____ website shows what features are supported by major browsers and frequency of use.

a. W3C

b. Tiobe

c. CanIUse

d. W3Schools

49) Which strings match the regex?

let words = [“dapper”, “paper”, “cat”, “flack”];
let re = /pa|ac/;

a. dapper, paper

b. paper, flack

c. flack, cat

d. dapper, flack

50) Which regular expression matches only the words burp, dirt, and right?

let randomWords = [“burp”, “try”, “dirt”, “right”];

a. let re = /[a-i]/

b. let re = /[e-i]/

c. let re = /[i-u]/

d. let re = /[r]/

51) Which string inwordNumsmatches the regex?

let wordNums = [“blahblah!!”, “yea”, “N()P3”, “H!”];
let re = /waS!/;

a. blahblah!!

b. yea

c. N()P3

d. H!

52) Which line of code instantiates Adele and the album 21?

function PlayList(artist, album) {
 this.artist = artist;
 this.album = album;

a. Adele.PlayList = (“Adele”, “21”);

b. Adele = new PlayList(“Adele”, “21”);

c. Adele new PlayList = (“Adele”, “21”);

d. Adele = PlayList (“Adele”, “21”);

53) Which line of code creates a prototype method for PlayList called showCollection?

function PlayList(artist, album) {
 this.artist = artist;
 this.album = album;

a. PlayList.prototype.showCollection = function() {
 console.log(“My playlist so far: ” + this.artist + ” : ” + this.album);

b. prototype.PlayList.showCollection = function() {
 console.log(“My playlist so far: ” + this.artist + ” : ” + this.album);

c. this.prototype.showCollection = function() {
 console.log(“My playlist so far: ” + this.artist + ” : ” + this.album);

d. PlayList.showCollection.prototype = function() {
 console.log(“My playlist so far: ” + this.artist + ” : ” + this.album);

54) In strict mode, _____ variables must be declared.

a. most

b. some

c. all

d. no

55) Which function is in strict mode?

a. function abc123() {

b. function abc123() {
 “use strict”;

c. function abc123() {

d. function abc123() {
 “strict mode”;

56) and are _____.

a. different origins

b. the same

c. data sharers

d. web storage objects

57) Which line of code deletes all data fromlocalStorage?

a. localStorage.clear();

b. localStorage.delete();

c. localStorage.remove();

d. localStorage.clearAll();

58) What does this line of code do?


a. Removes the “name” key and associated value from storage

b. Removes the “name” key from storage

c. Removes all values from storage

d. Deletes a local variable named “name”

homework help

1. Describe the importance of databases and database management systems in managing organizational data and information
2. provide the types and some examples of database management systems
3. address the advantages and disadvantages of using a DB
Need 7 pages all

Research Paper


The Final Portfolio Project is a comprehensive assessment of what you have learned during this course.  

There are several emerging concepts that are using Big Data and Blockchain Technology. Please search the internet and highlight 5 emerging concepts that are exploring the use of Blockchain and Big Data.

Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section. 

The paper needs to be approximately 6-8 pages long, including both a title page and a references page (for a total of 8-10 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid plagiarism.

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Supply Chain

Read the following article

In 80 words or more take one item from the benefits and one item under the capabilities and describe giving examples if possible

Some of the main benefits are:

  • Sense and Respond in Real Time
  • Eliminate Data Silos
  • Proactively Identify Risks
  • Respond to Markets with Agility

Capabilities of the Intelligent Supply Chain are

  • Data Visualization
  • Metadata management
  • Streamlining Business Intelligence
  • Streaming Data Science
  • Streaming Automation
  • API Management