Name Lengths


Do people with long last names also tend to have long first names? In this assignment, you will analyze data to investigate this question, construct and analyze a linear regression model based on the relationship between the length of the first and last names in the dataset that you collected, and draw insights into the phenomenon within the limitations of the model. You will count the alphabet letters used to write the name of 100 individuals from this dataset   arabic_first_last_name _1_.csv

e  .

Part I: Exploratory Analysis

a) Download the arabic_first_last_name.csv file which contains Arabic first and last name columns.

b) Construct a dot plot of the last name lengths and comment on any interesting features of this plot.

c) Construct a dot plot of the first name lengths and comment on any interesting features. Describe how the distribution of first name lengths compares to that of last name lengths.

Part II: Regression Model

a) Construct a scatterplot of x and y.

b) Explain if this is the plot consistent with the theory that people with long last names tend to also have long first names?

c) What is the value of the correlation coefficient for this data set?

Part III: Reporting

a) Discuss if your first and last name are included in the context of the model.

b) Discuss the limitations of the data, the model, and the analysis.

c) Write a 100-200 words meaningful paragraph summarizing the findings from the analysis.

Once you have developed responses to the task prompts, you will organize them in a professional 3-5-page report, not including the title and reference pages, that summarizes your actions, calculations, and findings. You will upload a zipped file that includes your response and all supporting files.

Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing at least two references in support of your work, in addition to your text and assigned readings.

You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check Student Guide.



Jamsa (2013) listed 10 cloud-based security issues developers must  consider when designing for security. List seven along with their pros  and cons and their importance to security in the cloud. All seven should  be used as level 1 Headers in your paper. Only one submission is  allowed.


  • 600 – 750 words
  • APA 7 format
  • Use the Jamsa and Erl et al, texbooks as your ONLY sources.

System analysis


Assignment #2 (100 point, MS Word file only)

Students are required to submit the assignment 2 to your instructor for grading. The assignments are on the assigned materials/textbook topics associated with the course modules. Please read the following instruction and complete it to post on schedule.

Attention: This assignment does NOT require co-working. Please MUST follow the school Academic Honesty Policy.

1. What are the core processes in the SDLC used in this book, and what traditional predictive SDLC phase corresponds to each process? What are the 12 Agile modeling principles? by Agile Development and iterative development?

2. Explain how a Scrum sprint works.

3. List 10 types of benefits that may be considered when approving a project.

4. List four different types of major risks that may cause problems for a project. What is the purpose of a project dashboard?

5. What are a) persistent classes, b) entity classes, c) boundary classes, d) controller classes, and e) data access classes?

6. What is a method signature?  What information is maintained on CRC cards?

7. What are the five components of a standard design pattern definition? What are the benefits of knowing and using design patterns?

8. Explain the two methods of accessing the database to create new objects in memory. List the major implementation responsibilities of each layer in a three-layer design.

9. List and briefly describe each activity of the SDLC core processes Build, test, and integrate system components and Complete system tests and deploy solution.

10. How do user documentation and training activities differ between end users and system operators?

Grading Rubric for the Assignment #2:

  • Delivery: Delivered the assignments on time, and in correct format: 25 percent
  • Completion: Providing a thoroughly develop the document including descriptions of all questions: 25 percent
  • Understanding: Demonstrating a clear understanding of purpose and writing a central idea with mostly relevant facts, details, and/or explanation: 25 percent
  • Organization: Paper is well organized based on the APA format, makes good use of transition statements, and in most instances follows a logical progression including good use of symbols, spacing in output: 25 percent

Learning Culture Through Fables

 Find a fable from a culture other than your own  (No American fables or fairy tales). Post a link to the fable. Write a short summary of the fable that identifies the values taught by the fable. Write a couple of paragraphs that explain why you believe these values are being taught in this fable and why these values might be important to this culture.  

300-350 words

Case Study

Read case study and write a response in 2 pages using  APA format. Include all references in apa format.

Impact of IT

Throughout this course we are going to critically assess the institutional forces that shape and create the demand for information technology. When responding to discussion boards, try to incorporate, when possible, your view as a student and your view as an employer. For example, how does social media impact you on a personal level and how would it impact your employer? They are both two very different answers.

Q1) Select one of the topics listed below and find a recent article that relates to this topic and post a summary of that article and express your views as well.

Listed Topics:

  • What is disruptive technology? Cite one example of a technology that has emerged in the last decade and what impact it has had. Who/what was affected?
  • What are some concerns that a typical cell phone user should have regarding privacy and how can they mitigate those concerns?
  • In your opinion, how was Facebook able to dethrone MySpace as the most popular social media site? What did Facebook offer that MySpace did not?
  • What technological improvement/invention has had the most impact on modern day business? Why?

Not more than 350 words total. Respond to at least two other students (150 words each peer)!!

2. Two (2) paragraphs (350 Words total) discussion response to main DQ questions. In addition, respond with two (2) students/Peers to Peer (identify peers) or two classmates. The responses should 150 words each and must focus on the discussion topic above. Examine related issues, ask questions, provide hypothesis and/or situation(s). A peer response may not be to a peer already responded to more than twice.

Assignment on random numbers

In this module, you learned that random numbers (or, at least, pseudorandom numbers) are essential in cryptography, but it is extremely difficult even for powerful hardware and software to generate them. Go online and conduct research on random number generators. What are the different uses of these tools besides cryptography? How do they work? Explain your answer using your own words in 2-3 paragraphs.

etc research paper wk10


Considering the importance of data in organization, it is absolutely essential to secure the data present in the database. What are the strategic and technical security measures for good database security? Be sure to discuss at least one security model to properly develop databases for organizational security. Create a diagram of a security model for your research paper.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 4-6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)

• Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clear and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.