

An  organization should establish an effective cybersecurity training  program for personnel having authorized access to critical cyber assets.

Create  a training plan for everyone who works at the organization. The  training plan should address (but is not limited to) the following:

  1. Articulate a culture of security awareness, collaboration, and buy-in among management, staff, clients, and stakeholders.
  2. Describe common security risks and how to avoid them.
  3. Describe policies, access controls, and procedures developed for critical electronic devices and communication networks.
  4. Describe the proper use of critical electronic devices and communication networks.
  5. Describe the proper handling of critical information.
  6. Present action plans and procedures to recover or reestablish critical electronic devices and communication networks.
  7. Address the risks resulting from insecure behavior of employees.

Organ Leader and Decision Making

 After completing the reading this week, we reflect on a few key concepts this week:

  1. Discuss what power in the context of leadership is and how it relates to bullying within organizations.  Also note how this impacts productivity.
  2. Discuss what organizational culture is and how it impacts work productivity.  Also, note how organizational culture impacts the success of innovation implementation.
  3. How does culture impact leadership? Can culture be seen as a constraint on leadership?

Application security Procedure guide



Always Fresh wants to ensure its computers comply with a standard security baseline and are regularly scanned for vulnerabilities. You choose to use the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit to assess the basic security for all of your Windows computers, and use OpenVAS to perform vulnerability scans.


Develop a procedure guide to ensure that a computer adheres to a standard security baseline and has no known vulnerabilities.

For each application, fill in details for the following general steps:

1. Acquire and install the application.

2. Scan computers.

3. Review scan results.

4. Identify issues you need to address.

5. Document the steps to address each issue.

Submission Requirements

§ Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

§ Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double-space

§ Citation Style: APA

§ Length: 2 pages

System Design

 system design documents for traffic monitoring  system (logic, processes, structure, etc.). Use the techniques from your MSIS System Analysis, Modeling and Design.

CIS 500 WEEK 5

Customers use mobile devices for a wide range of shopping and commercial activities. Mobile devices are becoming an attractive way to pay for products or conduct banking. Select an organization with which you regularly do business, but not one you have used in a previous discussion. Do not repeat an example that has been posted by another student.

Describe the benefits this organization provides through its mobile computing options.

  • What risks most concern you in using this app?
  • How would you mitigate these risks?

CIS7031 – Programming for Data Analysis Assessment Title: Employment in Wales


This assignment will use employment data of Wales from the StatsWales data source. This dataset provides workplace employment estimates, or estimates of total jobs, for Wales and its NUTS2 areas, along with comparable UK data disaggregated by industry section.

For this assignment students will undertake a data analysis and machine learning approach to reveal the workplace employment landscape of Wales. 

1. Data processing 

1.1. Download the dataset for the period 2009 – 2018 and create a dataframe that concatenates Wales (total) employment value only.

1.2. Check for any null value or outlier. If found replace that with mean value. 

1.3. Change the name of the industries as bellow


1. Data analysis

For each question provide graph/chart along with your own interpretation (~ 50 words)

1.1. Which industry employed highest and lowest workers over the period?

1.2. Which industry has the highest and lowest overall growth over the period? 

1.3. Which years are the best and worst performing year in relation to number of employment. (highest and lowest employment) 

2. Visual analysis

Create a dynamic scatter/bubble plot showing the change of workforce number over the period using Plotly express

3. PCA/Correlation 

3.1. Undertake a PCA (PC=2; columns should be like PC1, PC2, Industry) and produce a scatter plot. Write your interpretation about the plot and in relation to the analysis of section 2 & 3 (for example which industries are correlated over the years as well as in PCA etc.)

3.2. Make a year wise correlation for each industry.  Does the aforementioned industries are also correlated over the years? Explain your answer. 

4. Clustering (k means & hierarchical)

4.1. Using the best and worst performing year column’s employment data (2.3) undertake a K means clustering analysis (K=2 & 3) and identify industries cluster together. Write your own interpretation (~100 words).

4.2. Using the same dataset (best & worst performing) create a hierarchical cluster. Compare the cluster with k means clusters. 

5. Discussion

Provide a brief discussion (~ 300 words) on employment landscape of Wales based on the employment data analysis results. 

Essay on memory images and images of various forms off media.

 Write an essay of 300 words. Go online and research some tools that would be valuable in collecting both live memory images and images of various forms off media. Put together a shopping list for your manager that includes tools needed  to be purchased. Include a price if applicable. 

Analyzing and Visualizing data


Midterm Research Paper

For this assignment, you are to identify at least 6 different scholarly research articles (only conferences or journal articles are allowed).

Review the articles and provide a 4 page summary ( not including cover page and references).  Highlight the Data visualization  tools that the work utilizes and how the data is interpreted.

Please ensure that your paper follow APA 7 guidelines.