Phases of an attack (cyber security)


If you will remember from Week 8 you have a new CEO. They are non-technical and came to your organization from a completely different market segment. This week you’ve been charged with helping them understand computer attacks. Your text lists four general phases of attacks. Explain these four phases to the CEO, including items in each phase the attacker would consider when performing that phase. Where appropriate include how social engineering can be used. Last, list what security controls can reduce the likelihood of success of each phase of the attack.

4 Phases of an attack :

Reconnaisance and Probing

Gaining Access

Maintaining Access 

Covering Your Tracks.

Cyber security Research paper


The Research Report, select one of the following research areas:

i) Cyber Security and INTRANET Cloud Computing 

ii) Cyber Security and EXTRANET Cloud Computing 

iii) Cyber Security and Machine Learning

iv) Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence

v) Cyber Security and Internet of Things (IoT)

vi) Cyber Security and Robotics

vii) Cyber Security and Medical Technology

Digital/Computer Forensics

 1)  A digital forensics professional must know basic IT skills, understand computer architecture and networking, and have analytical and investigative skills, as well as strong attention to detail. Why do think all of these skills are necessary? Please explain.

2)   Law enforcement professionals and investigators use digital forensic methods to solve crimes every day. Locate one current news article that explains how investigators may have used these techniques to solve a crime. Explain the crime that was solved and the methods used to determine how the crime was committed. Some examples of crimes solved may include locating missing children, finding criminals who have fled the scene of a crime, or unsolved crimes from the past that have been solved due to the use of new techniques (such as DNA testing).

Your written assignment should be 3 paragraphs and should include a reference citation for your source of information.




This exercise involves you working with a dataset of your choosing. Visit the Kaggle website, browse through the options and find a dataset of interest, then follow the simple instructions to download it. With acquisition completed, work through the remaining key steps of examining, transforming and exploring your data to develop a robust familiarisation with its potential offering:

Examination: Thoroughly examine the physical properties (type, size, condition) of your dataset, noting down useful observations or descriptions where relevant.

Transformation: What could you do/would you need to do to clean or modify the existing data to create new values to work with? What other data could you imagine would be valuable to consolidate the existing data?

Exploration: Using a tool of your choice (such as Excel, Tableau, R) to visually explore the dataset in order to deepen your appreciation of the physical properties and their discoverable qualities (insights) to help you cement your understanding of their respective value. If you don’t have scope or time to use a tool, use your imagination to consider what angles of analysis you might explore if you had the opportunity? What piques your interest about this subject?

(You can, of course, repeat this exercise on any subject and any dataset of your choice, not just those on Kaggle.)

Assignment Link:

Assignment Length (word count): At least 500 words (not including direct quotes).

Security Analysis

In your own words explain (a) the purpose of an security analysis, and (b) using fig 2.2 (“Knowledge sets that feed a security analysis”) as a guide, in your own words briefly explain what each knowledge domain entails. 

500 words 

APA format

Week-10 assignment NS

  • 10.1 What are three broad mechanisms that malware can use to propagate?
  • 10.2 What are four broad categories of payloads that malware may carry?
  • 10.3 What are typical phases of operation of a virus or worm?
  • 10.4 What mechanisms can a virus use to conceal itself?
  • 10.5 What is the difference between machine-executable and macro viruses?
  • 10.6 What means can a worm use to access remote systems to propagate?
  • 10.7 What is a “drive-by-download” and how does it differ from a worm?
  • 10.8 What is a “logic bomb”?
  • 10.9 Differentiate among the following: a backdoor, a bot, a keylogger, spyware, and a rootkit? Can they all be present in the same malware?
  • 10.10 List some of the different levels in a system that a rootkit may use.
  • 10.11 Describe some malware countermeasure elements.
  • 10.12 List three places malware mitigation mechanisms may be located.
  • 10.13 Briefly describe the four generations of antivirus software.
  • 10.14 How does behavior-blocking software work?
  • 10.15 What is a distributed denial-of-service system?

Case study

 Case Study

Digital Signatures and PKI

                    Examine Digital Certificates

In this assignment you will examine the digital certificates of a google web site, find the certification path, and answer the questions below.

• Open a Chrome browser and go to

• Note that the url starts with https. This means that this is a secure communication.

• Notice also the lock by the url. (Visit

• Click on the lock and the details.

• View the certificate for the site and answer these questions:

• Who is the certificate authority on this certificate?

• Who is the certificate issued to?

• What is the associated public key?

• When does the certificate expire?

  Find the Certification Path

• Look at the path of the certification. Click on the immediate parent of, Google Internet Authority G2.

• View the certificate for Google Internet Authority G2 and answer these questions:

• Who is the certificate authority on this certificate?

• Who is the certificate issued to?

• What is the associated public key?

• When does the certificate expire?

• Proceed with this until you view the certificates of all intermediate authorities and the root authority.

• Try at least two other different website and follow the same steps mentioned above and answer the same questions again about each one of them!