Disaster Recovery Plan

There are threats all around us, so it is essential to have a robust plan in place to help mitigate the damage to a business from these threats.

  1. Select any one of the threats that have been covered in the Business Continuity Chapter of the text and develop a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP).
  2. The plan at a minimum should include a summary of the threat, a risk assessment, a mitigation strategy, how you will restore the IT resource, and contingencies.
  3. The DRP should be no longer then 500-750 words.


 the concept of 3-F Method is introduced.  Discuss the purpose of this concept and how it is calculated.  Also perform your own research/analysis using these factors and provide your assessment on whether the United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by using bibliometrics. 


Assignment1– Analyzing and visualization 

Select any visualization/infographic and looking at any individual chart included. Try to extract and write down in language terms what this chart shows across the angle, the framing, and (where relevant) the focus?

Does it feel that the definition you have arrived at is consistent with the aims/claims of the chart as it is published? In other words does the chart show and include what you think it is actually supposed to be doing or is there a disconnect?

Assignment2 — business intelligence- data science discipline

 Provide a personal reflection, supported by research information and ideas, of how the knowledge, skills, and/or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work/employment environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.  

Hardware, Software, and Network Requirements


Assignment Content

  1. Conduct an internet search using the phrase “small office local area network” for network diagram examples to help you complete this assignment.

    As you continue to work on Great Day Fitness Tracking’s website, you now need to gather business requirements and user requirements to identify the hardware, software, and network requirements to support the online business.

    Write a 2- to 3-page proposal in Microsoft® Word. Your proposal should:

    • Describe how you would select appropriate hardware and software to develop the internal business infrastructure.
    • Explain at least two possible approaches to managing the data for easy access and security.
    • Describe possible networks that might be used to support business needs.
    • Create a logical system diagram with a software of your choice showing possible internal connections as well as those between the site and the potential customers. 
    • Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

      Submit your assignment.


 Prepare a one page paper on Quality of Service (QoS) as it applies to multimedia, and how it can be improved using scheduling techniques and traffic shaping techniques.  You may research the internet for additional sources. Please double-space your paper and cite your sources. 

Cryptography – Digital Signatures.

After reading chapter 13, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of digital signatures.  

Write the introduction, Advantages, and disadvantages in bulletin points and conclusion. 

Must be properly APA formatted.

You must use at least one scholarly resource.

The Paper should be a minimum of a 2 to 3 pages (Not including Title and Reference Page).