Empowering leadership and effective collaboration in geographically dispersed teams

This week’s journal articles focus on empowering leadership and effective collaboration in geographically dispersed teams, please answer the following questions:

How do geographically dispersed teams collaborate effectively?

Please find at least three tools on the market that teams can use to collaborate on a geographically dispersed team. Please note the pros and cons of each tool. 

Based on the research above, note which tool you would select if you were managing the geographically dispersed team and why. 

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)

APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts. 

Question 20201116


Your Research Project on “Cloud computing” topic the surveillance state consists of two parts:

1 a Powerpoint presentation consisting of at least 12 slides not including title and references.

2. 750 word research  paper with at least 3 sources. There should be no lists. Write in essay format not outline format. Include a meaningful title.

Do not double space.

You must include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line. 

There should be no lists – bulleted, numbered or otherwise. 

Write in essay format with coherent paragraphs not in outline format. Distribute your quotes among the paragraphs.

Do your own work. Zero points will be awarded if you copy other’s work and do not cite your source or you use word replacement software. 



Project Part 8: Windows Hardening Recommendations


As a security administrator for Always Fresh, you have been instructed to ensure that Windows authentication, networking, and data access are hardened. This will help to provide a high level of security.

The following are issues to be addressed through hardening techniques:

§ Previous attempts to protect user accounts have resulted in users writing long passwords down and placing them near their workstations. Users should not write down passwords or create passwords that attackers could easily guess, such as words founds in the dictionary.

§ Every user, regardless of role, must have at least one unique user account. A user who operates in multiple roles may have multiple unique user accounts. Users should use the account for its intended role only.

§ Anonymous users of the web server applications should only be able to access servers located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). No anonymous web application users should be able to access any protected resources in the Always Fresh IT infrastructure.

§ To protect servers from attack, each server should authenticate connections based on the source computer and user.


Create a summary report to management that describes a hardening technique that addresses each issue listed above. Provide a rationale for each selection.


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories, and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 

This assignment is worth 5% of your grade. 

Python coding help


Task 1

Please write code to print the type of the following variables. Please write down the codes and the output as well.

x = 3.5

y = ‘3.5’

z = {1:’John’, 2:’Wick’, 3:’Barry’, 4:’Allen’}


Task 2

Please write code to calculate the value of the following function when a = 1, and b=2.


Please note   .

Please write down the codes and the output as well. Beware the use of the parentheses.


Task 3

Given a word, write one line of command that print “True” if the first letter is the same as the last letter, and the length of the word is greater than 2. Otherwise, the program prints a “False”.

For example, if x=’dad’, then we expect that line of command to return a “True”. Please review page 15-24 of the slides very carefully to answer this question.

DATA science Project

Define the below two classification methods: 

The decision trees and Naive Bayes. 

Elaborate on the theories behind these classifiers. Which one of these classifiers are considered computationally efficient for high dimensional problems and why?

Assignment Requirements:

2-page paper – double spaced. (Does not include the title page and the reference page)

APA format

2 scholarly references

Python Assignment


NOTE: Make sure to fully read the instructions before starting

With this file you will find a handful of files ending in .txt containing the following data:


    A table containing applications, command line flags, start times, stop times, whether the application is enabled,

    and the days of the week the application runs. Days of the week are read as follows:

    1,4-7 = Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

    *     = Every day of the week


    A date to consider and an unsorted list of application names


    Example output for apps1.txt

Create a Python 3 program that does the following:

    1.  Takes the path to a schedule file, the path to an app file, and the path to an output file as command line arguments

    2.  Writes a csv of the applications that would run on the date in the app file as well as their options,

        start times, and stop times

For example, executing the following should result in a file similar to example.txt:

    python3 script.py schedule.txt apps1.txt example.txt

You can assume the apps files will never contain an application that is not present in the schedule file and that

neither input will contain malformed or invalid data

OE Discussion Post + Replies

Organizational Diagnosis Questionnaire.doc 

In discussing Organizational Excellence, let’s start with an analysis of your organization or one with which you are familiar. Take the Organizational Diagnosis Questionnaire that is found aboveProvide a detailed analysis of what is working and what is not working.

Your response should be 250-300 words.  Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.

You will be writing three or more discussion posts per week. Your main post must be two to three substantive paragraphs (250+ total words) and include at least one APA-formatted external citation/reference. Please follow up with two subsequent replies to colleagues. Each reply should consist of a relevant paragraph containing 80 words or more.

Your posts should be substantive, demonstrate independent thought relevant to the topic, and encourage continued discussion. Please avoid simply repeating previous posts and agreeing. Provide supporting evidence for your ideas and opinions through the use of personal or work examples, relevant articles or websites, or concepts covered in the week’s readings.

Please see the attachment for the questionnaire doc.


Bourgeois, D., Smith, J., Wang. S., Mortati, J. (2019). Information Systems for Business and Beyond.

Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology and Organizational Learning. 3rd edition. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 978-1-138-23858-9.

C coding

For this assignment, you will create the following files. You will submit them by pushing it to your Github repository for class.
0. **readme.md** a readme markdown file (provided)
1. **code/vector3D.c** where you will put your function definition
2. **code/vector3D.h** where you will put your function prototype and struct definition
3. **code/Makefile**
4. **code/main.c** where you will define a main program that runs some tests of your functions
5. **writeup/writeup.pdf** where you will write up your results
6. **writeup/references.pdf** where you will write a list of your collaborators and any references you used. 

2. **Define a 3D vector struct:** Define a struct called vector3D in code/vector3D.h. The struct should have 3 float values (called x, y, and z).

2.5. Reminder: commit your changes.

3. **Define prototype in header file:** In code/vector3D.h, define the prototype of a function called norm that calculates the Euclidean norm $$sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}$$ of any vector with 3 entries. The output should be a float, and the function should take one input: a vector3D struct.

4. **Implement the norm:** In code/vector3D.c, implement the function called norm, using the same input and output types as specified in the corresponding prototype. Note that you’ll need to use the standard math library and include the math header file to call the function that calculates a square root.

4.5. Reminder: commit your changes.

5. **Write a test:** In code/main.c, write a main program to:
* Create a vector3D struct called aVec which has (1, -4/3, 0) as its (x,y,z) components.
* Calculate n, the Euclidean norm of aVec. Print out “Output of norm function, n is ” followed by the n value you calculated. We know from pencil-and-paper math that $$sqrt{(1)^2 + (-4/3)^2 + (0)^2} = 2$$. (Writeup question #1: What does it output?)
* Print out “Is n exactly equal to 5/3?” followed by the boolean result of checking exact equality of 5.0/3.0 and n. (Writeup question #2: What is the result? Why might that be?)
* Print out “Difference between n and 5/3 is ” followed by the difference between 5.0/3.0 and n, being sure to use scientific notation with %.10e formatting when you print it out. (Writeup question #3: How large is the difference between 5.0/3.0 and n? Explain why this does or doesn’t make sense.)

5.5. Reminder: commit your changes.

6. **Makefile rule to compile:** In code/Makefile, write a rule called **buildMain** to compile the code using the gcc compiler with no optimizations and output a binary called main. You’ll need to include the flag for the math library. (Writeup question #4: Draw a diagram on less than half a page illustrating what the compiler does with main.c, vector3D.c and vector3D.h) Before moving on to step 7, first make sure that your code compiles.

7. **Makefile rule to run tests:** In code/Makefile, write a rule called **run** to run the main test and print out results to the command line.

7.5. Reminder: commit your changes.

8. **References:**  In writeup/references.pdf make a list of any references you use and any collaborators you worked with (no matter if you helped them or they helped you). Note that you must also include a comment on any line of code that is based on code from class or a reference.

Hint: on the writeup and references documents, don’t just make a .txt file then rename it to .pdf. Literally make a pdf on your computer that can be opened with a pdf viewer, then add those to your repo.

9. **Writeup:** In writeup/writeup.pdf answer the 4 writeup questions using complete sentences.

9.5. Reminder: commit your changes and **don’t forget to push**! Delete all executable files.

10. **Submit:** You should have been committing code changes regularly. Go to the GitHub website those changes are pushed to GitHub and that your repository is linked to the course’s GitHub Classroom.