Assignment 600 words


Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references 600 words .

One of the big challenges with cloud-based reputation checks is performance. Users do not typically want to wait a few seconds while the reputation of potential URLs is checked. Most of us have come to expect that websites are at the immediate tips of our fingers and that access and loading of the content should take place rapidly and immediately. This presents a tricky security problem. Since the reputation service exists in the cloud, the challenge can be summed up as, “How can a reputation be securely retrieved without slowing Web access down so much as to create a poor user experience?”

Sage Tool cryptography



For all of the following questions show your sage input/output.

  1. Compute the order of the curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 7*x + 25 over the finite field with 47 elements
  2. On the curve defined by y^2 + x*y = x^3 + x over GF(2^8) compute the inverse of the point (1,1)
  3. On the curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 over the finite field with 701 elements, find a generator and show its order.
  4. On the curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 4187*x + 3814 over finite field of size 6421 compute the sum of the points (3711,373) and (4376,2463).
  5. On the elliptic curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 3361*x + 6370 over finite field of size 8461 compute 1001 times the point (1735, 3464).
  6. On the elliptic curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 1800*x + 1357 over finite field of size 8191, let P1 = (1794, 1318) and P2 = (3514, 409), compute the sum of 13 times P1 plus 28 times P2.

5s week 1 assignment PL

****Need this assignment by today 19 PM EST****

In 350 words,


Read the above article about Cambridge Analytica in Wired Magazine. Discuss whether you think the premise of the article is correct and that people are more aware of privacy concerns.  

Research Databases available from the Danforth Library:

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google.   Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Do Not Doublespace.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

C++ coding lab task

Write a Program to calculate:
1) Kinetic Energy
2) Potential Energy
3) Total Energy
Requirement for this assignment includes the use of at least 3 Programmer Defined Functions, with at least one of the functions using PASS BY REFERENCE Parameters. 
Please DO NOT  use global variables unless specified.
But can use global constant to store “acceleration due to gravity”.
Formula & Explanation for these three are as follows:
Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 11.01.03 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 11.02.51 PM.png
For Kinetic Energy:
Mass is in “kg”
Velocity is in “m/s”
For Potential Energy:
Mass is in “kg”
Height is in “m”
Gravitational Acceleration is going to be considered as constant for the purpose of the program ie 9.81
Sample Output:
Please enter mass in kg, for calculation of Kinetic Energy :2                                                                          
Please enter velocity in m/s, for calculation of Kinetic Energy :5                                                                     
Kinetic Energy in Joule is: 25                                                                                                         
Please enter mass in kg, for calculation of Potential Energy :5                                                                        
Please enter height in meters, for calculation of Potential Energy :2                                                                   
Potential Energy in Joule is: 98.1      
Total Energy is :123.1     
Please enter mass in kg, for calculation of Kinetic Energy :2                                                                          
Please enter velocity in m/s, for calculation of Kinetic Energy :2                                                                     
Kinetic Energy in Joule is: 4                                                                                                          
Please enter mass in kg, for calculation of Potential Energy :2                                                                        
Please enter height in meters, for calculation of Potential Energy :2                                                                   
Potential Energy is: 39.24         
Total Energy in Joule is :43.24 
Please enter mass in kg, for calculation of Kinetic Energy :10                                                                         
Please enter velocity in m/s, for calculation of Kinetic Energy :10                                                                    
Kinetic Energy in Joule is: 500                                                                                                        
Please enter mass in kg, for calculation of Potential Energy :10                                                                       
Please enter height in meters, for calculation of Potential Energy :10                                                                  
Potential Energy is: 981                    
Total Energy in Joule is :1481
Note: Here is a link to understanding the concept of Kinetic Energy & Potential Energy, in case some one wants/needs to look at it.
Point Distribution:
-50 Does not compile
-5 Warnings
-5 No description multiple line comments (name, date, etc)
-5 No single line comments (logic, input, output, etc)
-10 Kinetic Energy
-10 Potential Energy
-10 Total Energy
-10 Does not use at least 3 programmer defined functions
-10 Does not use at least 1 reference parameter


 Assignment 3: Group Assignment 

Tip: Read through this document in its entirety before you begin. With your group, create a presentation in R Markdown. 

Topic: Stock prices 

Objective: Using more than one forecasting or predicting method from this course, identify the method that can more accurately predict stock prices. 


• Use the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) historical data for a period of five years: 6/2/2015 – 6/1/2020. Forecast using the closing value of the stock prices.

• When collecting the data, use the following uniform resource locator (URL) to obtain historical values from NASDAQ. Interchange the stock symbols for the stocks you are going to evaluate, like “FISV” in this example: o o Read the URL into R as a comma-separated value file, for each stock assigned. • The stocks to evaluate are: o IRM; Iron Mountain Incorporated o PEAK; Healthpeak Properties, Inc. o CUBE; CubeSmart

Requirements for this data analysis project:

 • Develop a well-developed problem statement.

 • Develop at least two well-developed research questions. Focus the research on your research questions. 

The focus will not include “using R”, “using RStudio”, or any other reference to programming. 

The research focus shall remain on the stocks and forecasting methods or a variation thereof.

 • Forecasting must be iteratively evaluated to understand the accuracy. That means that you will need to model more than one set of training data within the time period. You will not forecast five years at the same time. You do not need to use all five years of data; but the research method shall demonstrate reliability and validity, particularly external validity to the stocks assigned. • Make sure to submit all files necessary to make the program fully functioning. • The R Markdown file and the slides in the presentation slides shall match exactly. Do not change the slides after submitting. 

• Make sure every member of the group is named on the R Markdown file. • Every student in the group must deliver part of the presentation to earn credit for this assignment.

 • Every student is responsible for fully comprehending the programming and the interpretations of all analyses. 

• When completing the within group review, provide thorough feedback for every member of the group. 

Reporting your research: 

• During week seven groups will be given an opportunity to select a time and date for the group’s presentation. • Your presentation shall be 10 – 15 minutes in length. Practice it! 6/1/20 Assignment 3 IRM PEAK CUBE.docx P a g e | 2 • This research will be presented. There is no research paper for this assignment. • Consider good practices for presenting information, such as o The amount of slide content o Organized content o Interaction of the presenters • When developing your slides, ensure the audience understands why, what, and how, then the method, regarding the research. o Why are you telling me this? (topic) o What are you telling me for? (problem) o How are you going to do this? (research questions – do not have to be in the form of a question) o Method – the design or high-level plan o Keep in mind, this is a presentation, summarize** (No paragraphs on slides.) 

• DO NOT forget to cite and reference your sources in APA 7. • You do not have to annotate figures and tables in APA 7 format in your slides. If you do, you will exceed the expectations.

 • You may use any type of slides available in R Markdown. Bonus challenge: Is there a day of the week that is better for investing? If participation in the challenge is accepted, make sure that it serves a purpose in the research. The method used to answer this question must be reliable and valid. Please note, the question posed in this paragraph is not appropriate as a research question. It does not meet the criteria. Good to know: • When submitting in Blackboard, you may receive an error, because the R and R Markdown file types are not recognized. That is okay. It is only indicating that SafeAssign cannot evaluate that part of your submission. 

Ensure that every reference in your reference list is also cited in the text.  Do not forget to cite and reference the source of the data. 

• Complete this assignment independent of the other groups. 

• Each group has a different version of this assignment. If you complete a version of this assignment that is not available to you in Blackboard, you will violate your pledge. 

• Plagiarism on this assignment will result in all group members earning zero points for the assignment. 

week 3 MF

Part 1: Stockholders and Management Interests

Stockholders and managers want the same thing, don’t they? Theoretically, yes, but in reality, it does not always work that way. Too often, managers’ personal goals compete with shareholder wealth maximization. Sometimes, managers pay themselves excessive salaries or bonuses that are at odds with the idea of shareholder wealth maximization. How many times have you seen in the news examples of CEO excesses or outlandish spending on events or things that definitely do not help the overall goal of stockholder wealth maximization? 

To prepare for this Discussion, think about a time in your professional experience when a decision was made that seemed to benefit a specific manager or small group of managers and not the overall corporation. If you do not have professional experience directly related to this topic, research a situation in the news where this theme is demonstrated. Consider the outcomes of such an imbalance between manager and stockholder interests and research on how to avoid such a situation.

Describe the situation from either your professional experience or your research.

Explain two or more motivational tools that can aid in aligning stockholder and management interests.

Explain how your selected tools are effective in resolving potential conflicts among managers and stockholders.

Support your discussion with appropriate academically reviewed articles. Use APA format throughout.

Part 2: Application of Concepts/Time Value of Money

Review the video links below. Based on the materials presented in these videos, discuss how you will use the time value of money concepts in managerial decision making. Be specific and give examples based on your experience or research.

B. 3 replies each 150 words 

Week 3 Assignment- BI

HOw this course useful in  my job duties 

1)Business intelligence , 

2)Data mining ,

3) Digital forenic , 

4)Operational excellence, 

5)Block chain development, 

6)organizational leader & Decision making

Job duties 

1)Monitoring and managing performance of ESX/ESXi 5.5, 6.0 ,6.5,6.7 servers and virtual machines.

2)VMware horizon view 7 administration desktop pools, user allocation recompose VDI’s and Snapshot Image creation.

3)Decommission and commission Windows 2008R2/ 2012R2/2016 Servers and Windows 7/10 VDI’s in VMware and SCVMM Hyper-V Environmen

4)Monitoring and managing performance of VMware Realize Operation (VRops)/VcenterOrchestratorVmware and SCVMM Hyper-v Environemnt

5)Provides operational support for SCCM environment, storage and servers 

6)Installing Symantec SSL certificates and CA certificates on Windows 2008 R2/2012R2/2016 servers

7)Deploys Windows Servers 2008R2/2012 R2/2016 and Virtual desktops windows 7/windows 10 with SCCM OSD image using PXE boot

8)Build, manage and administration of VMware ESX server infrastructure in Multisite/multi Datacenter environments

9)Various team and end-users to troubleshoot and resolve issues

please  take one job duites and take on  subject and please  right on that topic 

for example   if you choose.   my first  job dutie.  and.  if you choose subjedct  Business intelligence ,  how my first job duties is useful  in this subject brief explanation