Case Study: Implementation Strategies

Use the Week 7 Case Study Template to complete this assignment.

Your proposed information system is still a contender. The  executives, however, are asking whether it is too limited to prevent the  shadow IT projects that continue to take place throughout the  organization.

They believe that you have considered what the organization does  now, but how will your system adapt to new products and processes? Read Nicolet Plastics’ Quick Response Manufacturing Strategy  for a concrete example of what they mean. You’ll have to quell their  fears, so it’s time for another memo. Please focus on these points:

  1. Identify any significant changes that your organization might  reasonably make in its product offerings in the next three years.  Explain the competitive benefits of this change.
  2. Explain how your information system addresses or can adapt to the introduction of these new product offerings.
  3. Give one reason why capabilities for the new product offerings  should or should not be incorporated in the initial information system  design. Justify your reason.

This memo should be 3–5 pages long.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For  assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing  Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine how information systems influence organizational strategies to improve decision making.

IQMS. No date. Nicolet Plastics’ Quick Response Manufacturing  Strategy.

How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations?


Required Reading:

Read LE BA PHONG, LEI HUI, & THAN THANH SON. (2018). How Leadership and Trust in Leaders Foster Employees’ Behavior toward Knowledge Sharing. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 46(5), 705–720.

Read CHANHOO SONG, KWANGSEO RYAN PARK, & SEUNG-WAN KANG. (2015). Servant Leadership and Team Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge-Sharing Climate. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 43(10), 1749–1760.


This week’s journal articles focus on transformational leadership and knowledge and knowledge sharing within an organization, please review these concepts and answer the following questions:

How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations? How does this impact the rate of information technology implementations? How does this impact data management within organizations? 

How does servant leadership assist with transferring knowledge in an organization? 

When thinking about data analytics, how does transformational leadership assist with building good data structures?

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

3 pages in length (not including title page or references)

APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

Computer Science CCIS 301

Discussion topics

Projects 1

 Two page paper for each question  

  1. Submit a report that discusses the differences between the next-fit and worst-fit algorithms.

2. List the steps involved in program relocation, including loop sequences, decision sequences, branching sequences, and data references. 

Additional Resources
  1. Beginner’s      Guide to Memory Management:

  1. Windows      Memory Management:
  2. IBM:      Inside Memory Management:

5. Ravenbrook – The Memory Management Reference:

dis 6


  1. Discuss the importance of mutual exclusion and synchronization in the case of process cooperation. What problems could arise if the system lacks these two features?  How could semaphores help? 

2.Compare threads and processes and discuss their similarities and differences.  

Avoiding Pitfalls

Email campaigns, are still vibrant and active parts of company marketing and you as the web analyst may be asked to make sense of this data. One of the biggest pitfalls in web analytics is how to understand and deal with the data from these email campaigns. Explain the three (3) pitfalls and how you would avoid them with specific examples for each. 

300 words minimum

Discussion forum1

 Topic: Computerized Operating Systems (OS) are almost everywhere. We encounter them when we use our laptop or desktop computer. We use them when we use our phones or tablet. Find peer-reviewed articles that discuss the advantages and disadvantages of at least two different programming languages that are NOT portable across different types of operating systems (Windows, Linux, Unix, Android, z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE, etc). 

Not a big fun of option though I do love Monte Carlo method. A bank has written a call option on one stock and a put option on another stock. Fo


Financial engineering problem…

Not a big fun of option though I do love Monte Carlo method. A bank has written a call option on one stock and a put option on another stock. For the first option the stock price is 50, the strike price is 51, the volatility is 28% per annum, and the time to maturity is 9 months. For the second option the stock price is 20, the strike price is 19, and the volatility is 25% per annum, and the time to maturity is 1 year. Neither stock pays a dividend. The risk-free rate is 6% per annum, and the correlation between stock price returns is 0.4.

1. Using C/C++ or Java or Matlab to calculate the 10-day 99% Monte Carlo Simulation based VaR for the portfolio. Set the number of simulation to 5000.

2. What else data is required to calculate the 10-day 99% Historical based VaR for the portfolio?

Access 2019 project due tomorrow night

Illustrated Access 2019 | Modules 1-4: SAM Capstone Project 1a

Midwest Executive Professionals

Illustrated Access 2019 | Modules 1-4: SAM Capstone Project 1a

Improve a database by creating and modifying tables, queries, forms, and reports


Open the file IL_AC19_CS1-4a_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for download from the SAM website.

Save the file as IL_AC19_CS1-4a_FirstLastName_2.accdb by changing the “1” to a “2”.

If you do not see the .accdb file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the following data files from the SAM website onto your computer:


Open the _GradingInfoTable table and ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the table. If the table does not contain your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


Midwest Executive Professionals is a firm that connects professional job seekers with job openings. You work in the Research Department of Midwest Executive Professionals as a research analyst. You are developing an Access database application to help manage and analyze companies, jobs, applicants, and job placements facilitated by your company. In Design View of the Applications table, modify the table with the following instructions:

Add a new field after the ApplicationDate field named FollowupDate with a Date/Time data type. 

Use ApplicationID to rename the ID field. Save and close the Applications table.

In Datasheet View of the JobSeekers table, complete the following instructions:

Delete the record for Richard Marlay (JobSeekerID 14).

Edit John to be Jonathan for JobSeekerID 10.

Enter a new record into the table using the information in Table 1. Close the JobSeekers table.

Table 1: New Record for JobSeekers Table


(AutoNumber will automatically number this field)







In the Navigation Pane, make Industries the new name for the Categories table.

Use the import wizard to append the records from the Support_AC19_CS-1-4a_Industries.xlsx to the Industries table. Do not save the import steps. (Hint: If a warning message appears, Click Open.)

Create a new table in Table Design View with the following specifications:

Enter Employees as the name of the new table.

Add a new field named EmployeeID with the Numberdata type. Set it as the Primary key field.

Add two new fields named EmployeeFirst and EmployeeLast in the order shown. They should have the Short Text data type and field size properties of 20.

Add a new field named Email with the Hyperlink data type. Set the Required property to Yes.

Add a new field named Salary with the Currency data type. Set the Default Value property to 45000.

Add a new field named Extension with the Short Textdata type. Update the Input Mask property using the Input Mask Wizard. Select the Extension input mask and update the field to 9999, so that 9999;;_ is the final input. Accept the default in the last window. Save the table and then close it.

In Datasheet View of the JobSeekers table, complete the following options:

Delete the Comments field. (Hint: It currently does not have any data.) 

Move the Phone field to be the last field in the datasheet.

Sort the records in ascending order by LastName. Save and close the JobSeekers table.

Create a new query in Design View using the Companies and Jobs tables with the following options:

Select the CompanyName and Industry fields from the Companies table and the JobTitle and StartingSalaryfields from the Jobs table.

Join the tables using the CompanyID field from the Companies table and the Company field from the Jobstable.

Save the query, using HighSalaries as the name.

With the HighSalaries query still open in Design View, add criteria to select only those records where the StartingSalary is greater than or equal to 50000, save the query, switch to Datasheet View as shown in Figure 1, and then close it.

Figure 1: HighSalaries Query in Datasheet View

Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a new query with the following options:

Use the JobSeekers and Applications tables. 

Select all four fields from the JobSeekers table and the ApplicationDate field from the Applications table. 

Create a detail query.

Use ApplicationDates as the title for the query. Save and close the query.

In Design View of the ApplicationListing query, modify the query with the following options:

Add criteria to select all records with Administrative Assistant or User Support Director as the JobTitle

Sort the records in ascending order by LastName, and then by FirstName. Run the query to display it in Datasheet View as shown in Figure 2, and then save and close it.

Figure 2: ApplicationListing Query in Datasheet View

In Design View of the DirectorSeptember query, add criteria using wildcard characters to select all records with Director anywhere in the JobTitle field and an ApplicationDate greater than or equal to 9/1/2018. Run the query to display it in Datasheet View as shown in Figure 3, and then save and close it.

Figure 3: DirectorSeptember Query in Datasheet View

Use the Form Wizard to create a new form with the following options:

Select all of the fields from the Jobs table. 

Choose a Columnar layout.

Use JobsEntry as the title. Save and close the JobsEntry form.

Use the Report Wizard to create a new report with the following options:

Select all of the fields from the Companies table. 

Group the records by Industry.

Sort the records in ascending order by CompanyName.

Use a Stepped layout and a Portrait orientation.

Use CompanyListing as the title. Preview, save, and close the report.

Open the JobSeekerEntry form in Form View, enter Jacob as the FirstName value for the first record to replace Jack, and then add a new record in the main form with the information in Table 2.

Table 2: New Record for JobSeekerEntry Form


(AutoNumber field will automatically increment)





Open the JobSeekerEntry form in Layout View and modify it with the following options:

Right-align the text in the JobSeekerID, FirstName, and LastName labels. 

Edit the FirstName label to read First Name and use Last Name to rename the LastName label. 

Delete the Close command button in the Form Footer section.

With the JobSeekerEntry form still open in Layout View, modify it with the following options:

Add the Phone field to the form and position it just below the Last Name label. 

Change the font color for the Phone label to Automatic (black)

Apply a quick style, Colored Outline – Blue, Accent 1(first 1st row second 2nd column of Theme Styles gallery) to the Close command button in the Form Header section. Display the form in Form View as shown in Figure 4, and then save and close it. 

Figure 4: JobSeekerEntry Form in Form View

Open the JobListing report in Layout View and add conditional formatting so that any StartingSalary value greater than or equal to $70,000 is formatted using Green 3 background color (7th column, 4th row in the Standard Colors pallete). Save the JobListing report.

With the JobListing report still open in Layout View, modify it with the following options:

Change the background color of the Starting Salary label in the Page Header section to the same color, Green 3 (7th column 4th row in the Standard Colors palette). 

Group the two labels in the Report Header section together in a tabular layout. Save and display the report in Report View as shown in Figure 5, and then close it. 

Figure 5: JobListing Report in Report View

In Layout View of the JobSeekerListing report, modify it with the following options:

Change the Theme Colors to Green .

Change the Theme Fonts to Franklin Gothic. Display the report in Report View as shown in Figure 6, and then save and close it.

Figure 6: JobSeekerListing Report in Report View

Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

cloud computing


Review in 500 words or more the video above called Cloud Security Myths.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources.   Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

Do not use attachments as a submission. 

Reply to two classmates’ posting in a paragraph of at least five sentences by asking questions, reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, offering suggestions.   You should make your initial post by Thursday evening so your classmates have an opportunity to respond before midnight when all three posts are due. 

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like).  Your goal is to help your colleagues write better. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. It usually results in nonsense and is not a good way to learn anything. Please do not use attachments unless requested. 


Ph.D. candidates should provide authentic personal statements to each of the five following questions/prompts reflecting on their own personal interests. In the event that any outside resources are used, resources should be cited in APA format. Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words or 125 words per question/prompt. It is best to respond to each prompt/question individually for clarity of the reviewer. Documents should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.

1. Provide a brief introduction focusing on your education, career, and decision to apply to University of the Cumberlands.

2. In relation to your doctoral program application, what area of recent research in the field would you want to study, and why?

3. How does your current vocation relate to your application to the doctoral program?

4. How will your experiences and personal skills help you to be successful in your program?

5. What long-term goals do you have for applying your learning from your doctoral program?