Topic of Discussion

We studied the network criteria: performance, Reliability, and security. In the very early days of the network technologies, in your opinion, which of the three criteria was more considered, and how the other criteria started to get considered as well?

Submission Instructions

  • Post your responses, examples, ideas, and discussions. on this topic on the blackboard.

Cybersecurity Planning



Cybersecurity Planning and Management

Creating Company E-mail/WIFI/Internet Use Policies

You have just been hired as the Security Manager of a medium-sized Financial Services company employing 250 people in New Hampshire, and have been asked to write two new security policies for this company. The first one is an e-mail policy for employees concentrating on personal use of company resources. The second policy is that of WIFI and Internet use within the company.

There are many resources available on the web so researching these topics and policies should be easy. The most difficult part of this exercise will be determining how strict or how lenient you want to make these policies for this particular company.

Project Plan

You are asked to create two separate policies on use of EMAIL and a WIFI/INTERNET USE within the company.

Be specific in your terms and conditions of use. Consider these items to be included in your policies (as applicable).

1. Overview 

2. Purpose 

3. Scope

4. Policy 

5. Policy Compliance

6. Related Standards, Policies and Processes

7. Definitions and Terms

Some useful links and resources for your research:





B.) Do you believe Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning is the future of cybersecurity? Explain why or why not.

JAVA Programming Scrabble Help: The file dictionary.txt contains all of the words in the


JAVA Programming

Scrabble Help: The file dictionary.txt contains all of the words in the Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary, Second Edition. Note: this list contains some offensive language. Write   a class, WordLists, in Java that generates useful word lists for scrabble players using this list.

Your class should contain the following methods:

  • WordLists(String fileName): a constructor that takes the name of the dictionary file as the only parameter.
  • lengthN(int n): returns an ArrayList of all length n words (Strings) in the dictionary file.
  • endsWith(char lastLetter, int n): returns an ArrayList of words of length n ending with the letter lastLetter
  • containsLetter(char included, int index, int n): returns an ArrayList of words of length n containing the letter included at position index.  So for example the word “cannon” would be on the list returned by  containsLetter(‘o’,6,4) because it contains the letter ‘o’, at index 4,  and is length 6.
  • multiLetter(int m, char included): returns an ArrayList of words with at least m occurrences of the letter included.

Use  the included template for your WordLists.java file. Write   your own  test class for your WordLists class that tries these methods out and  writes the word lists (the ArrayLists of strings) to   text   files.

What to hand in:

A  Template for the WordLists.java file is in the Assignment 5 workspace  on Codio. You must create   your own test class (separate file with main  method) that tests each of your methods and writes the results to a  text file. In addition to the source files include a text file named  readMe.txt with an explanation of how your program works. That is, write  in plain English, instructions for using your software, explanations  for how and why you chose to design your code the way you did. The  readMe.txt file is also an opportunity for you to get partial credit  when certain requirements of the assignment are not met.


The dictionary.txt file contains like this:
































Big Data Research assignment

We studied Apache Pig in lecture # 4. You are supposed to do online research and find out one case study where Apache Pig was used to solve a particular problem. I am expecting 4 page write-up. Please provide as much technical details as possible about solution through Apache Pig. Please draw technical diagrams to explain the solution. 


I am expecting maximum one page for business problem and 3 pages of technical solution. I want everyone to do research and provide their own write-up.


Please draw your own diagrams and don’t go more than 4 pages in total.

Project Scenario 5 Lessons Learned Retrospectives

 Scenario 5: Sprint Retrospective

Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “XYZ Corporation Case”. 

No comparison of the videos is required. Per Ms. Cortez, your task assignment is to execute the following steps and to develop and submit the cited summary/analysis deliverables. 

1. View Video 1 several times.

2. Summarize the key content of Video 1 and state its provided definition of Agile retrospectives. Also, include a reminder about any related content important to XYZ Corporation that is not included in the video.

3. View Video 2 several times.

4. Summarize the key content of Video 2 and state each of the wrong ways dramatized in the video. For each wrong way included in the video, state the corresponding right way, and provide a brief description of the right way in the XYZ Agile environment. 

5. View Video 3 several times.

6. List each mistake and tip included in the Video 3, and elaborate on each mistake and tip in 1-2 sentences. Cite which tips you think are most important for XYZ Corporation. Cite which tips you think are least important for XYZ Corporation. Also cite one additional tip not included in the video that we want to nonetheless emphasize at XYZ Corporation.

7. Watch Video 4 several times.

8. Summarize the key content of Video 4. Be sure to address: 1) what to keep as is (“like”); and 2) what to improve (“don’t like”) for the next Sprint, as well Mr. Southerland’s concept of “the one thing” to emphasize. After your initial summary, include 3 representative examples of items that may come up in a retrospective in the category of what to keep as is and the category of what to improve. 

The file Linkedlist.java contains a doubly linked list, essentially identical to the implementation discussed in class


The file  Linkedlist.java contains a doubly linked list,
essentially identical to  the implementation discussed in class. Your task is to fill in the  method void reverse(), which should reverse the linked list. The method  should modify the list data structure by changing the next and prev  references in the linked list nodes. Do not change anything else in the  class. You can test your method by running the main method of  SimpleLinkedList,
which should print out a list in the original, and  then in reversed order. At the beginning of your void reverse() method  insert a comment, answering the following question: What is the run-  time of your reverse method as a function of the length of the list?  Describe a different way to make reversal of the list a constant-time,  i.e.
O(1) operation, if you could change anything in the class (this is a  bit of a trick question).

/**  * LinkedList class implements a doubly-linked list. Adapted from Weiss, Data  * Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java. 3rd ed.  * http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~weiss/dsaajava3/code/LinkedList.java   */  public class LinkedList implements Iterable {
   private int size;     private Node beginMarker;     private Node endMarker;
   /**     * This is the doubly-linked list node class.     */     private class Node {         public Node(NodeT d, Node p, Node n) {             data = d;             prev = p;             next = n;         }
       public NodeT data;         public Node prev;         public Node next;     }
   /**     * Construct an empty LinkedList.     */     public LinkedList() {         doClear();     }
   /**     * Change the size of this collection to zero by initializing the beginning     * and end marker.     */     public void doClear() {         beginMarker = new Node<>(null, null, null);         endMarker = new Node<>(null, beginMarker, null);         beginMarker.next = endMarker;         size = 0;     }
   /**     * @return the number of items in this collection.     */     public int size() {         return size;     }
   /**     * @return boolean indicating if the linked list is empty     */     public boolean isEmpty() {         return size() == 0;     }
   /**     * Gets the Node at position idx, which must range from lower to upper.     *     * @param idx     * index to search at.     * @param lower     * lowest valid index.     * @param upper     * highest valid index.     * @return internal node corresponding to idx.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if index is not between lower and upper, inclusive.     */     private Node getNode(int idx, int lower, int upper) {         Node p;
       if (idx < lower || idx > upper)             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(“getNode index: ” + idx + “; size: “+ size());
       if (idx < size() / 2) { // Search through list from the beginning             p = beginMarker.next;             for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++)                 p = p.next;         } else { // serch through the list from the end             p = endMarker;             for (int i = size(); i > idx; i–)                 p = p.prev;         }
       return p;     }
   /**     * Gets the Node at position idx, which must range from 0 to size( ) – 1.     *     * @param idx     * index to search at.     * @return internal node corresponding to idx.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if index is out of range.     */     private Node getNode(int idx) {         return getNode(idx, 0, size() – 1);     }
   /**     * Returns the item at position idx.     *     * @param idx     * the index to search in.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if index is out of range.     */     public T get(int idx) {         return getNode(idx).data;     }
   /**     * Changes the item at position idx.     *     * @param idx     * the index to change.     * @param newVal     * the new value.     * @return the old value.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if index is out of range.     */     public T set(int idx, T newVal) {         Node p = getNode(idx);         T oldVal = p.data;
       p.data = newVal;         return oldVal;     }
   /**     * Adds an item in front of node p, shifting p and all items after it one     * position to the right in the list.     *     * @param p     * Node to add before.     * @param x     * any object.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if idx < 0 or idx > size()     */     private void addBefore(Node p, T x) {         Node newNode = new Node<>(x, p.prev, p);         newNode.prev.next = newNode;         p.prev = newNode;         size++;     }
   /**     * Adds an item at specified index. Remaining items shift up one index.     *     * @param x     * any object.     * @param idx     * position to add at.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if idx < 0 or idx > size()     */     public void add(int idx, T x) {         addBefore(getNode(idx, 0, size()), x);     }
   /**     * Adds an item to this collection, at the end.     *     * @param x     * any object.     */     public void add(T x) {         add(size(), x);     }
   /**     * Removes the object contained in Node p.     *     * @param p     * the Node containing the object.     * @return the item was removed from the collection.     */     private T remove(Node p) {         p.next.prev = p.prev;         p.prev.next = p.next;         size–;         return p.data;     }
   /**     * Removes an item from this collection.     *     * @param idx     * the index of the object.     * @return the item was removed from the collection.     */     public T remove(int idx) {         return remove(getNode(idx));     }
/********* ADD YOUR SOLUTIONS HERE *****************/  public void reverse() {  // insert the answer about runtime here.
// write this method.  }
/******** END STUDENT SOLUTION ********************/  
   /**     * Returns a String representation of this collection.     */     public String toString() {         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(“[ “);         for (T x : this) {             sb.append(x + ” “);         }         sb.append(“]”);         return new String(sb);     }  
   /**     * Obtains an Iterator object used to traverse the collection.     *     * @return an iterator positioned prior to the first element.     */     public java.util.Iterator iterator() {         return new LinkedListIterator();     }
   /**     * This is the implementation of the LinkedListIterator. It maintains a notion     * of a current position and of course the implicit reference to the     * LinkedList.     */     private class LinkedListIterator implements java.util.Iterator {         private Node current = beginMarker.next;         private boolean okToRemove = false;
       public boolean hasNext() {             return current != endMarker;         }
       public T next() {             if (!hasNext())                 throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
           T nextItem = current.data;             current = current.next;             okToRemove = true;             return nextItem;         }
       public void remove() {             if (!okToRemove)                 throw new IllegalStateException();
           LinkedList.this.remove(current.prev);             // ensures that remove() cannot be called twice during a single step in             // iteration             okToRemove = false;         }
   /**     * Test the linked list.     */     public static void main(String[] args) {         LinkedList lst = new LinkedList<>();
       for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)             lst.add(i);         for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++)             lst.add(0, i);
// Should print [ 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]  System.out.println(“Original list:”);         System.out.println(lst);  lst.reverse();  System.out.println(“After reversal:”);  // Should print [ 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ]         System.out.println(lst);     }  }

Week 4

1)  Pick three passwords: one not secure, one acceptable, and one very secure. Then write a brief description of the passwords you have chosen, indicating why they are secure or not secure.

2)  Discuss in 500 words your opinion whether Edward Snowden is a hero or a criminal. You might consider the First Amendment and/or the public’s right to know as well as national security concerns.  

appliancewarehouse case study 10

 ERP   Carlie Davis July 19, 2020   

Hi J,

We just got some very exciting news! We heard that the owner is planning to open up two more Appliance Warehouse stores in the next 2 years. Isn’t that amazing?

In light of this news, I started to wonder how we might best accommodate our growth through our computerized systems. We will be increasing our workforce, inventory, and revenues with this expansion. I think that we might need to implement an enterprise resource planning system to better coordinate all of our various departments and stores. In fact, I think it might make sense to implement this system prior to the second store opening.

Could you research the various ERP systems on the market and make a recommendation which system we should consider? Make sure to compare at least three systems before making a recommendation.




 SIM: Network   Carlie Davis July 20, 2020   

Hi J,

As we design our new SIM system, I was thinking about the news of the two new future stores. Then, I started thinking about scalability. How scalable do we need our new system to be? What system requirements should we add with regards to scalability issues?

Furthermore, how do you think we should set up our computer network? Is there a topology that you think would be most appropriate for AW? Do you think we need online processing or do you think batch processing would be adequate? So many questions still to answer!

Let me know your thoughts on these issues.



 Security   Carlie Davis July 21, 2020   

Hi Joseph,

The programmers and database admin have asked about the security requirements for this system. I don’t think that we’ve discussed these requirements. I’d like for you to think through the classes of users (Appointment setters, Technicians, Part Department, Management, Customers) and what type of access they require. Also, how do you think we need to protect the technician’s machines and the server?

Security is such an important issue now. There have been so many security breaches recently with our competitors.

Please provide this information as soon as you can. Thanks!
