Write a 2 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

  1. Explain what happens when a session is hijacked
  2. Describe the difference between spoofing and hijacking
  3. Name and describe the steps in conducting a session hijacking attack
  4. Describe different types of session hijacking
  5. Perform sequence number prediction


 It is important to understand that humans and technology interact in all information systems. Why do you feel businesses must spend time and money to educate their employees on security matters? 

Understanding the Work of the IT Governance Board


Week 8 Discussion: Understanding the Work of the IT Governance Board

In this final week of your internship, your rotation assignment takes you back to the Chief of Staff’s Office where you started out seven weeks ago.

Among other things, the Chief of Staff’s organization is responsible for organizing meetings and providing support to the various internal governance boards and executive committees that comprise the internal governance infrastructure. Last week, you had a brief introduction to the work of one of these boards — the IT Governance board — when you helped the Chief Financial Officer and CFO staff put together a briefing to inform the board’s members about a technology problem. 

The work of the company’s governance boards and committees is extremely important since these groups plan, design, negotiate, implement and provide oversight for the processes, policies, procedures, and other mechanisms used to guide,  monitor, control, and assess the operations of the company. Each board is comprised of executives who each represent their functional areas or a group of internal stakeholders. Usually, there is a chair position that rotates among the members. If you would like to learn more about corporate governance in general, Deloitte’s report Developing an effective governance operating model: A guide for financial services boards and management teams provides a brief but comprehensive overview (see https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/Financial-Services/dttl-fsi-US-FSI-Developinganeffectivegovernance-031913.pdf). You may also find this article What is a management system?, from the International Standards Organization, helpful as it explains what a management system is and why standards are needed to define repeatable steps that organizations can use to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of their management activities.

The IT Governance board operates under authority delegated by the corporate governance board. This board’s charter gives it responsibility for governance, risk management, and compliance management (GRC) for corporate IT processes, policies, and technologies. Members of the board each serve for a three year term. Of the 24 members, 8 have just begun their terms.

The IT Governance board focuses upon ensuring that the company achieves maximum value for each dollar spent on information technology capabilities. The board’s members must exercise due diligence to ensure that the company complies with laws and regulations that apply to the use of Information Technology (including privacy and security requirements). The board is also charged with ensuring that the company complies with voluntary standards such as PCI-DSS since these have an impact on the company’s business operations (non compliance could result in the company not being permitted to receive payments via credit cards).

The next meeting of the IT Governance board will include a set of orientation briefings for the new members. Your assignment, as a support staffer, is to help prepare for this orientation meeting by developing a short (5-minute) briefing on one of the following IT management / IT security management frameworks, standards, and models.



3. ISO 27001 (ISMS Program Management)

4. NIST Cybersecurity Framework

5. NIST Security and Privacy Controls (NIST SP 800-53)

6. NIST Risk Management Framework (NIST SP 800-37)

See the weekly readings for information about your selected topic. Then, find additional sources on your own. (Each of these standards and frameworks is discussed in freely available materials on the Internet or in articles available through the university’s only library. There is no reason for you to pay for copies of any materials for this assignment.)

After you have researched your chosen framework, standard, or model, develop a written script for your briefing which you will deliver verbatim (as written). You should also prepare a one page handout for the board members to follow as you present your speech.

Post your script and handout in this thread for critique and discussion with your peers. You may use an attachment for your handout but the script should be pasted directly into the body of your posting.

Organ Leader & Decision Making


Required Reading:

Optional Resources:

 Chapter 3 & 4 Journal articles

This week’s journal article focuses on attribution theory and how it influences the implementation of innovation technologies.  Two types of employee attributions are noted in the article (intentionality and deceptive intentionality), please review these concepts and answer the following questions:

Provide a high-level overview/ summary of the case study

Note how constructive intentionality impacts innovation implementations

Find another article that adds to the overall findings of the case and note how attribution-based perspective enhances successful innovation implementations.  Please be explicit and detailed in answering this question.


Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research.  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)

APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

InfoTech Import in Strat Plan (ITS-831)

Discussion: Business Strategy

Word count: 300+

Things to be included in the discussion:

Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?

Provide extensive additional information on the topic

Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail

Share an applicable personal experience

Provide an outside source that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Reading resources:

Text book: 

Managing and Using Information Systems. Authors: Keri E. Pearlson, Carol S. Saunders, Dennis F. Galletta. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

1. Read Textbook Chapter 1:  The Information Systems Strategy Triangle

2. Dent, A. (2015). Aligning IT and business strategy: an Australian university case study. Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, 37(5), 519–533. Retrieved from  https://doi.org/10.1080/1360080X.2015.1079395

APA format, Plagiarism check required, good work

Project with 3 to 4 papers


Part 1: Introduction to the Problem

During this course you will complete a series of projects that will help you understand the components of a research study. You will do this by writing a proposal that supports the extension of a previously published research project. (You will not actually conduct the research; you will be developing a short proposal that explains the need to extend the research.)

Using the ACM database in the Library Portal, find a study related to an area of Information Security that you are interested in to be the basis for your projects for this term. The study can be quantitative or qualitative, but needs to address a problem that you are familiar with. In the conclusions of the study, it should indicate areas for further research.

In Part 1 of the project, you will write a short introduction to the research proposal (3-4 pages) which includes the following:

  • A description of the problem that was addressed in the selected study
  • A description of the study population and the sample
  • A summary of the previous findings
  • A description of an area of research suggested by the author for further research.
  • An explanation of why this extension of research could be important or how it might yield more insight into the problem.

Network Design



  1. Network Topology (15 points): Describe in 2-3  paragraphs the network topology that you have selected. Explain why you  chose the topology, and how it will help you to meet your project needs 
  2. Technology Budget (10 points): Based on your needs  assessment and technology requirements listed during week 2, what would  be your total expenses needed to fully implement this network (outside  of the virtual environment?) You should be able to use the URLs that you  used in last week’s assignment to gain easy access to the prices. 
  3. Network Diagram (25 points):  Using Visio, or a similar charting tool, create a DETAILED network  diagram. Be sure to include your selected network topology, specific  hardware, software, IP addressing, networking and security standards,  selected services, etc. All components should be CLEARLY LABELED.   Week 3 Assignment 
    Use the attached template “IT491 Week Three Assignment” template for this week’s submission. 

Discussion 07/03


Here is a questionnaire for you to take on your “Influencing Style”. Provide feedback on how it relates to you and your style. How might you use your style with organization management? How does your style prepare you for operations strategy?


You will be writing three or more discussion posts per week. Your main post must be three to four substantive paragraphs (400+ total words) and include at least one APA-formatted external citation/reference.