OE Paper

Course: Operational Excellence

Week 4 Paper                  

100 Points Possible(**** extra care please)                                                    

Individual Effort Only!

APA  7 format is required – USE THE APA TEMPLATE.

Each question below must be addressed in your paper. Use an in-text heading to identify each question (Do not restate the question as the heading-use a topic heading instead). Each question must also be supported with appropriate APA7-formatted citations that match full references at the end of the paper. Each section should be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length.

The readings for this week discuss business processes and technology tools that can be used to help manage them effectively. Review the article below, and address the following questions in your paper:

Williams, C. (2019). The importance of IT process management: White paper. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/903d/cca38680b28ac993dc35a94f0185d6ace2c7.pd

  1. Discuss how your organization may evaluate or approach IT operations as a process
  2. Identify and discuss 2-3 challenges your organization may be experiencing due to current IT processes
  3. Research and discuss 2 different Business Process Management systems in the market today which may be of benefit to your organization in addressing the challenges identified in question 2
  4. Conclude with recommendations for your organization based on your research(Assume my organization is “BestBuy” and I am a software engineer)

Cloud computing


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of Cloud Computing have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment, to include specific information about your assigned organization. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 

Fireboy and Watergirl: Online on the App Store

Fireboy and Watergirl are an exciting series of adventure games developed by Oslo Albet and Jan Villanueva. 

Fire, Water, Forest, Ice, Light, Wind, and Crystal, seven brand new temples for the official Fireboy and Watergirl series. 

In each temple the boy and girl must run and jump between fire and water, you should know that Fireboy is immune to fire, so he can step freely in pools of boiling lava, but he must be careful from stepping into the water. 

Watergirl is resistant to pools of water but gets hurt when stepping in the lava. 

Let us join with two main characters on the journey to remote, dangerous temples, to seek unimaginable wealth. 

The temple is full of sparkling diamonds waiting to be discovered only by the bravest. 

Solve the puzzles, beat the times, and collect all the diamonds! 

What are you waiting for? 

Update Fireboy and Watergirl full series.

Use the W-A-S-D keys to control the Watergirl.

Use the Arrow keys to control the Fireboy.

risk management

Please summarize, in your own words, a description of enterprise risk management. Why do you feel ERM is different from traditional risk management?

Please Include at least one resource from below url


ITS 350-1 Portfolio project


Option #1: XYZ Corporation

XYZ Corporation is a small organization of roughly 20 to 30 employees working in a simple office space using basic peer-to-peer type networking in which all employees keep their data on their own PCs and each has his or her own devices (i.e., printers, scanners, and other peripherals).

In the last few months, XYZ developed a revolutionary widget that will change technology as we know it. The company received a substantial investment and will quickly ramp up to 100 employees. They moved into a new building that was wired and set up for a local area network (LAN). They have implemented a client server-based network in which all printers, folders, and other resources are shared but everyone has access to everything and there is no security outside of the defaults in place when the system was set up.

You have been hired to secure XYZ Inc’s network and ensure that the company has the highest levels of security to prevent internal or external attacks. In an 8-10 page proposal, address the following items to provide a comprehensive secure environment:

  1. A plan to provide secure Access Control Methods for all user access
  2. A viable Password policy, which includes complexity, duration, and history requirements
  3. A cryptography method to ensure vital data is encrypted
  4. A remote access plan to ensure that users that access the network remotely do so in a secure and efficient manner
  5. A thorough plan to protect the network from Malware and other Malicious attacks

Your proposal should address all of the elements noted above with support, detail, and elaboration for each section explicitly grounded in knowledge from the assigned readings and media, along with any outside sources you may choose to bring into your writing. Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length, conform to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.), and include 3-5 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook to support your views. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Security Architecture and Design


Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format.

Figure 8.1 Business analytics logical data flow diagram (DFD).

Consider the data flow “octopus,” as shown in Figure 8.1, Business analytics logical data flow, from your textbook. How can the analysis system gather data from all these sources that, presumably, are protected themselves?

Research Paper



To help you add more insights into other issues that you need to address you need to think about your topic as if your manager told you that you needed to fix the issue and answer the following questions: 

  • What does the organization have to understand about this issue to really address the topic of Ransomware with hospitals?
  • What variables, issues, phenomenon, models, and theories explain why it is important for organizations to have a cybersecurity breach emergency response plan?
  • What variables, issues, phenomenon, models, and theories explain why it is important for organizations to have a business continuity plan?
  • What variables, issues, phenomenon, models, and theories explain why it is important for organizations to have a crisis communication team and plan? 
  • What are the potential consequences for organizations that do not have a cybersecurity breach emergency response plan? 
  • What are the potential consequences for organizations a crisis communications team and a plan? 


Literature review 

Remember, many of these theories and concepts can come from your course text or from university on-line library from articles that you get using the following search terms. Present 8 to 9 pages of theories, models, and concepts describing how you fix or address the problem in the selected case study.

Suggested Search Terms

  • Ransomware in healthcare
  • Electronic health records security
  • healthcare information security
  • Strategic planning
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Disaster Recovery planning
  • Crisis Management
  • Crisis Communications Planning
  • Kotter Change Management Model
  • Agile Project Management
  • Organizational Planning
  • Organizational Development 


Write your first draft consisting of 7 to 8 pages describing the following aspects of your solution. 

  1. A cybersecurity breach emergency response plan. 
  2. A business continuity plan to address this issue now and in the future. 
  3. A crisis communication team
  4. A crisis communications plan
  5. The benefits to the organization of these plans and final conclusions 


You are required to write at the graduate level with meaningful writing. Your paper should be in the following format:

  • APA Style
  • A cover page and Reference page
  • double spaced 12 point Times Roman New in APA format. 
  • A minimum of 10 to 15 different references, which could include your course textbook (the final paper requires 20 different references).
    • majority of your reference should be scholastic resources
    • Wikipedia  is not an acceptable source of reference 
  • Paragraphs should be written in the MEAL writing style for clarity in terms of making the argument. See the resource page in this course.