

The following resources may be helpful when completing this assignment.

Computer applications that run on desktop and laptop computers have, for a long time, been designed to be driven by dragging and clicking a mouse. With the introduction of tablet personal computers, the trend has shifted toward using touch-based screens. We now have access to touch-based TVs, touch-based monitors, touch-based laptops and touch-based tablets. Touch and multi-touch devices provide end users with the ability to interact physically with an application much more naturally.

Imagine that you are the Information Technology Director of a major chain restaurant, and you have been assigned to design a menu ordering application that can run on all devices. Examine whether using a touch-screen monitor, a tablet, or using a mouse to select menu items to place an order would be most efficient. Speculate how employees would interact with these devices and the type of emotional reaction that customers and employees will experience while placing a beverage, appetizer or entrée order.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

  1. Differentiate between the interaction types and styles that apply to multi-touch screens and applications running on them.
  2. Determine the conceptual model that you would use when designing a product for your restaurant.
  3. Describe the key analogies and concepts these monitors expose to users, including the task-domain objects users manipulate on the screen.
  4. Determine one (1) utility / tool in an application for touch-based and mouse-drive screens that should be designed with memory retention / recall. Provide a rationale for your response.
  5. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. You may use the resources above or others of your choosing.
  6. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different from other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
    2. Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    3. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.
    4. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the relationship between the cognitive principles and their application to interfaces and products.
  • Explain the conceptual terms for analyzing human interaction with affordance, conceptual models, and feedback.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in human-computer interaction.
  • Write clearly and concisely about human-computer interaction topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Crypt Paper

Select TWO (2) of the topics listed below.  

Write a 300 – 500-word essay on EACH. Be sure to use inline citations and include your references. Please use proper APA format.NO PLIAGIARISM


1.  Is AES encryption better than RSA?  Why or why not?  Support your answer

2. Why and when did public key encryption become popular?  Support your answer

3. Under what conditions are a Man-in-the-Middle attack effective and why? Support your answer

4. Why are Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNG) important and how are they used in cryptography?

AB3 s

Be able to discuss the history of labor unions in 300 words with 2 references 


The final paper is a summary and self-reflection on how knowledge acquired from this course can impact your future career decision/choice/development. It should be

In this paper, write about your thoughts about informatics over the entire course and address the following:

  • What is informatics? (5 points)
  • Which aspect(s) of informatics is new to you? (15 points)
  • Were you aware of any informatics-related job opportunities before taking this course? (5 points)
  • Does this course change your overview of the future job opportunities? and How? (10 points)
  • What type of jobs do you plan to pursue after graduation? Is it going to be informatics related? (10 points)

Compose the paper in an essay format and do not just give answers in the bullet list. (5 points)

Please make your analytic points specific as this is your self-reflection. Reference anything that are not your own using APA style.

Which aspect(s) of informatics is new to you?  for this question please write health informatics is new for me you can use following link for more information for health informatics

2. Use the following resources to learn about health informatics and possible career paths:

What is Health Informatics? (Links to an external site.)

Health Informatics Degree Guide (Links to an external site.)

What is a Health Informatics Specialist? (Links to an external site.)

Healthcare Informatics (Links to an external site.)

What is Nursing Informatics?

Submission instructions:

Save your paper in a Word file and name it as FinalPaper_FL where FL are your first and last name initials. The formatting of the paper should be of at least two pages long (references do not count), single line spacing, use a font size of minimum 10 points but no larger than 12 point. Set margins to 1 inch on all sides.

Data Obtained using RegRipper

Summary of your project and the most significant forensics data you were able to observe in the image you analyzed through RegRipper and FTK?

Should be 300 words without References.

APA Format Required

Python Code

Question 1 (10 points)

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.

Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

Do this using 2 methods.

  • Explicility testing if 3 or 5 is a divisor inside the comprehension.
  • Using a udf called inside the comprehension to test if 3 or 5 is a divisor.

Print the resulting sum each time.

Question 2 (10 points)

The below snippet of code will download daily closing prices for SPY, which is an ETF that tracks the price S and P 500.

Using a for loop and enumerate, create a list of 5 period moving averages. For instance, the first 5 values of the list are [321.56, 319.12, 320.34, 319.44, 321.14] and the average is 320.32. This means the first entry in our new list would be 320.32.

Make your own udf to calculate the mean and use this in the for loop.

Print last 5 items of the list and the sum of the list of 5 period moving averges.

In [89]:

import yfinance as yf
SPY = yf.download('SPY')
SPY = yf.Ticker('SPY')
spy_lst = SPY.history(start="2020-01-01", end="2020-02-01")["Close"].tolist()
[*********************100%***********************]  1 of 1 completed
[321.56, 319.12, 320.34, 319.44, 321.14]

Question 3 (10 points)

Consider the list of transactions, where each inner list item is a line item on a recipt. For instance, the first inner list ["A", "item_a"] indicates "A" bought "item_a". Iterate the list and return a dictionary where the key is the user id (A, B, C, D) and the values are a list of items the user bought.

The desired output for "A" can be seen in the sample_dct.

Do not include the first item in the list, ["User", "Item"], which can be considered a header.

Be sure your solution is scalable, meaning it should be sustainable for a list of transactions of any size.

Print the dictionary out at the end.

In [13]:

transactions = [
   ["User", "Item"],
   ["A", "item_a"],
   ["B", "item_a"],
   ["C", "item_a"],
   ["C", "item_b"],
   ["C", "item_c"],
   ["B", "item_c"],
   ["D", "item_b"],
   ["D", "item_b"]
sample_dct = {
   "A": ["item_a"]

Question 4 (10 points)

A string can be sliced just like a list, using the bracket notation. Find the 3 consecutive numbers and their index positions that have the greatest sum in the number 35240553124353235435234214323451282182551204321.

As an example, the the string "1324" has 2 three number windows, 132 and 324. The first sums to 6 and the later sums to 9. Thus the 3 numbers would be [3,2,4] and the indices would be [1,2,3].

Print out the 3 numbers, the 3 indices where they occur and their sum.

In [14]:

sample = "1324"
# results should be
numbers = [3,2,4]
max_val = 9
index_vals = [1,2,3]

In [15]:

a = "35240553124353235435234214323451282192551204321"

Quesiton 5 (15 points)

The sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers is

  • 1^2 + 2^2 + … + 10^2 = 385

The square of the sum of the first ten natural numbers is

  • (1 + 2 + … + 10) = 3025

Hence the difference between the sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers and the square of the sum is

  • 3025 – 385 = 2640.

Write a function, or collection of functions, that find the difference between the square of sums and sum of squares from 1 to n. Note, to solve the problem you have to:

  • find the sum of squares
  • the square of sums
  • the difference

This can be broken up into smaller functions, with one function making use of the smaller ones, or all be done in one function.

Add an assert statement to your function, to make sure the input is a positive int.

Test the function using n=12 and n=8 and print the results.

Question 6 (20 points)

Make a function, or group of functions, to find outlier datapoints in a list. The outlier should be based on the standard deviation, giving the user some ability to control the outlier threshold. For instance, setting 2 standard deviations or 3 from the mean should be possible. Note, to solve this problem you will have to:

  • find the mean of a list
  • find the standard deviation fo a list
  • convert the list of zscores using (x-mean)/std
  • find the indices of where the outlier datapoints are, using the zscores
  • return the outlier values and the indicies they occur at.

Test your data using the below stock price data for TSLA. Keep the same data range as is coded in below.

The standard deviation can be calculated as such (https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.std.html):

  • std = sqrt(mean(abs(x - x.mean())**2))

Print out the average, standard deviation, outliers and the index position of where the outliers occur.

Again, this can be done in one big function or a collection of smaller ones that are then used inside a final function to find the outliers.

NOTE: ASIDE FROM CHECKING WORK, THE ONLY PIECE OF IMPORTED CODE TO BE USED IS sqrt from math and the imported data from yfinance.

In [73]:

import yfinance as yf
from math import sqrt
TSLA = yf.download('TSLA')
TSLA = yf.Ticker('TSLA')
tsla_lst = TSLA.history(start="2019-01-01", end="2020-04-01")["Close"].tolist()
[*********************100%***********************]  1 of 1 completed

Question 7 (25 points)

Make a class to profile a list of data. Include methods to do the below:

  • Initialize and create an attribute data that is a list of data.
  • Converts the list to a zscore scale. Note, no data is returned here, instead is bound to the class using self and overrides the value of the data attribute.
  • Returns an n period moving average.
  • Returns an n period cumulative sum.
  • Returns the standard deviation.
  • Returns the range as a tuple.
  • Returns the mean.
  • Returns the median.

The standard deviation can be calculated as such (https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.std.html):

  • std = sqrt(mean(abs(x - x.mean())**2))

Zscore conversions can be checked using the below:

Test a few of your methods on the SPY data from yfinance above.

NOTE: ASIDE FROM CHECKING WORK, THE ONLY PIECE OF IMPORTED CODE TO BE USED IS sqrt from math and the imported data from yfinance.

1 Discussion question , 1 Case Study and 1 PPT

Discussion 8.

Student feedback is very important to us at University, please list anything that would like to see changed in this course and how it will improve the learning experience for students.

Write some thing about this course and some points regarding the question.


  • Write a 4 to 5 page paper (not including title and reference pages) write-up a scenario where you develop a plan to attack a web site on “henrynet”. Use all the techniques that you’ve learned in this course to build your plan and carry out your attack.
  • You will be playing capture the flag. The goal is to be the first team to complete the tasks given to your team to accomplish the goal of turning off or altering the website of “Grandma’s Famous Cookies for Diabetics” 

PowerPoint Presentation 


  • As a team, write a Powerpoint presentation explaining the attack your team initiated on the web site on “henrynet”. Explain all the techniques that you’ve used to build your plan and carry out your attack.
  •  The goal is to explain how your team accomplished or did not accomplish the goal of turning off or altering the website of “Grandma’s Famous Cookies for Diabetics” 

12-15 Slides 


  The differences between and advantages of MAC, DAC, and RBAC. 

  Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.  Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes. 

Question and answer


  1. Which twisted pair cable category should you use on a 1000BaseT network?
  2. What is the advantage of using single-mode cable on a 1000BaseLX network?
  3. Which cable type would you use to connect a workstation to a regular port on a hub or a switch?
  4. Which switch feature makes choosing crossover or straight-through cables easier?
  5. What happens if a host goes down in star topology?
  6. What might be the problem if none of the NIC lights are working?
  7. What is an octet?
  8. Which portion of a class C address designates the network address?
  9. What is the difference between subnetting and supernetting?
  10. How do you know if a host is using an APIPA address?