
Discussion (Chapter 1): Compare and contrast predictive analytics with prescriptive and descriptive analytics. Use examples.
Response should be 250-300 words and with references

There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post.  Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.

Operations Security

 No matter how well an organizations data is protected, eventually there will be a breach of security or a natural disaster. Well prepared organizations create an incident response team (IRT).  Chapter 12 focuses on the IRT team by discussing its various roles and responsibilities.  

  • What is the relationship between a BIA, a BCP, and a DRP? Explain
  • What are some best practices YOU recommend in regards to incident response policies?
  • When an incident occurs, there are a number of options that can be pursued.  Which specific action(s) would YOU recommend when assets of a low value are being attacked? (see page 344)

Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions:

Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions:

Chapter 7 -Homework – study questions 1-10, Exercise 1-3


Study Questions 

  1. What is the productivity paradox?
  2. Summarize Carr’s argument in “Does IT Matter.”
  3. How is the 2008 study by Brynjolfsson and McAfee different
    from previous studies? How is it the same?
  4. What does it mean for a business to have a competitive
  5. What are the primary activities and support activities of the
    value chain?
  6. What has been the overall impact of the Internet on industry
    profitability? Who has been the true winner?
  7. How does EDI work?
  8. Give an example of a semi-structured decision and explain what inputs would be necessary to provide assistance in making the decision.
  9. What does a collaborative information system do?
  10. How can IT play a role in competitive advantage, according to



  1. Analyze Carr’s position in regards to PC vs. Mac, Open Office vs. Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Powerpoint vs. Tableau.
  2. Do some independent research on Nicholas Carr (the author of “IT Doesn’t Matter”) and explain his current position on the ability of IT to provide competitive advantage.
  3. Review the WebEx website. What features of WebEx would contribute to good collaboration? Compare WebEx with other collaboration tools such as Skype or Google Hangouts?

Discussion (course: Information security risk management)

 Discuss the difference between a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), and a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP).  You might want to start with the definitions from the NIST SP 800-34, located at  Section 3.5 discusses the different types of Plan Testing, Training, and Exercises. 

KPI Competition Paper


The paper is a short paper (3 pages) and is based on your research and presentation of the topic.  For this paper you will do the following:

After watching the week 9 and 10 video lectures you are to select a topic of interest , from a case study, and synthesize content to create a single competition theme.  From your theme you are to provide KPIs that an organization can apply to competition risks. Demonstrating the application of the KPIs is imperative.  Your work must be original and your application of the KPIs supported by scholarly research.


Grading for this paper is as follows:

Theme and SupportingContent: 40%

Application of KPIs: 30%

Proper Use of APA: 15%

Writing Mechanics (good writing and proofing): 15%

The paper must be submitted in an MS-Word Doc.  Be sure to proof and ensure you have a well-done paper before submitting. 

green hoousing

 The need for green computing is becoming more obvious considering the amount of power needed to drive our computers, servers, routers, switches, and data centers. Discuss ways in which organizations can make their data centers “green”. In your discussion, find an example of an organization that has already implemented IT green computing strategies successfully. Discuss that organization (2 pages)

mad research paper


The reading this week discusses strategy and how ERM can be integrated with an organization’s overall strategy. Prepare a research paper on some of the various issues, protocols, methods, frameworks you found and discuss how – if possible – organizations can use ERM as strategy. It is perfectly acceptable if you deem ERM cannot be used as strategy, just back up your claim with scholarly research and justifications.

Your paper should meet these requirements: 

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.