Microsoft Access Discussion Easy


Let’s Pause and Reflect on your journey with the MICROSOFT ACCESS relational database management application.

Please identify at least one new feature/function discussed this week in the application and explain why you feel it may be useful to you and/or others.

You’re almost there!!! You should be able to see the ‘light at the end of tunnel’ with your journey through Microsoft Office…Are you planning for future use of these applications?
Please share how you plan to regularly and practically utilize the skills acquired in this class moving forward. How will you keep up your practice in using these applications?

ASSIGNMENT RUBRIC – Wrap Up Extra Credit: Participating in this week’s wrap up thread and satisfying all the criteria of the assignment rubric listed below is worth 0.50 points towards the overall course grade. Click on the Reply link below to make your post.


Identifies and explains a useful feature/function of the application covered in the current week


Shares substantive response to additional Wrap Up questions


Satisfies minimum word count requirement = 100 words


Total Points


bharg research paper


Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing government planning and/or entrepreneurial innovation. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing. 

You should use the UC library ( and/or Google Scholar to find these types of articles ( )

Once you find the article, you will read it and write a review of it.  This is considered a research article review.

Your paper should meet these requirements: 

  • Be approximately 3-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Research Paper

 “There should be no plagiarism. Attach a plagiarism report with 0 % similarity index

 Task 1:

 Any one of the below topics

 1. Cloud Computing 

2. Big Data Analytics

 3. Database Security 

4. Enterprise Architecture 

5. Data Warehouses

 6. Ethics in IT 

7. Web 2.0 

8. E-Commerce 

 The research paper must be at least 10 pages but no more than 12 pages.

 • The paper needs to be supported by evidence (citations from peer-reviewed sources). 

• A minimum of four (4) peer-reviewed journal citations are required. 

• No references should be more than 5 years old.  

Task 2:

  • Your PPT should reflect a summary of your Individual Research Report.
  • You should have 12-15 slides.


Penetration Testing

 Penetration testing is a simulated cyberattack against a computer or network that checks for exploitable vulnerabilities. Pen tests can involve attempting to breach application systems, APIs, servers, inputs, and code injection attacks to reveal vulnerabilities. In a well-written, highly-detailed research paper, discuss the following:

  • What is penetration testing
  • Testing Stages
  • Testing Methods
  • Testing, web applications and firewalls

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately 4-6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.
  • Be clear and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


1. One page on describing the strengths and weaknesses of RC4. 

2. One page on identifying a wireless threat and how to mitigate it. 

Disaster Recovery for Cyber Security

Individual Assignment.

Both Deliverables: Post in Discussion Board.

(1) Prepare a list of four (4) Back-up and Disaster Recovery vendors.


Provide a brief description of their services.

Create a grid of them and compare and contrast them. 

(2) Disaster Recovery – AWS Outage 

Disaster Recovery Preparedness

At 9:45 AM (PST) on February 28, 2017, Amazon reported a severe degradation with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Many companies and organizations rely on AWS for their infrastructure. As a result, the incident created a highly-deprecated experience for customers. 

Many companies engineering teams worked through this outage and restored services using an alternate site. 

Companies are continuously enhancing/improving their back-up and disaster recovery readiness. Organizations learned from this incident to mitigate the risks associated with large scale outages from their service providers.

Using Internet resources, research and answer the following questions using MS Word/PDF:  

1. When did the AWS outage start and how long did it last?

2. What was the root-cause of the outage?

3. About how many sites were effected and what are some names of the larger companies?

4. When was the last time AWS was down prior to this incident and what was the root-cause?

5. Has AWS been down since this incident? If so, when, for how long, and what was the root-cause of the outage?

6. What can AWS do to prevent an outage again?

7. Briefly describe the AWS Shared Responsibility Model

8. What can a customer of AWS do to continue uninterrupted computer operations?

9. See this link on Barracuda Security for AWS:

If you were a customer of AWS, would you consider implementing Barracuda Security for AWS? What security features and why?

10. Prepare a high-level diagram of the AWS infrastructure and pinpoint in the diagram where the root-cause of the security vulnerability occurred.

Grading – 15 Points broken down as follows:

– 5 Points – The details in Deliverable 1

– 10 Points –  The details in Deliverable 2


 Using examples in this book or online, describe a project that suffered from scope creep. Could it have been avoided? How?  

Business intelligence Discussion Questions

Question 1:

Compare and contrast predictive analytics with prescriptive and descriptive analytics. Use examples.

Question 2:

Discuss the process that generates the power of AI and discuss the differences between machine learning and deep learning.

-each question with 500 words and 2 references in apa format

Discussion board



i need this paper by 07/01 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Please identify the five approaches for controlling the risks that result from vulnerabilities and provide a unique example for each approach.

In order to receive full credit for the discussion posts, you must include at least two citations (APA) from academic resources with a 300-word minimum.

Here is a link to an

Strictly No plagiarism