4 discussion

Best Practices for IT Infrastructure Security Policies

Discuss at least four (4) best practices for IT infrastructure security policies in domains other than the User Domain. Pick one domain outside the user-domain to focus on. Address the following topics using your own words:

  • IT framework selection
  • When to modify existing policies that belong to other organizations versus creating your own policies from scratch
  • Policy flexibility
  • Cohesiveness
  • Coherency
  • Ownership

Explain your answers. 350-400 words must.

Digital Forensics


Many people think of the Internet as separate from the physical world. This is simply not the case–crime on the Internet is closely tied to crime in the physical world. There are a couple of reasons for this cautionary note. A crime on the Internet usually reflects a crime in the physical world, with human perpetrators. and victims and should be treated with the same gravity. To neglect the very real and direct link between people and the online activities that involve them limits one’s ability to investigate and understand crimes with an online component.

Students think about the impact of auction and check fraud in this modern era of digital shopping. This about how a combination of evidence from the virtual and physical worlds is used to apprehend a criminal.

MSDF-630: Case Study

Case Example inspired by a case in (Casey, 2011)

A buyer on Amazon complained to police that he sent payment to a seller but received no merchandise. The seller requested that the buyer also send a cashier’s check for shipping and additional costs. Over a period of weeks, several dozen similar reports were made to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center against the same seller. To hide his identity, the seller used a Gmail account for online communications and several mail drops to receive checks. Logs obtained from Gmail revealed that the seller was accessing the Internet through a subsidiary of AT&T. When served with a subpoena, AT&T disclosed the suspect’s Google account and associated address, credit card, and telephone numbers. Investigators also obtained information from the suspect’s bank with a subpoena to determine that the cashier’s checks from the buyers had been deposited into the suspect’s bank account. A subpoena to Amazon for customer order history and complaints and supporting evidence from each of the buyers helped corroborate direct connections between the suspect and the fraudulent activities. Employees at each mail drop recognized a photograph of the suspect obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles. A subpoena to the credit card number and a search of real estate property indicated where he conducted most of his fraud. A 3rd company revealed the suspect’s Social Security the suspect’s name turned up an alternate residence the opportunity to uncover crimes in the physical Internet.

Question 1 – Following the Cybertrail

Comment on the interconnectedness of the digital world. To what extent does cyber-criminal have anonymity in their transactions? Be detailed in your response. 

Question 2 – Following the Cybertrail

By what means of your expertise in MSDF-630 provide a critical forensic investigation approach that will play a key role in protecting consumers in this scenario from digital fraud such as this?

Writing a program in COBOL.

Write the following program using COBOL programming language:

Grade Report

This is a program designed to hit you where you live! This program will compute your current average in a class, the minimum average that you could earn from this point forward, and the maximum average that you can earn. In addition to this, it prints the relative weights of each assignment category.

This program assumes that grades are computed out a fixed pool of points. For example, the course in which you currently find yourself has 1000 points. Your total average is computed by the formula:

grade = (points_earned * 100) / points_possible

So at any given point in the semester, you could compute your current average by totaling the points you have earned and dividing by the possible points on your assignments so far.

The minimum grade is what you would earn if you stopped handing in work. That is, you would forfeit all remaining possible points in the semester (not a good idea, usually!)

The maximum grade is what you would earn if you earned all remaining possible points in the semester.

This program will take as its input the name of a file. The file is a flat-format file of the following form:

The total number of points for the entire semester on a line by itself.

Zero or more assignment records, with each field being a fixed width. The format of these records are as follows:

Assignment Name (20 characters)

Category (20 characters)

Possible Points (14 characters)

Earned Points (14 characters)

Consider the file generated by a student whom we will call “Bill”. Bill has recorded his first few as shown:


MS 1 – Join Grps    Group Project       5             5             

Four Programs       Programming         15            9             

Quiz 1              Quizzes             10            7             

FORTRAN             Programming         25            18            

Quiz 2              Quizzes             10            9             

HW 1 – Looplang     Homework            20            15            

Note that there is no separator between these fields! If they use the full width of the field, they run right up to the next one:

HW 3 – Struct & VarsHomework            20            20            

When Bill runs the program, it generates the following output:

File: Bill

Group Project        (5%)


MS 1 – Join Grps        5/5   100%


                        5/5   100%

Homework             (23%)


HW 1 – Looplang       15/20    75%


                      15/20    75%

Programming          (47%)


Four Programs          9/15    60%

FORTRAN               18/25    72%


                      27/40    67%

Quizzes              (23%)


Quiz 1                 7/10    70%

Quiz 2                 9/10    90%


                      16/20    80%

Current Grade: 74%

Minimum Total Grade: 6%

Maximum Total Grade: 97%

Here, neatness counts! Make the output line up in nice neat tables. Also note that category weights are the weight of how much the category counts toward the current average. At the end of the course, these would match the weights in the syllabus. Also, note that while Bill is earning a C, if he buckles down he can still get that A. Perhaps you could use this program to help you in your courses!

The contents of sample data files are given below:

File bill:


MS 1 – Join Grps Group Project 5 5   

Four Programs Programming 15 9   

Quiz 1 Quizzes 10 7   

FORTRAN Programming 25 18

Quiz 2 Quizzes 10 9   

HW 1 – Looplang Homework 20 15

File cs-390 assignments:


MS 1 – Join Grps Group Project 5 0   

Four Programs Programming 15 0   

Quiz 1 Quizzes 10 0   

FORTRAN Programming 25 0   

Quiz 2 Quizzes 10 0   

HW 1 – Looplang Homework 20 0   

COBOL Programming 25 0   

Quiz 3 Quizzes 10 0   

Mid Mid 200 0   

HW 2 – LL Enhanced Homework 20 0   

ALGOL 68 Programming 25 0   

MS 2 – Descr. Lang. Group Project 50 0   

HW 3 – Struct & VarsHomework 20 0   

Lua Programming 25 0   

Quiz 4 Quizzes 10 0   

HW 4 – Variable Typ.Homework 20 0   

MS 3 – Example ProgsGroup Project 45 0   

JavaScript Programming 25 0   

Quiz 5 Quizzes 10 0   

HW 5 – Smalltalk Homework 20 0   

MS 4 – Interpreter Group Project 100 0   

Ms 5 – Presentation Group Project 50 0   

Scheme Programming 25 0   

Quiz 6 Quizzes 10 0   

Prolog Programming 25 0   

Final Final test 200 0

Access Control Discussion

Describe Access Controls that you have utilized in your career or personal life.  APA formatting is expected for any references.  Initial posts due by Thursday end of day and two peer responses due by the end of the unit.  


Question is regarding IT Management & Digital Transformation In the Business. On the HW 10 just do part 1 and part 2. Just answer to the question, keep it simple, straight forward. 

Reflection paper

 Provide a reflection of at least 2 pages (min 500 words), double spaced of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 

*********   Check the attached doc for requirement.****************


After last week’s presentation, the board of directors wants to continue consideration of a new webstore for Pine Valley Furniture. The board has asked you to assist them in selecting and initiating which project to do. They are considering a webstore for one of their three target markets:

  • Corporate furniture
  • Home office furniture
  • Student furniture

The board wants you to help them determine which project to select and get started on the planning process.

Prepare a 10- to 16-slide presentation or write a 3- to 4-page executive summary to help the board choose.

Explain four methods for identifying and selecting IS projects. The four methods include key member of top management, a steering committee, user departments or functional areas, and the development group or senior IS manager. Compare the characteristics of each and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each method.

Identify valuation criteria when classifying and ranking the three projects, and then rank them. The discussion should include value chain analysis, strategic alignment, potential benefits, resource availability, project size/duration, and technical difficulty/risk.

Summarize the project initiation and planning process so the board knows the next steps. The discussion should include the six activities involved in determining the size, scope, and complexity of a project.  

Cite any references according to APA guidelines. For maximum points, include 3 academically acceptable references.

Discussion-2 MM

  Discuss how the marketing mix will vary in relationship to the offering of service and of a product. 

1. DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment. 

2. REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. (continued) Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required. Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment.


I need 6 slides PPT. See the instructions given below. No Plagiarism. Speaker notes are also there. Everything is given below.  

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 18, and Chapter 19 from your textbook; the Week 2 Weekly Lecture; Making PowerPoint Slides: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Bad Slides PowerPoint presentation; the article The Challenge of Exceptional Communication; and the web page Self Assessment: Learn About Your Personality and Strengths (Links to an external site.).

In preparation for the Final Paper as well as having real-world applicability, this week’s assignment is a PowerPoint presentation that will provide you an opportunity to create a career skills inventory and associated gap analysis. Using the article The Challenge of Exceptional Communication as a guide, the goal for this assignment is to professionally present your current skills and identifiable gaps in existing skills to promote yourself as an ideal candidate for the career of your choice. The information derived from this assignment should accurately reflect your existing skills.

In your presentation,

Describe the skills you possess that make you an ideal candidate for your chosen career.

dentify any gaps in your existing skill set that an employer may require.

Explain how you plan on honing these gaps in your existing skill set.

Explain how you would effectively and persuasively communicate this gap in a manner that would still qualify you for your career choice.

he Making PowerPoint Slides: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Bad Slides PowerPoint is a good resource to use for tips and guidelines for creating an effective PowerPoint presentation.

he Skills Inventory and Gap Analysis presentation

Must be five to six slides in length (not including title and references slides), formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Links to an external site.) resource, and include substantial speaker notes (no less than 100 words per slide).

Must include a separate title slide with the following:

Title of presentation

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.

Must use at least two scholarly or credible sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Ashford University Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty (Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the Ashford University Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)

Must include a separate references slide that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment