
Question 1

Consider the XOR problem where there are four training points: (1, 1, −),(1, 0, +),(0, 1, +),(0, 0, −). Transform the data into the following feature space:

 Φ = (1, √ 2×1, √ 2×2, √ 2x1x2, x2 1, x2 2).

Find the maximum margin linear decision boundary in the transformed space.

Question 2

Consider the following set of candidate 3-itemsets: {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 6}, {1, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}, {2, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 6}, {4, 5, 6}

Construct a hash tree for the above candidate 3-itemsets. Assume the tree uses a hash function where all odd-numbered items are hashed to the left child of a node, while the even-numbered items are hashed to the right child. A candidate k-itemset is inserted into the tree by hashing on each successive item in the candidate and then following the appropriate branch of the tree according to the hash value. Once a leaf node is reached, the candidate is inserted based on one of the following conditions:

Condition 1: If the depth of the leaf node is equal to k (the root is assumed to be at depth 0), then the candidate is inserted regardless of the number of itemsets already stored at the node.

Condition 2: If the depth of the leaf node is less than k, then the candidate can be inserted as long as the number of itemsets stored at the node is less than maxsize. Assume maxsize = 2 for this question.

Condition 3: If the depth of the leaf node is less than k and the number of itemsets stored at the node is equal to maxsize, then the leaf node is converted into an internal node. New leaf nodes are created as children of the old leaf node. Candidate itemsets previously stored in the old leaf node are distributed to the children based on their hash values. The new candidate is also hashed to its appropriate leaf node.

How many leaf nodes are there in the candidate hash tree? How many internal nodes are there?

Consider a transaction that contains the following items: {1, 2, 3, 5, 6}. Using the hash tree constructed in part (a), which leaf nodes will be checked against the transaction? What are the candidate 3-itemsets contained in the transaction?

Final Paper – Analyzing and Visualization of Data


Project Description:

Currently, the world is going through a crazy epidemic (COVID-19). I hope all is well and are being safe. There are numerous data available online about COVID-19, such as COVID new cases per state, fatalities per country. As a data scientist, you are in charge of building an interactive chart that depicts numerous angles (at least three).  



1. Data Acquisition, Examination, and Transformation.

a. Collect the dataset you are planning to use within your project.

b. Data Examination 

i. Examine the dataset to determine how you want to create an interactivity design and briefly explain your Solution.

c. If needed, perform Data Transformation

i. Perform data transformation techniques such as data cleansing, conversion, creation, and consolidation on the dataset.

ii. Record the transformation activities you performed on your dataset.

2. Data Exploration

a. Decide how you want to present the data.  

b. Decide the tool you would like to create the interactive Solution. The tool could be a developer’s tool or non-developer’s tool.

c. If you are not familiar with the tool, complete a tutorial. The reference below includes links to different types of interactive tools and tutorials.

3. Interactive Solution

a. Design and develop an interactive solution.

b. Explain the challenge you encounter.

c. Explain how to avoid such occurrence when and if you decide to go live/production.

4. Proposed Dynamic Solution

a. Explain how you would modify your solutions that allow the data to change (dynamic) with a database continually. 

4s week 4 assignment EH

In 300 Words

Cryptography is used to protect confidential data in many areas. Chose one type of cryptography attack and briefly explain how it works (examples include: ciphertext-only attack, known-plain-test attack, chosen-plaintext, chosen-ciphertext attack, timing attack, rubber hose attack, adaptive attack).

Include references, no copy-paste strictly. use your own words.  

Apply: Signature Assignment: WebStore Implementation and Maintenance Plan


Imagine this scenario: Pine Valley Furniture’s board of directors is ready to review how to implement and maintain the new WebStore system. 

Create a 6- to 8-page implementation and maintenance plan for the new WebStore in which you:

  • Recommend an installation strategy for Pine Valley Furniture’s student furniture WebStore.
  • Justify your recommendation by stating the advantages and disadvantages in comparison to 3 other installation strategies.
  • Outline the documentation that you would suggest creating to:
  • Document the system
  • Train and support users
  • Outline the system testing plan.
  • Briefly describe the activities needed for the testing plan elements.
  • Summarize Pine Valley Furniture’s WebStore’s maintenance needs, including:
  • Alternate organizational structures
  • Quality measurement
  • Processes for handling change requests
  • Configuration management

Cite references used to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

RSA And its History

1). Using the Web or other resources, write a brief paper about RSA, its history, its methodology, and where it is used.

2). Send a brief message (ten words minimum) using the Caesar Cypher.



Suppose that you are employed as a data mining consultant for an Internet search engine company. Describe how data mining can help the company by giving specific examples of how techniques, such as clustering, classification, association rule mining, and anomaly detection can be applied.



Identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages of using color to visually represent information.



Consider a group of documents that has been selected from a much larger set of diverse documents so that the selected documents are as dissimilar from one another as possible. If we consider documents that are not highly related (connected, similar) to one another as being anomalous, then all of the documents that we have selected might be classified as anomalies. Is it possible for a data set to consist only of anomalous objects or is this an abuse of the terminology?


Question 4

Consider a group of documents that has been selected from a much larger set of diverse documents so that the selected documents are as dissimilar from one another as possible. If we consider documents that are not highly related (connected, similar) to one another as being anomalous, then all of the documents that we have selected might be classified as anomalies. Is it possible for a data set to consist only of anomalous objects or is this an abuse of the terminology?

(a) Is there a difference between the two sets of points? Please explain. 

(b) If so, which set of points will typically have a smaller SSE for K=10 clusters? 

(c) What will be the behavior of DBSCAN on the uniform data set? 


Question 5

Give an example of a data set consisting of three natural clusters, for which (almost always) K-means would likely find the correct clusters, but bisecting K-means would not.


Ted Talk IT

My topic is scam and phishing in the internet. I need you to do the 10 page research report and the PowerPoint presentation. Please make sure the PowerPoint is long because i need to do a presentation for 15 minutes. Please read the files i attached carefully. 

Reflection R2



Submit a 5 page paper (APA style) creating a market strategy using Blockchain technology to increase knowledge about consumer preferences and developing branding for your company.

Reflection Two (R2) is an essay assignment. 

Unit 2: Readings and Resources

Your readings this week will help you better understand Blockchain Technology and prepare you to engage in this second Module’s discussion and assignments. Be sure to read the peer reviewed articles carefully and view the YouTube videos prior to starting your weekly discussion engagement, accomplish, and reflection. 



  • YouTube: A Primer to Bitcoin and the Blockchain
  • YouTube: MetaX – Unlocking the Blockchain for Digital Advertising
  • YouTube: How Blockchain is changing Digital Identity