Discussion week 9 forensic

Research an article from the web or scholar.google.com concerning data forensics.  Briefly summarize the article.  What are you opinions or views on the article.  Be sure to include the link to your article in the post.  Comment on two other classmates posts.


Assignment Scenario: You are the web analytics professional for a Fortune 500 company and your company has a Facebook Business Page. You just received the KPI summary for the Facebook account activity. What are these numbers telling you, is the Facebook account working for your company? Please answer the following:

Review the Facebook Management Report located in the KPI Sample-Report.pdf (page 8) to answer this assignment.

Analyze the data from the Facebook Management Report.

Explain the metrics is your company doing well or not and why?

Should your company maintain the Facebook account and should anything be changed to boost Fan Posts?

Please submit a Word Doc with your answers, in 500 words or more, and use references in support of your answers. 

IT Process Management


Continuing with your case project, research best practices using the readings from the course texts and external resources. Address the following topics in your paper:
– What are the current positive or negative impacts to business operations involving the IT management processes?
– How can Six Sigma or TQM benefit your organization?
– What change management processes are currently in place, or if there are no formal processes, what would you recommend?
– Conclude with your thoughts on how implementing IT process improvement and change management in your business would make a positive impact

Your paper must be 2-3 pages of content (not counting the cover page or references page), use the APA template, and include citations within your writing showing where your references are used. Use unique in-text headings for each question and do not just re-state the questions.

Report on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence



Research Report Guide:

The structure of the paper MUST follow the guide & instructions. Please find attached both documents.

 Include All sections

Front Matter – Title page (with Running head), blank Approval page, Abstract, blank Acknowledgement page, Table of Contents, List of Figures  (if necessary), List of Tables (if necessary)

Chapters 1 – 5

Appendices (if necessary)

References (as per APA)

APA Formatting Guidelines:

The structure of the paper MUST follow APA guidelines. Examples can be found on this website: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html

The important APA formats include the following

In text citations

References (with the hanging indents)

Page numbers

Font style and size

Tables and Figures inclusion (must add sources as per APA)

Headings and subheadings format

Complexity of organizations and Digital solutions

Complexity is increasing as new technologies are emerging every day.  This complexity impacts human experiences.  Organizations are turning to digitally enabled solutions to assist with the emergence of digitalization. 

Please review the two articles attached and define various technologies that are emerging as noted in the articles. Note how these emerging technologies are impacting organizations and what organizations can to do to reduce the burden of digitalization. 

1. The paper must be of 4 pages without title and references pages. 

2. Include references of at least 5 peer reviewed papers supporting your case study. 

3. The paper must comply APA Format and include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, a conclusion and references.

1 page essay answer


  1. (a) Describe and give examples of the 2 most significant computer security threats that are impacting the world at the present time.  (b) What steps are being taken to minimize or thwart these threats?  (c) Will the efforts proposed to protect individuals, companies and the governments from these threats still protect the rights of citizens?  (d) Do you think that the steps taken or to be taken are ethical and will not cause a backlash in society?  Please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer)

2.  (a) Describe at least 3 of the most significant ethical/social issues for individuals and at least 3 of the most significant ethical/social issues for businesses/organizations in the field of Computer Science.  (b) Which, if any, of these issues overlap both individuals and businesses/organizations?  (c) For each issue that you identified that is causing a major ethical/social problem for society, suggest a solution for this problem.  Be as concise as possible in your answer and do not address the issue of security threats in this questionPlease elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer)

3.  The field of computer science has changed during your lifetime and will continue to change in the future.  When the Computer Science department at this University was created in 1974 students were using keypunch cards to run programs on the main frame.  There was no PC, no cell phone, no phone aps, no internet, no Facebook, no Twitter, no Google, no Microsoft, etc.  The field of computer science has changed dramatically from then till now.  Over your entire life the changes could be as dramatic as it has been since the CS Department was created.  (a) How important is it to you to keep up to date with the coming changes in hardware, software and ethical issues?  (b) What specific steps will you in engage in to make sure that you are up to date as a computer professional?  Please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer)

research paper 10 pages


•Your team will select a big data analytics project that is introduced to an organization of your choice … please address the following items: 

•Provide a background of the company chosen. 

•Determine the problems or opportunities that that this project will solve. What is the value of the project? 

•Describe the impact of the problem. In other words, is the organization suffering financial losses? Are there opportunities that are not exploited? 

•Provide a clear description regarding the metrics your team will use to measure performance. Please include a discussion pertaining to the key performance indicators (KPIs). 

•Recommend a big data tool that will help you solve your problem or exploit the opportunity, such as Hadoop, Cloudera, MongoDB, or Hive. 

•Evaluate the data requirements. Here are questions to consider: What type of data is needed? Where can you find the data? How can the data be collected? How can you verify the integrity of the data? 

•Discuss the gaps that you will need to bridge. Will you need help from vendors to do this work? Is it necessary to secure the services of other subject matter experts (SMEs)? 

•What type of project management approach will you use this initiative? Agile? Waterfall? Hybrid? Please provide a justification for the selected approach. 

•Provide a summary and conclusion. 

Cyber security Research paper


The Research Report, select one of the following research areas:

i) Cyber Security and INTRANET Cloud Computing 

ii) Cyber Security and EXTRANET Cloud Computing 

iii) Cyber Security and Machine Learning

iv) Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence

v) Cyber Security and Internet of Things (IoT)

vi) Cyber Security and Robotics

vii) Cyber Security and Medical Technology

Term Paper Outline

 Submit a one page outline with your proposed term paper title, thesis statement, and an outline of the subtopics you will cover in your paper. The term paper details are listed below. ALL TOPICS MUST BE APPROVED. A FAILURE TO HAVE THE TOPIC APPROVED WILL RESULT IN A ZERO GRADE FOR THE TERM PAPER OUTLINE AND THE TERM PAPER. You can send a message with the topic for approval.

This project provides you with the opportunity to increase and demonstrate your understanding of cyberlaw theory and practice. You will need to choose a law(s) that you are interested in researching. The paper must be 4-6 pages in length detailing the below questions. Before completing the below steps, please make sure that the topic is approved.

1. Thesis: What law are you researching (You are to choose a specific law. Please do not choose a topic)? What position do you want to take in regard to your chosen law? You will need to decide if you agree or disagree with the current way the law is written. You can choose to like certain aspects of the law and not others.

2. Background: What is the existing point you want to challenge or support, and how did the law get to be that way (This is where you would need to find cases, background information, etc.)?

3. Inadequacies: What are the deficiencies in the present way of doing things, or what are the weaknesses in the argument you are attacking?

4. Adequacies: Discuss the positive aspects of the law?

5. Proposed Changes: How will we have a better situation, mode of understanding or clarity with what you are advocating? In short, how can the law be improved (or not diminished)? (This is where you have the chance to change the law with your own ideas of how it should be written).

6). Conclusion: Why should and how can your proposal be adopted?

A detailed implementation plan is NOT expected, but you should provide enough specifics for practical follow-up. In making recommendations, you are expected to draw on theories, concepts and reading.

When writing the term paper you must have a minimum of 3-5 outside sources cited and referenced in the paper.

When writing the term paper you must have a minimum of 3-5 outside sources cited and referenced in the paper following APA guidelines.