300 words

Using Bath and Body Works as a model, describe how you would develop a master schedule.  Make sure you describe the relationship between the production plan and the customer demand forecast. 
The format for developing a master schedule has several specific fields. Use this week’s assigned resources to identify the five most important rows you would find in a master schedule. Make sure you describe why it’s important to include this information in a master schedule and why the ones chosen are most important. 
Only need 5-6 paragraphs

Software development process

Describe the overall process of developing new software.  Please also note the differences between software development and methods.

1 page in APA format with atleast two references



1. The PC Build assignment has specific requirements such as using IEEE citations. For most, this will be the first and possibly only time you are required to utilize IEEE standards/formatting. I do not agree with using IEEE due to the remainder of your curriculum at almost any level at any institution utilizing APA formatting. However, no matter what I think, UMUC sets the rules and we must adhere to them, no questions asked. Some other requirements include:

o The PC Build assignment has minimum standards as part of the grading rubric that must be followed as well. You must include your name in the file name you submit in LEO.

o You must include a proper title page.

o Citations must be shown for pictures, paragraphs, and as part of your reference section at the end of the build.

o You must meet the criteria listed for each item in the build.

o You must break the assignment up and submit it as three separate assignments, and not one large one.

o You must include brand and model recommendations for each component so that you can demonstrate a mastery of the material.

o You may resubmit each PC Build draft once, and each must be submitted within 7 days of your original submission. For example, if you submit PC Build Draft 1 on 10/15, you may make changes based on my feedback and resubmit no later than 10/22; after that only your original grade will count.

o NOTE: NO late work is accepted, so you cannot submit or resubmit after the course ends, no exceptions.

2. Failure to follow the instructions above will result in assignments being returned ungraded, or failing grades.

PC Build and Manual (Parts 1-3)



You will provide a comprehensive and detailed manual documenting the step-by-step process for building a computer using the components provided in LabSim 14.1 and for the Video Card only, use information in LabSim 3.12: “Build a Computer from Scratch.” The manual will be used by entry-level technicians, so it should be clear, concise, and formatted using IEEE citation style, with screenshots of each step from LabSim 14.1 and for Video Cards only, use LabSim 3.12. Your manual should be similar to step-by-step instructions on How to Change the Oil in Your Car. Note carefully how in this example, not only is each step described individually, and in detail, but also there is a visual representation of each step. You should model your submission along the same lines. Keep in mind that your manual will be used as a guide for new technicians.

The manual should not document how to complete a LabSim section; rather, it should provide detailed instructions on how to build an actual computer for a potential customer:

“Drag the motherboard from the shelf to the motherboard plate in the system case.”

“After properly grounding yourself, pick up the motherboard and place it inside the area where the motherboard will sit in the case. Align the screw holes on the motherboard with the screw holes on the case. Use appropriate screws to mount the motherboard inside the case, making sure not to scratch the surface of the motherboard.”

To learn about the required parts which must be present in your submissions, and to learn how you will be assessed on this assignment, please take a moment to review the rubrics.

The manual will be submitted in three separate parts. Part 1 addresses Sections 1-5 of the overall manual, Part 2 addresses Sections 6-10, and Part 3 addresses Sections 11-12.

PC Build & Manual Part 1:

1. Workspace Preparation (LabSim 2.0)
2. Installing Motherboard (LabSim 3.3)
3. Installing Power Supply (LabSim 3.2)
4. Installing CPU (LabSim 3.5)
5. Installing RAM (LabSim 3.7/3.8)


Computer Requirements

· use the motherboard provided on the shelf

· appropriate power supply that support the motherboard

· fastest processor possible (available on the shelf and compatible with the motherboard)

· maximum memory possible in dual channel mode

· single hard drive

· single CD-DVD drive

· single video card


Manual Sections

In addition to including the sections listed below, your manual should

· address the environment in which the computer build will take place. For example, what are the best practices when working in a carpeted room?

· not use computer jargon. Although the manual will be used to train new technicians, it may also be used by someone with limited computer knowledge, so the manual must be easy to understand.

· include explanations on methodology. For example, why is it important to use an antistatic grounding bracelet when working with the computer? Or why is it important to install memory sticks in pairs?

The 12 sections of the overall manual are as follows:

1. Workspace Preparation (LabSim 2.0)

2. Installing Motherboard (LabSim 3.3)

3. Installing Power Supply (LabSim 3.2)

4. Installing CPU (LabSim 3.5)

5. Installing RAM (LabSim 3.7/3.8)

6. Installing Hard Drive (LabSim 5.2)

7. Installing Optical Drive (LabSim 5.3)

8. Installing Video Card (LabSim 3.12)

9. Connecting Monitors, Keyboard, and Mouse (LabSim 4.0)

10. BIOS Configuration (LabSim 3.10)

11. Installing Windows 10 (LabSim 10.3)

12. Configuring Critical Windows Features (LabSim 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0 and 13.0)

Access Control Firewall Assessment (Miss Professor only)

Access Control Firewall Assessment

In this assignment, students will perform a security assessment on a firewall.

Using the networked VMs from the Access Control Environment Installation assignment, perform a port scan of the PFSense firewall system using the Kali VM. Create a screenshot showing the results.

Using the scan results, choose five open/closed ports and determine the applicable protocol/application.

For each port, research and explain why it is good (or bad) that the default configuration is standardized.

Research and implement the basics of PFSense post-installation configuration.

  1. Update to the latest stable version.
  2. Set HTTPS to port 8443.
  3. Include the traffic graph on the dashboard.
  4. Disable port traffic for World of Warcraft.
  5. Disable port traffic for torrent applications.
  6. Disable inbound ICMP protocol.
  7. Choose a social media website and disable all domains for that website.
  8. Choose a video streaming website and enable all domains for that website.

Using the Kali VM, run another port scan. Note the differences against the original scan.

As a follow-up, research and explain the common vulnerabilities associated with the standard installation of this PFSense firewall.

Create a 700- to 1,200-word step-by-step instruction guide for the post-installation configuration. Make sure to include all required explanations and at least eight screenshots.

Java Coding Assignment- Multi-Threading

Assignment is due June 16th, will accept the 17th at the latest. Whoever accepts the assignment, I will send you example files. If you do not think you can finish the assignment, please give me what you have and I’ll finish the rest the best I can. 


To practice programming cooperating, synchronized multiple threads of execution.Description:In  this  programming  assignment  you  will  simulate  the  deposits  and withdrawals made to a fictitious bank account (I’ll let you use my real bank account ifyou promise to make only deposits! J).  In this case the deposits and withdrawals will be made by synchronized threads.  Synchronization is required for two reasons –(1) mutual exclusion (updates cannot be lost) and (2) because a withdrawal cannot occur if the amount of the withdrawal request is greater than the current balance in the  account.   This  means  that  access  to  the  account  (the shared object)  must  be synchronized.  This application requires cooperation and communication amongst the various threads (cooperatingsynchronizedthreads).  (In other words, this problem is similar to the producer/consumer problem where there is more than one producer and more  than  one  consumer  process  active  simultaneously.)   

If  a  withdrawal  thread attempts to withdraw an amount greater than the current balance in the account–then it must block itself and wait until a deposit has occurred before it can try again.  As we covered in the lecture notes, this will require that the depositorthreads signal all waiting withdrawal threads whenever a deposit is completed. 



There is much discussion regarding Data Analytics and Data Mining.  Sometimes these terms are used synonymously but there is a difference.  What is the difference between Data Analytics vs Data Mining? Please provide an example of how each is used.

Note: Should be in APA format

Decision Algorithm

Decision tree algorithm used extensively in every filed for instance Computer science (artificial intelligence and data mining), business case studies, finance and medical science. The decision tree helps to formulate the condition which can be used to draw conclusion and filter data sets easily. Use given data set and draw a decision tree using ID3 algorithm.

EH week12 Lab



i need this paper by 11/11 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

you were introduced to Wireshark and GlassWire, two free network monitor & security tools. Compare and contrast these two tools. explaining the benefits and features of each, then decide which of these two choices you would prefer to use if you were the Network Manager. Explain why you made your decision.



300 words needed

Make sure Strictly No plagiarism content should not match and even the reference should not match in plagiarism