
Answer the following questions:

1) Explain the use of a Flasher Box

2) Why would the investigator be considered with EEPROM?

3) Explain the important points in evaluating dates and times on a device?

Your response to the DQ must be a minimum of 400 words. You must provide references for your response (APA format). You will need to reply to two (2) other fellow student’s posts (See the syllabus). The

Panda challenge 2

Your responsibility is to aggregate the data to and showcase obvious trends in school performance.

Your final report should include each of the following:

District Summary

  • Create a high level snapshot (in table form) of the district’s key metrics, including:
    • Total Schools
    • Total Students
    • Total Budget
    • Average Math Score
    • Average Reading Score
    • % Passing Math (The percentage of students that passed math.)
    • % Passing Reading (The percentage of students that passed reading.)
    • % Overall Passing (The percentage of students that passed math and reading.)

School Summary

  • Create an overview table that summarizes key metrics about each school, including:
    • School Name
    • School Type
    • Total Students
    • Total School Budget
    • Per Student Budget
    • Average Math Score
    • Average Reading Score
    • % Passing Math (The percentage of students that passed math.)
    • % Passing Reading (The percentage of students that passed reading.)
    • % Overall Passing (The percentage of students that passed math and reading.)

Top Performing Schools (By % Overall Passing)

  • Create a table that highlights the top 5 performing schools based on % Overall Passing. Include:
    • School Name
    • School Type
    • Total Students
    • Total School Budget
    • Per Student Budget
    • Average Math Score
    • Average Reading Score
    • % Passing Math (The percentage of students that passed math.)
    • % Passing Reading (The percentage of students that passed reading.)
    • % Overall Passing (The percentage of students that passed math and reading.)

Bottom Performing Schools (By % Overall Passing)

  • Create a table that highlights the bottom 5 performing schools based on % Overall Passing. Include all of the same metrics as above.

Math Scores by Grade**

  • Create a table that lists the average Math Score for students of each grade level (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) at each school.

Reading Scores by Grade

  • Create a table that lists the average Reading Score for students of each grade level (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) at each school.

Scores by School Spending

  • Create a table that breaks down school performances based on average Spending Ranges (Per Student). Use 4 reasonable bins to group school spending. Include in the table each of the following:
    • Average Math Score
    • Average Reading Score
    • % Passing Math (The percentage of students that passed math.)
    • % Passing Reading (The percentage of students that passed reading.)
    • % Overall Passing (The percentage of students that passed math and reading.)

Scores by School Size

  • Repeat the above breakdown, but this time group schools based on a reasonable approximation of school size (Small, Medium, Large).

Scores by School Type

  • Repeat the above breakdown, but this time group schools based on school type (Charter vs. District).

As final considerations:

  • Use the pandas library and Jupyter Notebook.
  • You must submit a link to your Jupyter Notebook with the viewable Data Frames.
  • You must include a written description of at least two observable trends based on the data.
  • See Example Solution for a reference on the expected format(attachment1).

week8 casestudy


Analyze the differences between the four variations of the model. Select a company (can be fictious), briefly describe the company and recommend which type of model would you recommend and why. Provide rationale for your recommendation

The paper should be 3-5 pages and include a title page and a references page in APA format (title page and references do not count as page count).

Milestone 3


In the first milestone, you identified a recent security incident that took place. There were multiple incidents that were chosen such as Capital One,Target, OPM, Equifax, Home Depot, and so many more. 

In the second milestone, you will access the administrative, physical, and technical controls of the particular company then determine which one of these administrative, physical, and technical controls were not secure and led to the security incident. 

This week you will work on Milestone 3.  In milestone 3 you are building upon your first two milestones and describe the mitigation strategy, results, etc. on the organization.  For example, if you chose Equifax in milestone 1 you introduced your topic, in milestone 2 you described the controls that surrounded the organization, and now in Milestone, you will evaluate the results of the security incident. All of these milestones tie into each other as you evaluate the circumstances of the incident and the results.  

The minimum is 2 written pages and this does not include the title or reference page.  You must properly APA format your response.

Applied Usability


What to do

Identify a physical or computer layout problem – for example, have you ever noticed the mute button on some video conferencing services – they suck?  What about the doors to the coolers are Sheetz (this is a regional convenience store) 

READ the assigned chapters from Norman and Shneiderman for the week, propose a solution to the problem you have identified.

Use programming frameworks, mock-up tools, hand drawings, and/or other methods to construct a solution to the identified problem.

There are several other great tools out therefor prototyping

What to turn in

Create a presentation (with voice), or a paper, or a video (via VidGrid) detailing the following:

  • A short reflection/discussion about what inspired you from the book. Be specific and list page numbers from the book, and a short summary of the points from the readings.  Talk about how you have reflected on this portion of the readings and any other readings or experiences which may have influenced your decision.  Use specific pages, tables, figures, and graphs.
  • A summary of the identified problem with appropriate video or screen captures (required). What is the issue, what from the book or other readings clearly makes this a usability issue?  Again, talk about how the readings, eternal readings, and experiences may have influenced you to solve this specific problem.  Is there something in the physical world that inspired your example?
  • Discuss, show, and/or demonstrate your solution. I encourage you to do a side-by-side of the problem and the solution to show the change.  Give details and use usability terminology from the book and other readings to demonstrate your understanding of the importance of usability.
  • Talk about the tools you used to solve the problem.
  • Reflect this exercise, and then discuss how you have grown through this exercise.

NOTE: You must use citations whenever appropriate.  I encourage you to seek external examples and do additional reading on the topic.


Windows Server Network Proposal

Writing a networking proposal as attatched.

Windows Network Proposal – Networking

You have been hired by Fixing Windows LLC as an Information Technology consultant to develop a technology proposal. Fixing Windows LLC manufactures and distributes solar panel for the consumer market. Your job is to submit a proposal that meets their criteria.

web application security


Answer each question with a paragraph containing at least five sentences. Include the question and number your answers accordingly.

1. Why is intellectual property entitled to legal protection? 

2. Why did copyright laws become stricter and more punishing in the late 20th century?

3. What is the Fair Use doctrine?

4. Make an argument for legalizing the copying of music or software. 

5. Do I or don’t I own the books on my Kindle? If I own them, why can’t I transfer them? If I don’t own them, what is my legal right to them?

6. What was the 1984 Sony Supreme Court case about?

7. Was Napster responsible for the actions of its users?

8. Why did the court find in favor of Diamond in the Rio case? 

9. What is Digital Rights Management?



Discuss confrontation and negotiation from an organizational perspective. What are the steps in resolving conflict? Research agrees that there are five common conflict management styles include these in your response. 

Should be 250-300 words with references.

Should be in APA format.

5s week 9 assignment BS

IN 300 Words,

 Do a bit  if research into File Inclusion Vulnerability.

  • What is it?
  • Why is is dangerous?
  • What is the difference of low and remote inclusion?
  • What methods can me employed to prevent a security breach?
  • What programming languages are vulnerable to this type of attack.

Do not copy the work. 

Include references, do not copy paste strictly.

Approved Topic: Deceptive dental marketing and advertisements

Conduct a search using both internet and library database resources on the  Ethical Issue: Deceptive dental marketing and advertisements

Write a paragraph (3 – 5 sentences) to explain how you will introduce your topic in a catchy way. 

Create an original chart. Input the data into an Excel document and create a chart. Be sure to include a clear title for the chart and correctly label all data and units. Include your approved topic somewhere on the page. 

 Include at least 5 images. Although clipart is useful, there are lots of open and public domain images out there. Find 5 open or public domain images you think you would like to use in your project.  Insert these images into a Word document and include the correct citation information (where exactly did you find the images). Please note that “google search” is not a citation for an image. Suggested sites: Pixaby, Pexels, Cartoon Stock, Burst