Quality Management and control Project Draft and Final Project


Course Name: Quality Management and control

Project Topic:

https://www.manufacturingtomorrow.com/story/2020/06/faulty-takata-airbags-make-headlines-again/15476/ – Topic


1. Abstract 

a. This section should:

i. Provide an overview of the project you are going to be working on.

b. It should include the following:

i. A brief summary of the project to be done.

ii. The purpose of the project or the problem being solved.

iii. General overview of how the problem was studied.

iv. The findings and conclusions.


· The abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.

· The abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced and should not be indented.

2. Introduction 

a. This section should contain:

i. Sufficient background information about the quality tools – Pareto or histogram and control charts – you are about to employ. Therefore, do some research on the quality tools you will be using for the project. Include some information about the project, for example, information about defects.

ii. The rationale for the project.


· This section should be at least two to three pages.


3. Methods 

The method section should be written in narrative, paragraph format. It should describe the steps you intend or have taken in order to complete the project. 

a. This section should contain:

i. How you would sample and collect the data in your field and what each category of data would represent.

ii. A list of all the steps you intend to take to create the charts.


· This section should be at least two to three pages.

4. Results

The results section should contain all the charts you have created. You should label the charts. A simple description of the charts should be made under each chart.


· This section has no page limit.

· Include these Pareto charts or histogram and any of the control charts.

5. Discussion and Conclusions 

This section should discuss and conclude your results – discuss the charts, discuss any trend of the defects over the period such as five-day period chosen. It should also explain how the project turned out and whether or not there is room for improvement. 


· This section should be at least one to two pages.

· Discuss significant/vital few versus trivial/useful many.

· If you have created a histogram, describe the distribution.

· Provide ideas for fixing the defects/problems permanently. 

· Include your recommendations.

6. Draft Report 

This section should contain your draft report. Draft means you think the paper is good to go; you think it is done. The paper is draft because it has not yet been accepted or published. It also only draft because you haven’t yet submitted it for final evaluation. Before you submit this draft, you should have already completed the project and double checked spelling, grammar, punctuation, and APA style. You are strongly encouraged to have had others read the report before submitting it to the instructor. Use the grammar checker in your Word processor set to the most stringent setting. This should be submitted to Turnitin.


· The draft report should contain the following: abstract, introduction, method, results, and discussion and conclusion. Please make sure you have a title page, a table of contents, a list of figures, and a list of tables in the final submission and also put a reference section (Use a minimum of five references). The draft report should be in MS Word.

7. Final Report

This section should be your absolute final version of your project report. Please use APA style. This should be submitted to Turnitin. 


· The final report should be an improvement over the draft report.

8. PowerPoint Presentation – PLEASE DON’T WORK ON THIS (8) PowerPoint Presentation.

This section should contain at least 12 slides on the important aspects of the project. This will be presented in class and submitted on Canvas.

9. Evaluation

You should evaluate your team members by the evaluation form on Canvas and send your evaluations to the instructor as a file upload through Canvas.


· Only those who have worked in teams can evaluate each other.

· Use the evaluation forms under Project Module.

· Evaluation is confidential.

· Evaluation points (five points) are extra credit.

 Other Project Requirements

· Use APA style (sixth edition) for the report except when conflicting with the project requirements. If you don’t have APA manual, click https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

· Use a minimum of five references

· There should be a title page and a table of contents


· Submit draft report at Draft Report Submission under Project Module.

· Submit draft spreadsheet file at Spreadsheet File Submission under Project Module.

· Submit final report at Final Report Submission under Project Module. Many universities and associations believe that using more than 5-10% of other’s work in your document (even if quoted and cited correctly) is too much; that you haven’t done enough original work. PSU subscribes to Turnitin which checks how much of your work is original. This is not just used to check for plagiarism but also for originality. Turnitin will be used for the draft and final reports. Your Turnitin score should be no more than 10%.

· Submit final spreadsheet file at Spreadsheet File Submission under Project Module.

· The due date and time for the submission of spreadsheet file and Word file is posted on Canvas. For reports submitted after the due time a subtraction of 10% will be taken from the score and 5% shall be taken for each subsequent business day. It is the student’s prerogative to wait until the last minute to submit the report and gamble that he/she will be prevented from submitting the paper on time because of some unforeseen event.

Discussion 4

 How will smart contracts prevent “over-serving?” 

Minimum of 500 words. APA format.





  • YouTube: What’s wrong with Adtech and how the Blockchain could fix it
  • YouTube: How is Blockchain going to improve the digital advertising and supply chain?
  • YouTube: What are Smart Contracts on the Blockchain – Part 1
  • YouTube: What are Smart Contracts Part 3: Blockchain Limitations and Adoption  



Describe a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and compare it with the command line interface (CLI).

Enter two CLI commands on your computer and take screenshots.

Take a screen shot that shows a GUI interface. Add the screen shots to your Word document.

web application security

Question 1.

Answer the following questions from Chapter 5 in the text with a paragraph that contains at least five sentences. Include the question and number your answers accordingly.

  a. With all the stories about millions and millions of bytes of personal data           having been exposed, why is their still any faith at all in the Internet?

  b. How has the term hacking changed meaning over the years?

  c. What is the most dangerous hacker tool?

  d. From the news: How were NSA’s hacker tools  compromised? 

  e. What was the vulnerability in the Target Breach?

  f. What do you think of hactivism?

  g. How did Stuxnet work? 

  h. What was the Arpanet?

  i. Deep brain stimulation is a treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Medical  devices such as these are now becoming accessible through the web. Consider the dangers (threat surface)?

  j. What is the Red Team?

Question 2. 

Write 500 words explaining that You are the web master of a college website. You share a server with other school departments such as accounting and HR.

Based on this chapter, create at least five security-related rules for staff members who are adding web pages being added to your site. Include a justification and explanation for each rule. Rules should relate to college, staff and student, and system information security.

Write your answer using a WORD document. Do your own work and use your own words. Submit here. Note your Safe Assign score. Score must be less than 25 for full credit.

Create a VERY BASIC conference room scheduler PHP web application.

Hello, this needs to be a very basic webpage. This is project for a school assignment and doesn’t need to be flashy or extra. Think the simpler the better. As long as it works and hits all the points listed below ill be fine. 


  • Allow users to login to the site
  • Create a database to hold login info for website, reservation info, & conference room info
  • Allow users to register to the site
  • Users should be able to reserve rooms for a specified date and time range
  • Validate user input
  • Display error messages when appropriate.
  • List conference room reservations sorted in date and start time order
  • Allow two display options: 
    • All-display all conference room reservation schedules; past and future
    • Future-display conference room reservations that are scheduled in the future only

* Do not allow reservations outside of business hours or during the weekends

1-2 page in APA 6th standard- Editorial Thinking

Writing should be in APA 6th standard, no plagiarism.

This writing should be with respect to Data Analysis and Visualization. 

What role does editorial thinking play in data visualization?  Why is it important or not important in your opinion?


The control of processes and threads are of deep concern by developers of all operating systems capable of handling “real or emulated” simultaneous computer activity. Threads are typically created by processes (initially invoked by the user or another process). Discuss how an operating system manages these processes and threads, how they are instantiated and discarded, how the activity is controlled, along with the respective advantages and disadvantages of both process and thread. Do not discuss MS Windows OS. Instead you may choose from Linux, UNIX, ROS, z/OS, or VM.

create a tikz graphs based on attached pictures

create a tikz based on attached pictures.

 Make sure all the content is in one tikzpicture environment.  Do
         not create more than one tikzpicture environment.
         b. Do not use section heading (section{…}) for any text.

1.a: The black words and red words in the green box should be aligned:
         one red symbol under each word, you can use a tabular environment for
         this.  Same for the last box with black and blue text.

1.b:  The three boxes in the bottom row should still be aligned in one row.

2: The “axis labels” (search/discover/structured data/etc) should be
         where they are in the original picture.  And the labels should be in
         one node (Search (goal-oriented) in one node, Discover (opportunistic)
         in another node, etc)

Essay Outline

Assignment Instructions

Writing Outlines

(TOPIC: cyber Security)


Outlines are basically a roadmap that helps you organize your ideas on the topic you are writing about. They are a great system to help organize your paper into a cohesive paper, connecting ideas to each other in an order that works best. It helps to create a more logical flow to your paper and keep the writer on topic. Outlines are not always written in complete sentences, but they can be.

Basic Outline Format:

Introduction Paragraph:

Remember to open your paragraph with an introduction that provides your reader with a thesis statement. In this opening paragraph you want to prepare your reader for what is to come, but you want to reserve the specific content and details for the body of the paper.

First Paragraph Main Body 1:
Subtopic 1: What is this paragraph about?
Subtopic 2: What are the important details I want to discuss?
Do I have any supporting evidence for my statements discussed in this paragraph?

First Paragraph Main Body 2:
Subtopic 1

First Paragraph Main Body 3:
Subtopic 1 

Etc…Depending on the length of your paper, continue adding paragraphs in this manner. 


Remind your reader what your main point is. The conclusion restates your thesis statement, summarizes the subpoints of your essay and leaves the reader with an interesting final impression. Go above and beyond simply re-stating the key points you addressed. What do you want your reader to remember when they walk away from this paper?

Link for APA Style: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/