Prepare an investigative report of the forensics data capture conducted using the tool selected for this purpose.


Prepare an investigative report of the forensics data capture conducted using the tool selected for this purpose. The paper should provide the following information: 

  • Executive Summary of your investigation, including a description of the device or systems and the tool used for the forensics analysis
  • Step-by-step description you used to gather data for analysis
  • Report on the information that was obtainable from the device
  • Graphics evidence that you conducted the forensics data gathering and analysis

 The paper should be in a form that would be used for reporting to a court or a law enforcement agency. Be sure to provide graphics evidence of your forensics investigation effort (Screenshots, reports, etc.). References should be in APA format.


Use the web or other resources to research at least two criminal or civil cases in which  recovered files played a significant role in how the case was resolved.


  1. Organizational performance is the fifth aspect of the model, reflect on the question, do certain leadership behaviors improve and sustain performance at the individual, group, and organizational level?  Please explain your response.
  2. There were two types of innovation addressed this week (product and process innovation), please note your own personal definition of these concepts and offer an example of both.

Please be sure to answer all of the questions above in the initial post.

The Role of Privacy in the Workplace


The Role of Privacy in the Workplace

Conduct research via the internet and provide a brief yet detailed paper on Privacy in the Workplace. You may select a position as to whether you believe there should be Privacy in the Workplace, or that employees do not have the right to privacy at work. Things to take into consideration are outlined below:

 ·  What are the laws and regulations that impact privacy in the workplace?

 ·  Why would an employer want to monitor the activities of its employees?

 ·  What benefits / drawbacks are associated with monitoring employees?

 ·  What could an organization use to ensure that all employees are well aware of their rights and responsibilities with regard to privacy?

 ·  What type of monitoring systems are used in the workplace today?

For this assignment, submit a 5-6-page paper answering these questions as succinctly and completely as possible. 

Paper should conform to APA style. 

The page total does NOT include the title page or the reference page(s). 

Do not include an abstract of table of contents.

You should have a minimum of 4 references, none of which can be Wikipedia or Techopedia.

Your paper should be more of a narrative, and not just a series of bullet lists

Cloud Computing

 Search the Internet for companies that supply utility computing. Select 2 or 3 companies and compare them to Amazon. What services do these companies provide? What promises do they make about availability? 

 Grammatical and mechanical errors will be checked.  


 Elon-Musk donated $10 million to a foundation called the Future of Life Institute.  The institute published an open letter from an impressive array of AI experts who call for careful research into how humanity can reap the benefits of AI “while avoiding its pitfalls.”  Go online and find out about the institute’s initiatives.  What are its primary goals?  How can humans establish and maintain careful oversight of the work carried out by robots?  How valid are Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking’s concerns?  What other concerns should the public bear in mind as the technological revolution advances? 

Network Security

A. Answer Below questions in a sentence each:

1 What are three broad mechanisms that malware can use to propagate?

2 What are four broad categories of payloads that malware may carry?

3 What are typical phases of operation of a virus or worm?

4 What mechanisms can a virus use to conceal itself?

5 What is the difference between machine-executable and macro viruses?

6 What means can a worm use to access remote systems to propagate?

7 What is a “drive-by-download” and how does it differ from a worm?

8 What is a “logic bomb”?

9 Differentiate among the following: a backdoor, a bot, a keylogger, spyware, and a rootkit? Can they all be present in the same malware?

10 List some of the different levels in a system that a rootkit may use.

11 Describe some malware countermeasure elements.

12 List three places malware mitigation mechanisms may be located.

13 Briefly describe the four generations of antivirus software.

14 How does behavior-blocking software work?

15 What is a distributed denial-of-service system?

B. In no less than 250 words, describe a hacking tool that is used to gain access to a network.  

Explain how the tool is used, how it works and how a netwoprk administrator can prevent this tool from access the network.

Background Briefing: How will the Governor's Initiatives Improve Cybersecurity for the State's Critical Infrastructures?

Background Briefing: How will the Governor’s Initiatives Improve Cybersecurity for the State’s Critical Infrastructures? 

For the week 5 discussion, we transition from federal to state critical infrastructure.

You are working for the Chief of Staff (CoS) for a newly elected Governor. The governor asked the CoS to research and prepare a 5- to 7-paragraph background briefing (backgrounder) that addresses the below question. The CoS will use this background briefing to prepare the Governor and his appointed cybersecurity director as they answer questions from the press and general-public.

You are not answering the questions as the governor, rather you are providing the governor the information s/he needs to answer the question.

The question: As governor, how will your administration improve cybersecurity for the state’s Critical Infrastructures?

The CoS asked you to research and prepare a draft for the background briefing. Your draft must provide enough information that the CoS and the Governor understand key terms that you use in your explanations. To that end, your draft briefing must answer the following questions:

  • What is meant by “cybersecurity” for critical infrastructures?” Give examples of critical infrastructure associated with a specific state.
  • What is meant by “Threats” (i.e. individual hackers, politically motivated hacktivists, criminal enterprises, and unfriendly “nation state” actors), countermeasures, and safeguards? Explain technical terms and examples.
  • What are the three most important actions that the governor’s administration should take to help improve the security of critical infrastructures in the state? (You should identify and discuss these in greater detail than your response to the first two bullet points.)

Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.


1.  500 Words

what data quality is and why you should care about it. Should data quality get more attention than the quantity of data collected or vise versa? State your position (Agree or Disagree)