Discussion board

It has been said that the advantage that leading-edge retailers such as Target and Walmart have over their competition isn’t technology; it’s their management. 

Do you agree? Why or why not?

Include a reference to at least one online article to back up your argument. Additionally, please respond to at least one other student’s post.

the post i want to to respond to is “I think that this statement may have been very true in the past, and it may still be true for well-established companies like Walmart because they are not concerned with becoming leading-edge, as they have already been there for many years. However, I think that for many businesses, especially small and/or new businesses, technology is exceptionally important to get a leg up. For example, this summer, I worked for PayPal, and one of the internship programs I participated in was to partner with a Kiva (small) company to propose solutions to one of their business problems. Most of the Kiva companies PayPal partnered with, including the one I worked directly with, really struggled, especially now during COVID-19, with staying afloat, let alone thriving, in the shift to online shopping that is even more strong in the recent months than it was before. For companies like these, finding better ways to showcase their products, communicate with customers, and simply get their website to show up on search engine results are very important tasks to tackle in the present. Perhaps as companies grow in their success, the relative importance of management and technology may reach closer to an equal balance.

The following makes many points about tech in businesses, including marketing : https://smallbusiness.chron.com/information-technology-business-success-4019.html”

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document: Chapter 8 –discussion question #1-4 & exercise 4 Chapter 9- discussion question #1-5 & exercise 3


Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:

Chapter 8 –discussion question #1-4 & exercise 4

Chapter 9- discussion question #1-5 & exercise 3

When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.

All work must be original (not copied from any source)


Chapter 8: Discussion question 1-4

1. How does prescriptive analytics relate to descriptive and predictive analytics?

2. Explain the differences between static and dynamic models. How can one evolve into the other?

3. What is the difference between an optimistic approach and a pessimistic approach to decision making under assumed uncertainty?

4. Explain why solving problems under uncertainty sometimes involves assuming that the problem is to be solved under conditions of risk.

Exercise 4

Investigate via a Web search how models and their solutions are used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the “war against terrorism.” Also investigate how other governments or government agencies are using models in their missions.

Chapter 9: Discussion question 1-5

1. What is Big Data? Why is it important? Where does Big Data come from?

2. What do you think the future of Big Data will be? Will it lose its popularity to something else? If so, what will it be?

3. What is Big Data analytics? How does it differ from regular analytics?

4. What are the critical success factors for Big Data analytics?

5. What are the big challenges that one should be mindful of when considering implementation of Big Data analytics?

Exercise 3

At teradatauniversitynetwork.com, go to the Sports Analytics page. Find applications of Big Data in sports. Summarize your findings.

Cybersecurity Planning

1.)  Explain in your own words why you believe planning is important. Select one of the following businesses: a large bank, a government agency, or a hospital, and explain which systems you feel are mission critical. Then explain how the loss of these systems would affect the organization. 

2.)  Go online and search for information about companies that have been harmed or bankrupted by a disaster. Choose one such company and create a brief case study about it. Successful narratives will focus on the manner in which the organization was impacted, including financial losses, losses of sales, or the need for layoffs. Your assignment should be 3-4 paragraphs in length. 

Discussion 7

 How will Snovio impact marketing? 

APA format

Minimum 500 words excluding Title and references.

The Unit 7 Learning Objectives include: 

  • Understand how consumers are gaining more control over their data with Blockchain.
  • Discuss how Snovio will impact marketing.
  • Determine how value is created in a decentralized world.

By the end of Unit 7, be sure to complete the following deliverables:

  • Unit 7 Reading and Resources
  • Unit 7 Discussion Forum 
  • Unit 7 Accomplish 
  • Unit 7 Reflection 



  • YouTube: How Blockchain is changing Digital Identity
  • YouTube: ICO Review of SNOVIO Decentralized Lead Generation Platform
  • YouTube: How the Blockchain will radically transform the economy


  • Remember to reach out to me If you have any problems with the readings, links, videos, etc.

7 Discussion


Information Dissemination—How to Educate Employees

Participate in a discussion on information dissemination—how to educate employees. For this discussion, identify at least four (4) best approaches to a security awareness policy. Answer the following in your own words:

  • What would you do if you needed to develop a user training program on security awareness and security policy implementation?
  • What type(s) of training would you offer? Formal, informal, or both?

What different types of training, such as classroom, computer-based training (CBT), and so on would you use? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each.? Is one type of training better than the others? Why or why not? Explain your answers.

Lab work Data Analytics


Please solve below mentioned 2 problems and answer all the questions asked in each. Use the attached excel files to solve each question.

1. Question 54 – Use P03_54.xlsx

2. Question 58 – Use P03_58.xlsx

Note: Below attached are 2 questions and required 2 excel files to be used in solving those questions.

Writing Requirements:

– Provide the excel file with calculations performed

– Provide detailed explanation to each question in a word document with screenshot

– Full APA Format


Case Study

 Public Sector Case Study In November 2012, South Carolina state officials disclosed a massive data breach at the Department of Revenue. Few details on the breach were disclosed. But it involved exposing more than 3.6 million taxpayers’ personal information records and 650,000 business tax–related records. The breach occurred in September 2012. It’s clear that massive amounts of personal information were stolen. A former top official with the FBI estimated the cost to the state at more than $350 million, based upon past FBI experience, including the cost of offering free credit monitoring to affected individual taxpayers and businesses. 

The root cause of the breach cited in news reports was the lack of mandatory security policies across 100 state agencies, boards, commissions, and colleges and universities. 

All state agencies have some type of computer security system in place. It’s fair to assume they all have some level of security policy in place. But it is clear these policies were discretionary. That meant an approach to information security across state government that was at best inconsistent. Nor did the state appear to have a comprehensive approach to sharing best practices for information security or for coordinating response to these types of data breaches. 

In the case of the South Carolina Department of Revenue, the policies clearly were neither adequate nor consistent. Additionally, reports indicate the source of the hack was in Eastern Europe. The hacker or hackers gained access through a phishing e-mail. Phishing e-mails try to trick a user to open an e-mail and execute a link or program with malware. Security awareness is a strong control that educates users on how to protect themselves from such attacks, including how to recognize such attacks and why not to open suspect links. If a phishing e-mail was a source of the attack, it might be an indication that the security awareness program at this state agency was inadequate  

write a paper not more than 300-400 words on the following

  1. Do you think that the attack could have been prevented? If so, how? Alternatively, if you disagree that the attack couldn’t have been prevented, provide your analysis as well.
  2. What is your takeaway from the attack? And how does it prepared you to prevent future attacks in your organization?
  3. All papers must adhere to APA format. Please, don’t forget to use double spacing, and create in-text citations before making any references.


Data Science is a vastly growing field. Part of what makes this such a significant field to be in is its applicability to many other fields and nearly every industry. One of these is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Specifically, artificial neural networks (ANN) is a sub-field of AI. The topic is addressed beginning on page 249 of the text. The text notes issues with deep learning based on the vanishing gradient problem’s effect on learning. This is rather significant as it has made for ineffective learning, poor training, and test performance.

From the readings, intuitive reasoning, and experience, these (deep learning and vanishing gradient) appear to be related. Describe how these are related. While this is the case, also describe how these are different.

Need 3 pages with APA format and references as well.
This is ISBN of the text:9780133128901

PowerPoint Presentation on Healthcare Payers Industry  

Required Text: Stair, R. M., & Reynolds, G. W. (2018). Principles of information systems. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

Assignment needs to be present a business use case where Blockchain Technology can address a significant challenge within the industry (Healthcare Payers)


you have to convince the executive leadership in your company (think CEO, CTO, CIO, CFO) why the use of Blockchain Technology will solve your business problem. 

The presentation must include the following:

  • A overview of the industry Healthcare Payers
  • Key industry players in the Healthcare Payers


  • The presentation should be a MINIMUM of 4 slides.
  • You should make the presentation for an executive audience. That means, Times New Roman Font Face, Size 14-18 for text. Size 20-24 for headers. 
  • Graphics are essential. A minimum of 1-2 graphics should be included that are meaningful. Custom graphics/tables are preferred!
  • Clearly, concise well written presentations are essential. 
  • Each slides should include a minimum of one reference.