Written Summary (15-16 pages) and ppt For the Scenario

  1. Conduct a Risk Assessment (Quantitative, Qualitative, or Semi Quantitative, Frame, Scope, Asset Valuation, Tier 1 thru 3, Vulnerability, Current State and security posture (i.e. controls or lack of), Maturity CMMI 0 thru 5 0 Non-existent, 1 Intimal adhoc, 2 Planned, 3, Well Defined, 4 Quantitively Managed, 5 Optimized)
  2. Create a Risk Mitigation Plan (Reduce risk, by mitigation, transfer, avoid, or acceptance)
  3. What laws, treaties or conditions apply? (Compliance)
  4. Perform a BIA (Business Impact Analysis)
  5. Create a BCP (Business Continuity Plan)
  6. Create a DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan)
  7. Create a CIRP (Cyber Incident Response Plan)

Scenario (CIO for a major online store)

You are the CIO for a major online store.  It specializes in goods for the elderly  with things such as clothes, support items, orthopedic appliances, etc. Many medical supply chains rely upon your company to deliver goods their clients. Your company currently specializes in goods for the west coast. You have centers in Seattle, Los Angeles, and Sacramento. 


Each city has a data center which houses 10 physical servers, over 1000 virtual servers, and hosts their nearly 7,500 employees along with customers and vendors. 



* COSC 1436

* EL Centro

* Week 15

* Cell Phone Class


* This CLASS does not need to change



import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class CellPhone {

// Attributes

private final ArrayList AVAILABLE_BATTERY_TYPES = new ArrayList<>(

Arrays.asList("NiCd", "NiMH", "Lo-ion", "Li-pol"));

private ArrayList favoritePhoneNumbers = new ArrayList();

private String cellProvider = "AT&T";

private String batteryType = null;

private boolean isFlipPhone = false;

private boolean hasInternational = false;

// Methods

public ArrayList getFavoritePhoneNumbers() {

return favoritePhoneNumbers;


public void addAFavoritePhoneNumber(Long phoneNumber) {



public void deleteAFavoritePhoneNumber(int phoneNumber) {



public String getCellProvider() {

return cellProvider;


public void setCellProvider(String cellProvider) {

this.cellProvider = cellProvider;


public String getBatteryType() {

return batteryType;



* Validates battery type

* @param batteryType

* @return


public boolean setBatteryType(String batteryType) {

if (AVAILABLE_BATTERY_TYPES.contains(batteryType)) {

this.batteryType = batteryType;

return true;


return false;


public boolean isFlipPhone() {

return isFlipPhone;


public void setFlipPhone(boolean isFlipPhone) {

this.isFlipPhone = isFlipPhone;


public boolean isHasInternational() {

return hasInternational;


public void setHasInternational(boolean hasInternational) {

this.hasInternational = hasInternational;


public ArrayList getAVAILABLE_BATTERY_TYPES() {



public boolean isValidBatteryType() {

return batteryType != null;



public String toString() {

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

builder.append("CellPhone [favoritePhoneNumbers=");


builder.append(", cellProvider=");


builder.append(", batteryType=");


builder.append(", isFlipPhone=");


builder.append(", hasInternational=");


builder.append(", valid battery type=");



return builder.toString();



Create a new Java Project for this assignment.

       Copy the provided class CellPhone into your default package area.

  1. Create a new class called SmartPhone that extends CellPhone. Add the following attributes:

    1. boolean – hasGPS. 
    2. boolean – hasWIFI. 
    3. String OSVersion.   Default to “Windows 10 Mobile”;
    4. long internalMemoryStorageCapacity – Default to 16_000_000_000L;
    5. Generate the setters and getters and toString() method.
  2. Create a new class called TestPhone that includes a main() method.
  3. Inside the main() method of TestPhone, do the following: 
    1. Create an instance of CellPhone. Set all the following attributes to values of your choosing: (Call all the setters with values) 
      1. cell provider
      2. isFlipPhone
      3. hasInternational
      4. batteryType
      5. Add 2 favorite phone numbers
    2. Display the CellPhone toString results.
    3. Create an instance of SmartPhone. Set the following attributes to values of your choosing: 
      1. hasGPS
      2. hasWIFI
      3. OSVersion 
      4. cell Provider
      5. isFlipPhone
      6. hasInternational
      7. batteryType
      8. Add 1 favorite phone number
    4. Display the SmartPhone toString results.

Deliverables include the SmartPhone.java and TestPhone.java files.

There is no defined constructors in the CellPhone class so the super() method does not need to be addressed.



Paper Section 1: Reflection and Literature Review

Using Microsoft Word and Professional APA format, prepare a professional written paper supported with three sources of research that details what you have learned from chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10.  This section of the paper should be a minimum of two pages. 

Paper Section 2:  Applied Learning Exercises

In this section of the professional paper, apply what you have learned from chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 to descriptively address and answer the problems below.  Important Note:  Dot not type the actual written problems within the paper itself.

  1. Survey and compare and possibly test some text mining tools and vendors. Start with clearforest.com and megaputer.com. Also consult with dmreview.com to further identify some text mining products to explore and even test?
  2. Survey and compare and possibly test some Web mining tools and vendors. Identify some Web mining products and service providers that could potentially be useful in a work environment you may want to be part of.
  3. Investigate via a Web search how models and their solutions are used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the “war against terrorism.” Also investigate how other governments or government agencies are using models in their missions.
  4. Search online to find vendors of genetic algorithms and investigate the business applications of their products and even possibly test them where applicable. What kinds of applications are most prevalent and why?
  5. Important Note:  With limited time for a college class, perfection is not expected but effort to be exposed to various tools with attempts to learn about them is critical when considering a career in information technology associated disciplines.

Important Note:  There is no specific page requirement for this section of the paper but make sure any content provided fully addresses each problem.

Paper Section 3:  Conclusions

After addressing the problems, conclude your paper with details on how you will use this knowledge and skills to support your professional and or academic goals. This section of the paper should be around one page including a custom and original process flow or flow diagram to visually represent how you will apply this knowledge going forward.  This customized and original flow process flow or flow diagram can be created using the “Smart Art” tools in Microsoft Word.

Paper Section 4:  APA Reference Page

The three or more sources of research used to support this overall paper should be included in proper APA format in the final section of the paper.

Case Study

Do a case analysis of any one of the cases presented in Chapter 5 in the textbook (Chapple et. al.), pages 105 to 107. Make certain that your report covers all the major elements of the case. You should indicate clearly which case you have analyzed, the Private Sector, the Public Sector or the Critical Infrastructure.

Make sure to follow APA style. Please make sure your submission is 2 – 3 pages in length and meet the minimum APA formatting guidelines:

•    12-pt, Times New Roman font
•    Double-spaced
•    1” margins on all sides
•    Please provide a title page including your Name, Course Number, Date of Submission, and Assignment name.
•    Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.
•    Reference Section (A separate page is recommended.) Please cite the source using APA formatting guidelines. If you need guidance or a refresher on this, please visit: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/ (link is external) Be sure to include at least three reference sources.
•    In-text citations – If you need additional guidance, please visit: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/ (link is external)


Required Books and Resources

Title: Access Control, Authentication, And Public Key InfrastructureSubtitle: **PLEASE SEE BOOKSTORE LINK BELOW TO PURCHASE REQUIRED MATERIALS.ISBN: 978-1-284-03159-1Authors: Mike Chapple, Bill Ballad, Tricia Ballad, Erin BanksPublisher: Jones & Bartlett LearningPublication Date: 2014-08-01Edition: second

Course Required text can be found and purchased via the UC Barnes and Noble Bookstore: https://cumber.bncollege.com/shop/cumberlands/page/find-textbooks


Paper Requirements:   Review the section on the definitions of maturity stages and dimension variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc.  Define each of the maturity stages and performance dimensions.  What are the key concepts from each section?  2pages APA format with reference 

Ariticles Summary


Task 1: Article: “Real Business Value of IT” write minimum 4 paragraphs article Personal opinion summary with minimum 2 references

Task 2: Article: “Role of Information Technology in the Growth of Business” write minimum  4 paragraphs article Personal opinion summary with minimum 2 references

Discussion 7 Info Tech Strat Plan

In your initial post, answer the following questions about IT Project Management. In addition to your course textbook (chapter 11 attached), utilize the UC library for information and examples.

What is a project, and what are its main attributes? How is a project different from what most people do in their day-to-day jobs? Discuss the importance of top management commitment and the development of standards for successful project management. Provide examples to illustrate the importance of these items based on your experience on any type of project. Discuss the unique challenges that an IT project presents.

Please make your initial post substantive. A substantive post will do of the following:

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations, intext citations and references in your post.