

Using a PowerPoint template, create a professional looking presentation of a subject of your linking (about Bulling). The presentation should contain 5 – 7 slides including the cover and aa conclusion page.  The presentation should use animations, transitions, images, bullets and formatted text (make it look nice ).

Also, add an audio narration to each slide as if you were presenting to the class. You might be presenting during our class but if you don’t at least we will have your audio.

Instructions on how to add audio narration to a presentation can be found in this article; How to do a voiceover on a PowerPoint presentation and add pre-recorded audio to your slides and this GCFLearnFree lesson; PowerPoint – Inserting Audio.

EH Week2 P2


i need this paper by 09/02 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Go online and search for information that relates to ethical hacking (white hat or gray hat hacking). Choose one of these areas explain why a company might benefit from hiring someone to hack into their systems.

Your assignment should be 3-4 paragraphs in length.

Strictly No plagiarism


  Write a discussion of 250 words with APA formatted edition 7 and APA references with citation.

● Discuss the evolution of data storage. 

● Where is this technology today and comment on data storage for big data, mobile devices, and the cloud?

Information Governance discussion 7

Chapters 17/18 – From our weekly chapter reading, digital preservation can be defined as the long-term, error-free storage of digital information, with means for retrieval and interpretation, for the entire time span the information is required to be retained.  Though this assessment holds true to the authors, business organizations continue to face significant challenges in meeting their LTDP needs, especially those organizations whose primary mission is to preserve and provide access to permanent records.

Q1: Looking forward, the authors concluded that, there is going to be a great need for collaboration between both internal and external stakeholders to develop governance policies and strategies to govern and control information assets over long periods of time, among other requirements.  For this to be achievable, the chapter has identified one most important consideration that must be met.  What is that consideration?  Identify, and provide a brief narrative to support your answer.

Cyber Law – assignment 2

 Using a Microsoft Word document, please define:

1. Constitutions

2. Statutes

3. Case Law

4. Administrative Regulations

5. Stare Decisis

6. Precedent

add one reference at least. 

Question 2

Decide on an IT-related project that you like. 

Research and find a template for your project proposal.

Use  APA formatting for citations and references.

discussion with two replies

 I’m working on a Computer Science discussion question and need guidance to help me study.

300 words discussion post with citations and references in APA format

150 words each two replies

no plagiarism

need turn it in report

APA format

500 words 2 references


Data sustains an organizations business processes and enables it to deliver products and services.  Stop the flow of data and for many companies, business comes quickly to a halt.  Data drives the economy, and if the loss of data lasts long enough, the viability of an organization to survive may come into question.

1. What is the relationship between QA/QC and risk management?

2. What is the significant difference between quality assurance & quality control?

3. Why are policies needed to govern data both in transit and at rest (not being used – accessed)?

Hive Data

Review the Chapter4 material. What is some of the key User Hive data?

Can hive information that has been deleted be read by a tool? 

1) It should be a minimum of 300 Words not including references

2) APA Format and References needed