Operation Security

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Create a report detailing user access policies based on research.
  • Explain the details of user policy creation in organizations.


You work for a large, private health care organization that has server, mainframe, and RSA user access. Your organization requires identification of the types of user access policies provided to its employees.

Sean, your manager, just came into your office at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and asks you to write a report detailing these user access policies. He needs you to research a generic template and use that as a starting point from which to move forward. He wants you to complete this task over the weekend as he has just been given a boatload of tasks in the management meeting which ended a few minutes ago. He is counting on you to take some of the load off his shoulders. The report is due to senior management next week.

Assignment Requirements

Look for existing policy templates and examples from organizations of similar type. Write a report detailing these user access policies based on your research, and place them into a table with an introduction explaining the following: who, what, when, why. Be sure to add a conclusion with a rationale for your selection. Reference your research so Sean may add or refine this report before submission to senior management.

Required Resources


Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12-Point, Double-Space
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 4 pages



Complete a self-assessment to identify and list three primary core and personal values, attitudes, and communication styles, draft a 1-2 page personal statement highlighting personal values, attitudes and communication style and detail how this statement may be exhibited in the workplace.

This the results of the test I took:

ISTPIntrovert(11%)  Sensing(50%)  Thinking(1%)  Perceiving(11%)

  • You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (11%)
  • You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (50%)
  • You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%)
  • You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (11%)

My communication style:communication style is assertive, some of the characteristics:

  • Non-judgmental
  • Observes behavior rather than labeling it
  • Trusts self and others
  • Confident
  • Self-aware
  • Open, flexible, versatile
    • Effective, active listener
    • States limits, expectations
    • States observations, no labels or judgments
    • Expresses self directly, honestly, and as soon as possible about feelings and wants

Students will develop a 3 – 5 page reaction paper based on Myers-Briggs Typology Indicator (MBTI) type results portrait specifically assessing personal values, attitudes, and communication style.

Address the following in your paper:

  • What is your indicator type based on your test results?
  • Provide an overview of your results as well as their application to your current position and future career goals
    • What did you learn about your personality style?
    • Are there any behaviors that you would like to modify as a consequence of your test results?
  • Do you feel that your results were accurate? Why or Why not?
  • Provide an analysis of what your results outcome indicates about the following:
    • Your personal values
    • Your attitudes
    • Your communication style

Cloud Computing – Practical Connection – 5 hours

Practical Connection Paper

Develop a paper describing how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share how you could leverage the knowledge gained working as an IT consultant working for an organization of your choice.

Requirements:  Provide a 500-word (2 or more pages double spaced not counting the title and reference pages) paper.  The paper should include a title page, body pages, and reference page.  An abstract and introduction is not required for this assignment.  Correct use of APA guidelines for sources and citations is required. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

No Wikipedia references 

Cloud Computing Reflection


Write an essay of atleast 500 words on what you would like to learn for future study in this course.

Write in essay format, not outline or bulleted.

Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. You need to refer to 3 sources and include them in the references.



Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:

Chapter 1 –discussion question #1 & exercises 9 and 15 (limit to one page of analysis for question 15)

When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.
All work must be original (not copied from any source).


Required Books and Resources

 Business Intelligence and Analytics 

practical connection paper on cloud computing

Develop a paper describing how the knowledge, skills or theories of this course (cloud computing) have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment as an IT consultant working for an organization of your choice.

(topics eg: understanding cloud comp types, cloud services models, saas, paas, iaas.


Provide a 500-word (2 pages). 

APA format.

Windows Network Proposal – Networking


You have been hired by Fixing Windows LLC as an Information Technology consultant to develop a technology proposal. Fixing Windows LLC manufactures and distributes solar panel for the consumer market. Your job is to submit a proposal that meets their criteria.

Current Implementation/Concerns:

· The company will have 3 locations (Los Angeles, Dallas, and Houston) but are planning to grow rapidly due to high demand in solar panels. Main staff will be at Dallas and Houston offices.

· Data security is priority since patent and trademarks are at stake.

· Los Angeles sales personnel will need secure remote access to Houston office.

· The WAN connectivity is in place and it is not an issue. There is ample bandwidth in place.

· Feel free to make other assumptions but they need to be noted in the paper.

Topics to Cover:

Your document should cover the content presented in the course. The outline below contains recommended points to cover. You are free to add other related information.

Describe the technical and business reasons for each choice, citing other resources as appropriate. The Windows Server 2016 operating system should be used for all aspects of the solution.

The topics include:


· How had DHCP installation and authorization been implemented?

· DHCP scope design (e.g., lease times, number of scopes, address range)

· Will a form of DHCP fault tolerance be implemented?

· Will DHCP reservations be used for servers?

· How can IPAM be utilized?

· How will IPv6 be utilized?

· How will DNS be implemented?

· DNS Security

· How will DNS be handled for the second and third site?

· What namespace should Fixing Windows LLC implement?

· What types of zones needed?


· How will the shares be secured?

· Will quotas be used? FSRM be configured?

· Will DFS be implemented?

Remote Services and NETWORK POLICY SERVER (NPS):

· What technology will be implemented to provide secure remote access for users?

· Who should have remote access?

Discuss these other server 2016 Networking concepts:



Submission Requirements:

There are specific requirements for the assignment: The final submission should contain at least 6 pages’ worth of text written by the student (not counting title page, images, diagrams, tables, or quotations), but may be longer, not to exceed approximately 10 pages’ worth of student-supplied text. (With the required diagram, and other images, title page, etc., the final submission may end up being more than 10 pages in length.) It must be double-spaced, have 1-inch margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman or 10-point Arial/Helvetica font. A title page is required; APA format for the title page is optional.

· At least one diagram must be included (not counted towards the minimum length described above). You can have more.

· The submission must cover all of the 6 major topics outlined above. Each choice should be explained with technical and business reasoning. The solution should be reasonably detailed.

· The structure of the final submission is flexible. There is no specific format required, although it should be organized logically and represent a single, unified solution. It is likely that the format will include separate sections for each of the 6 topics required, as well as a summary.

· At least one non-textbook, non-LabSim, non-Wikipedia reference is required; preferably, this would be a “best practice” guide or similar content from Microsoft or an experienced provider of Microsoft solutions.

· Be sure to properly quote or cite any sources used. APA format is required for in-text citations and the list of works cited at the end. It is expected that you are already familiar with UMGC’s “Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.” It is available in the Academic Policies section of the Syllabus; there are also links in the Webliography. In its simplest form, if you are using text from a source, you must cite and/or quote it. If plagiarism is found, then there will be a penalty to the grade.

Twitter data breach 2020

Introduction (About company,establishments,features,any previous data breach or attacks, popularity chart,market position) 

What attack happend in 2020?