Infer Stats in Decision-Making “QUANTITATIVE” Journal Article Review


You will review both quantitative and qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as long as you choose a peer-reviewed, academic research piece.  I suggest choosing a topic that is at least in the same family as your expected dissertation topic so that you can start viewing what is out there.  There are no hard word counts or page requirements as long as you cover the basic guidelines.  You must submit original work, however,  and a paper that returns as a large percentage of copy/paste to other sources will not be accepted.  (Safe Assign will be used to track/monitor your submission for plagiarism. Submissions with a Safe Assign match of more than 25% will not be accepted.) 

Please use APA formatting and include the following information:

  • Introduction/Background:  Provide context for the research article.  What led the author(s) to write the piece? What key concepts were explored? Were there weaknesses in prior research that led the author to the current hypothesis or research question?
  • Methodology:  Describe how the data was gathered and analyzed.  What research questions or hypotheses were the researcher trying to explore? What statistical analysis was used?
  • Study Findings and Results:  What were the major findings from the study? Were there any limitations?
  • Conclusions:  Evaluate the article in terms of significance, research methods, readability and the implications of the results.  Does the piece lead into further study? Are there different methods you would have chosen based on what you read? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article in terms of statistical analysis and application? (This is where a large part of the rubric is covered.) 
  • References  

HackerView Vulnerability Assessment

 Prepare answers according to the questions given in this week’s homework document.  The assignment is that you “provide a remediation plan based on the HackerView vulnerability assessment”  I have attached a sample assignment as a guide and a pdf that need to be followed. 

research paper

  • For this assignment, review the article:
    Abomhara, M., & Koien, G.M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: Vulnerabilities, threats, intruders, and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security, 4, 65-88. Doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.414
    and evaluate it in 3 pages (800 words), using your own words, by addressing the following:

    • What did the authors investigate, and in general how did they do so?
    • Identify the hypothesis or question being tested
    • Summarize the overall article.
    • Identify the conclusions of the authors
    • Indicate whether or not you think the data support their conclusions/hypothesis
    • Consider alternative explanations for the results
    • Provide any additional comments pertaining to other approaches to testing their hypothesis (logical follow-up studies to build on, confirm or refute the conclusions)
    • The relevance or importance of the study
    • The appropriateness of the experimental design
    • When you write your evaluation, be brief and concise, this is not meant to be an essay but an objective evaluation that one can read very easily and quickly. Also, you should include a complete reference (title, authors, journal, issue, pages) you turn in your evaluation. This is good practice for your literature review, which you’ll be completing during the dissertation process.
      Your paper should meet the following requirements:
    • Be approximately three pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
    • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
    • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. 
    • Be clear and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Web Analytics Discussion: 300 Words Minimum

300 Words Minimum

Please read the article ( )

Discussion Point:

Is there a right way and a wrong way to use AdWords? What would you recommend to the business that you are working with to correctly implement this?  No one wants to go down a rabbit hole without proper financial return. How can you ensure an appropriate return? 

Discussion 7

In your text, the author speaks of several laws & regulations concerning email investigations.  Choose one of the laws and discuss the law / regulation.  What is it?  What does it cover?  How does it relate to digital forensics?  Please, comment on two other classmates posts in order to receive full credit.

Which antivirus you should choose to protect your device and data?

Antivirus Software is a Software that is used to prevent detect and remove the virus from your device and keep protected you important data from anti-malware, viruses, and malware. There are many antivirus software available in the market such as McAfee antivirus, Kaspersky antivirus software, Avast antivirus, Norton Antivirus software, and many more but most of the user’s use only Norton Antivirus Software because this is in the market since 1991. and become a trustable brand. Nowadays 80% of users are using this software because it provides one of the services and it is very easy to use. So as per Expert choice you should go for Norton antivirus to keep secure your data and device from viruses, malware, and trojan. You can download this software online from the official website OR you can buy it also from your local market store but after that, you have to visit at to install it on your device and you have to enter Norton product key also without the product key it can not be install.


 discuss security and technical drivers for having an access control policy and the key tenets of that policy.  Follow APA standard. 


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


. When asked if you “accept the terms” of downloaded software, describe how clicking “yes” indicates you have entered into a contract. Discuss whether you have ever read these terms of use before you clicked and what the terms say. Minimum 250 words. APA format