Lab 5.1

Lab 4

Complete the following in Chapter 6 Problems: #31 , #34  from textbook (Page #282, #283). 

Excel data has been attached below.

Work on the problems and clearly explain answering the questions in word document.Provide the worked on excel files

Sprint Release Management – Estimation, Sprint Backlog, Daily Scrum Meeting, and Performance Management

Overview of Scenario #4 Task Assignment:

1. Estimation Exercise – The gist of this exercise is to fit the appropriate number of stories into one or more sprints based on estimated hours.

2. Sprint Backlog Exercise – The gist of this exercise is to survey and define the sprint backlog. 

3. Daily Scrum Meeting Exercise – The gist of this exercise is in a one-half page narrative to describe a “fantasy” description of a Daily Scrum Meeting for your team, based on your readings on daily Scrum meetings. The meeting should focus on the interactions between the ScrumMaster and Delivery Team.

4. Sprint Burndown Chart Exercise – The gist of this exercise is to develop a chart graphic of your sprint burndown.

5. Release Burndown Chart Exercise – The gist of this exercise is to develop a chart graphic of your release burndown. Task Requirements

6. Team scoring table: Reuse the scoring table your team developed in Scenario #3 and reassess the team.  Only the scoring table is required and not the team building narratives. There are no additional instructions contained in the “Scenario 4 Exercise Sheet.docx” document; however, this is a required deliverable for Scenario #4.  

Software Models

4 questions

Draw a UML Class Diagram and Activity Diagram.

Draw Class Dependancy graphs and write a contract.

 Book chapter attached.

short answer


Course Conclusion”  Please respond to the following:

  • You have just completed ten (10) weeks of a human-computer interaction course. Imagine you have been asked to create a one-day training course that highlights the important elements of what you have just learned within the past ten (10) weeks.
  • Create a hierarchy of no more or no less than five (5) of the most important topics that you believe that a one-day course entitled “Human-Computer Interaction: The Essentials Presented in One Day” should address. Provide a detailed rationale for each of the five (5) topics.

week 6 MM

Which is more detrimental to a firm, pricing your product or service too high, or pricing your product or service too low? ( 350 words and in APA format)

b) 1 reply of 250 words 

discussion question- Application Security 3 questions


Nonrepudiation is the ability to have proof that a message originated from a specific party. In an email system, for example, nonrepudiation mechanisms ensure that every message can be confirmed as coming from a specific party or sender.

Answer the following question(s):

  1. Do you think nonrepudiation falls under one of the tenets of the C-I-A triad      (confidentiality, integrity, and availability)? Why or why not?
  2. Is the C-I-A      triad adequate when selecting controls for a Windows system? Why or why not?

Security experts recommend using a multilayered defense strategy. A multilayered defense puts multiple controls in place to protect computer system, networks, and other resources.

Answer the following question(s):

1. Does a multilayered defense guarantee that attacks will not be successful? Why or why not?

4s week 11 assignment IA

In 350 words

What are some of the characteristics and operations of some of the malicious software that exists today?

Include references.

No copy-paste, use your own words.


 Make a recommendation on how to improve response efforts based on what you have learned this semeste 

Cyber Law


Current laws that govern cyberspace are inadequate to handle advances in the Internet and computing technologies. In your opinion, is this an accurate statement? Support your position or answer with a few examples. 

Your submission should be:

  • 300 words
  • in-text citations and references using the APA style
  • single spaced