In 250 words Common Weakness Enumeration >

CWE-20: Improper Input Validation Score  33.47.  Write a brief overview of their scoring system 

700 word discussion:Please identify, name, and provide a personal brief narrative for each of these 11 main categories from the document attached


700 word discussion: Chapter Seven (7): According to the Comparative Analysis of Tools and Technologies for Policy-Making theory, there are 11 possible main categories of Information Communications Technology (ICT) tools and technologies that can be used for policy-making purposes.

Please identify, name, and provide a personal brief narrative for each of these 11 main categories as outlined. 

Identify and name the 11 main categories of ICT tools and technologies

provide a clear narrative for each category above.



Create a discussion thread to answer the following question:

The protections from the security software must continue when the device is taken off the network, such as when it is off-grid, or in airplane mode and similar. Still, much of the time, software writers can expect the device to be online and connected, not only to a local network but to the World Wide Web, as well. Web traffic, as we have seen, has its own peculiar set of security challenges. What are the challenges for an always connected, but highly personalized device? 

User Domain Policies


A tenet of telecommunications says the more people who acess a network, the more valuable the network becomes.  This is called Metcalfe’s Law.  Chapter nine examines different types of users on networks as it reviews an individuals need for access & how those needs can lead to risks.

1. How can the use of security policies reduce risk?

2.  How can a SAP reduce risk?  

3. Why are end-users considered the “weakest” link in regards to implementing security policies and controls?

Work Breakdown Structure


A project’s Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt chart provide structure for a project. In this week’s assignment you develop both the WBS and Gantt chart for a fictitious organization. The Manage Your Health, Inc (MYH) scenario will be used in the weekly assignments for the rest of the course.

Review the Manage Your Health Scenario and follow the directions below for completing a WBS and Gantt chart.

Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. Break down the work to Level 3 or Level 4, as appropriate. Use the Work Breakdown Structure Template and Work Breakdown Structure example in this text as guides. Upload the WBS in list form. The WBS should be based on the information that would be in a project scope of this scenario. You can review your project plan from Wk 1. 

Create a Gantt chart using the WBS you developed with Microsoft Excel or another software of your choice and approved by your instructor. Do not enter any durations or dependencies. 

Submit 2 deliverables: the WBS and Gantt Chart. 

write a research paper that contains the following

  1. Background: According to Kirk (2019), annotations, colors, and composition will have a significant role in your visualizations. You have to be careful with the delicate balance of each. This then leads to a functional harmony of presentability and usefulness as you master data visualizations. The harmony of annotations, colors, and composition you select during design will impact many aspects of the overall visualization.
    Assignment: After reviewing chapters 8-10, write a research paper that contains the following:

    • Discuss the impact of including headings and introductions in technical presentations
    • Discuss the importance of chart labeling, captions, references, and footnotes
      • Be sure to include the applicability of each
      • Also, detail the specific instances where chart labeling, captions, references, and footnotes are required
    • Discuss typography and the importance of the appearance of text
    • Discuss the balance between functional decorations and optimizing data legibility in your charts, including: 
      • Complementary colors
      • Analogous colors
      • Triadic colors
    • Discuss presentation layout, arrangement, and sizing
    • Your research paper should be at least 5 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.
      Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

UML diagram

Plot a      Package Diagram for the Online Student Registration System. Use the      Package Diagram class-based syntax.

Module 4 – Risk Assessment

Please see attached. The two needed documents for this week are the Risk Assessment documents.

It looks like this weeks homework requires accumulative work from week 1 work which you have already worked on. I will include weeks 1 homework for your reference. 

Please check for grammatical errors and do not use books or journals as references.

Week 7 Discussion – ITM capstone

Provide a real-world example or describe a hypothetical situation in which a legitimate organization used spam in an effective and nonintrusive manner to promote a product or service. 

Please add references in APA format. Answer should be in 250 words.